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Kotlin Multiplatform For iOS Kevin Galligan

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Community community!

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Multiplatform Ambassador (unofficial)

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What is Kotlin Multiplatform?

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kot·lin mul·ti·plat·form /ˌkätˈlin məltiˈplatfôrm,ˌkätˈlin məltīˈplatfôrm/ noun noun: kotlin multiplatform 1.optional, natively-integrated, open-source, code sharing platform, based on the popular, modern language kotlin. facilitates non-ui logic availability on many platforms.

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Optional Sharing Low risk. No Big Decisions.

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Natively Integrated smooth interop

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open source

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Code Sharing not “cross platform”

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language & tools

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Not UI well, not necessarily UI

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Shared UI == Failure!

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Shared Logic == Computers

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Many Platforms

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Kotlin JVM

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Kotlin JVM JS

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Kotlin JVM JS Native

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Kotlin JVM JS Native iOS Mac Linux Windows Android/NDK Others…

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Kotlin JVM JS Native iOS Mac Linux Windows Android/NDK Others… Webassembly

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Kotlin JVM JS Native iOS Mac Linux Windows Android/NDK Others… Webassembly Many Platforms

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Why Kotlin? High Efficiency Low Risk Modern Language/Tools Highly Engaged Community

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mobile is easy

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mobile is easy

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Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 2019 0 .6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.8.2 v0.9.3 IDE tooling! Coroutines?

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Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 2019 0 .6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.8.2 v0.9.3 IDE tooling! Coroutines? K/N 1.0, Kotlin 1.3 Gradle 4.10+

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Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 2019 0 .6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.8.2 v0.9.3 IDE tooling! Coroutines? K/N 1.0, Kotlin 1.3 Gradle 4.10+ K/N 1.1, Kotlin 1.3.20 Community Libraries Big Co Support

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Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 2019 0 .6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.8.2 v0.9.3 IDE tooling! Coroutines? K/N 1.0, Kotlin 1.3 Gradle 4.10+ K/N 1.1, Kotlin 1.3.20 Community Libraries Big Co Support MT Coroutines Improved tooling

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Q3 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 2019 0 .6 v0.7 v0.8 v0.8.2 v0.9.3 IDE tooling! Coroutines? K/N 1.0, Kotlin 1.3 Gradle 4.10+ K/N 1.1, Kotlin 1.3.20 Community Libraries Big Co Support MT Coroutines Improved tooling Reactive Library Big Prod Apps “Mainstream”

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TL;DR March start getting real end of Q1

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Common mainThread?

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expect val mainThread:Boolean

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expect val mainThread:Boolean actual val mainThread: Boolean get() = Looper.myLooper() === Looper.getMainLooper()

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expect val mainThread:Boolean actual val mainThread: Boolean get() = Looper.myLooper() === Looper.getMainLooper() actual val mainThread: Boolean get() = NSThread.isMainThread()

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expect val mainThread:Boolean actual val mainThread: Boolean get() = Looper.myLooper() === Looper.getMainLooper() actual val mainThread: Boolean get() = NSThread.isMainThread() actual val mainThread: Boolean = true

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expect fun currentTimeMillis():Long expect fun backgroundTask(backJob:()-> B, mainJob:(B) -> Unit) expect fun backgroundTask(backJob:()->Unit) expect fun networkBackgroundTask(backJob:()->Unit) expect fun initContext():NativeOpenHelperFactory expect fun goFreeze(a:T):T expect fun T.freeze2(): T expect fun simpleGet(url:String):String expect fun logException(t:Throwable) expect fun settingsFactory(): Settings.Factory expect fun createUuid():String

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expect class Date { fun toLongMillis():Long } expect class DateFormatHelper(format:String){ fun toDate(s:String):Date fun format(d:Date):String }

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actual class Date(val iosDate:NSDate) { actual fun toLongMillis():Long{ return floor(iosDate.timeIntervalSince1970).toLong() * 1000L } } actual class DateFormatHelper actual constructor(format:String){ val formatter:NSDateFormatter init { formatter = NSDateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = format } actual fun toDate(s:String):Date = Date(formatter.dateFromString(s)!!) actual fun format(d:Date):String = formatter.stringFromDate(d.iosDate) }

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fun initPlatformClient( staticFileLoader: (filePrefix: String, fileType: String) -> String?, analyticsCallback: (name: String, params: Map) -> Unit, clLogCallback: (s: String) -> Unit) {

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fun initPlatformClient( staticFileLoader: (filePrefix: String, fileType: String) -> String?, analyticsCallback: (name: String, params: Map) -> Unit, clLogCallback: (s: String) -> Unit) { AppContext.initPlatformClient ({filePrefix, fileType -> loadAsset("${filePrefix}.${fileType}")}, {name: String, params: Map -> val event = CustomEvent(name) //Loop Answers.getInstance().logCustom(event) }, { Log.w("MainApp", it) })

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let appContext = AppContext() appContext.doInitPlatformClient(staticFileLoader: loadAsset, analyticsCallback: analyticsCallback, clLogCallback: csLog) func loadAsset(filePrefix:String, fileType:String) -> String?{ do{ let bundleFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: filePrefix, ofType: fileType) return try String(contentsOfFile: bundleFile!) } catch { return nil } }

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interface SessionDetailsView : BaseView { fun updateView(isFavorite: Boolean, session: SessionModel) fun setupRatingButtons(rating: SessionRating?) fun setRatingClickable(clickable: Boolean) }

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interface SessionDetailsView : BaseView { fun updateView(isFavorite: Boolean, session: SessionModel) fun setupRatingButtons(rating: SessionRating?) fun setRatingClickable(clickable: Boolean) }

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JVM Native Common

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JVM Native Common Framework

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JVM Native Common Framework

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JVM Native Common Android Stuff Framework iOS Stuff

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OK, and?!

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Industry Level for everybody

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Platform Consolidation

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Mobile Needs An Answer everything is mobile

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#postplatform all the same shit

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Mobile Oriented Architecture (MOA)

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Personal Level for you, specifically

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No content

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“…upstart skills like Kotlin are also in high demand”

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Future Proof relevant for the next decade +

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Libraries! Libraries! Libraries!

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great time to start

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Jetbrains • Ktor • Kotlinx.Coroutines • • Kotlinx.serialization • Atomic-fu (maybe?)

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Community • Sqldelight • Knarch.db • Multiplatform Settings • Stately • OKIO2 (developing) • Timber (sort of)

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Getting Started

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Join Kotlin Slack

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Sample Apps the conference apps

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No content

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iOS Specific Instructions look for ‘’

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