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Upgrading a Laravel 4 application to Laravel 5

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Wherefore? Major framework version upgrades: Thoughtbot, Rails 2->3 Large app, 2 devs, 1 month Laravel 4->5 is a few hours to a day, depending on the app. But, it’s not drag-and-drop

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Today’s Guinea Pig: SaveMyProposals

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(Check it out on Github later)

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Caveat Do the minimum viable upgrade.

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Git Caveat If you want to maintain file consistency, either don't commit along the way, or squash at the end

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Step 1 Branch your app and nuke the files

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cd Sites/savemyproposals-original-site git checkout -b laravel-5-upgrade rm -rf * rm .gitattributes rm .gitignore rm .travis.yml/etc.

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Step 2 Install Laravel 5 fresh into the new branch

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git remote add laravel git fetch laravel git merge laravel/master --squash git add . git commit -am "Bring in Laravel 5 base." composer install

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Step 3 Clone old site parallel

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git clone git:giturl.git ../savemyproposals-temp-clone So we have two folders parallel: ls .. Total 123 drwxr-xr-x 1 usr staff 748 Jan 1 2015 savemyproposals-temp-clone drwxr-xr-x 1 usr staff 748 Jan 1 2012 savemyproposals-original-site

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Step 4 Set your domain namespace (optionally)

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Running this: php artisan app:name SaveMyProposals Takes us from:

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Step 5 Migrate your Composer dependencies

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Easiest option: copy your dependencies over to the new composer.json. Then composer update.

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Step 6 Move your primary domain folder

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cp -r ../savemyproposals-temp-clone/src ./app Or, in a GUI, copy all the files from your old domain folder (e.g. /src or /app/YourProjectName) into the app folder (/app). /app Console/Commands/etc. Http/Controllers/etc. Your/Domain/Folders/etc.

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Step 7 Move your framework-specific code

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Step 7.a Move commands from app/commands to app/Console/Commands

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Step 7.b Move controllers from app/controllers to app/Http/Controllers

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Step 7.c Move database from app/database to database

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Step 7.d Move filters from app/filters.php to app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php@boot()

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Step 7.e Move language files from app/lang to resources/lang

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Step 7.f If you're still using app/models, add it to composer.json: "autoload": { "classmap": [ "database", "app/models" ] }

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Step 7.g Move routes from app/routes.php to app/Http/routes.php *Note: Adjust built-in filter calls (e.g. ['before' => 'auth']) to be middleware calls (e.g. ['middleware' => 'auth'])

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Step 7.h Move any bindings you registered in start/global.php to app/Providers/AppServiceProvider@register()

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Step 7.i Move tests from app/tests to tests

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Step 8 Migrate your configuration

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4 Shift your mentality (no environment folders) 4 Move over your keys into .env.example 4 Copy .env.example to .env and move over your values 4 Learn APP_ENV, APP_DEBUG, APP_KEY, DB_*, *_DRIVER

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Step 9 Move any loose files--, .travis.yml, etc.-- into the new branch

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Step 10 Update auth (User) model The fastest way is to use the new User model. If not, read the instructions.

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Step 11 Update your Blade echo syntax

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Change {{ and }} to {!! and !!} anywhere you need un-escaped echo OR // In AppServiceProvider@register(): \Blade::setRawTags('{{', '}}'); \Blade::setContentTags('{{{', '}}}'); \Blade::setEscapedContentTags('{{{', '}}}');

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Step 12 Configure Laravel

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Inform Laravel that your controllers have no namespace: // app/providers/RouteServiceProvider protected $namespace = null; Add the controllers and commands directories to the composer.json classmate autoload if you're not namespacing them.

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Step 13 Move public files

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Delete every file out of the new public directory except index.php, and move your old files in.

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Step 14 Update application code with API changes

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Just a few API changes: 4 SoftDeletingTrait on models is now SoftDeletes 4 No more Eloquent remember()--cache manually 4 Replace $paginator->links() with $paginator- >render() 4 Update Composer dependency pda/pheanstalk~2.1 to pda/pheanstalk~3.0

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Step 15 CSRF Routing Disable middleware in app/Http/Kernel or set form field _token to value csrf_token()

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Step 16 HTML & Forms (optionally)

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Step 17 Bringing Whoops Back (optionally)

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Step 18 Check the upgrade guide:

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Thanks! @stauffermatt