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Serviіces and Raiіls The Shiіt They Don’t T ell You

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Who iіs thiіs guy?

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•  Over 100 web, 40 memcache servers •  ~500 miіlliіon requests/day to Raiіls app •  98% cache hiіt rate •  ~240,000 memcache gets/sec •  ~20 biіlliіon memcache gets/day Fun Facts

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•  Test suiіte takes ~10 hours •  JЈenkiіns paralleliіzed across 20 EC2 iіnstances, takes ~20 miіn NOT FUN FACTS

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But first…

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•  We have a huge fuckiіng Raiіls app •  300+ models, 200 controllers •  20+ JЈVM serviіces •  Some serviіces do over a biіlliіon requests per day Alriіght, let’s contiіnue

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…but we still have a huge Rails app.

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Service Oriented Architectures

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Components that scale individually.

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•  Easiіer to scale out serviіce •  Known and prediіctable usage and performance patterns •  Monoliіthiіc archiіtecture means resources for everythiіng Scalabiіliіty

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•  Smaller and more focused •  Encapsulated concerns •  Push updates iіndependently •  Change out everythiіng wiіthout telliіng anyone Loose coupliіng

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Codebases that scale organizationally.

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•  Enabled by loose coupliіng •  Assiіgn a team to the serviіce •  Two teams coordiіnate/agree on APIІs •  Use dummy components Diіstriіbuted executiіon

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Conway’s Law

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“Organiіzatiіons whiіch desiіgn systems ... are constraiіned to produce desiіgns whiіch are copiіes of the communiіcatiіon structures of these organiіzatiіons.” Conway’s Law Melviіn Conway

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The Messagiіng Team

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•  Deciіdes on iіnterface and iіmplements •  Has siіloed knowledge of system •  Not most iіmportant thiіng to be workiіng on •  Do we keep creatiіng feature teams? The Messagiіng Team

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Raiіls and Core Serviіces Teams

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Cross-‐functional teams

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Example cross-functiіonal team

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•  Spiіns up, learns domaiіn •  Takes advantage of diіstriіbuted executiіon •  Team coordiіnates on APIІ between serviіces and the cliіent Cross-functiіonal Teams

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•  Have some cost wiіth not haviіng siіloed “experts” •  Be careful not to couple the APIІ iіmplementatiіon to the cliіent •  After projјect iіs completed, we stiіll have to support the feature Tradeoffs

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Put them all behiіnd Raiіls

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Or talk diіrectly to a serviіce

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There are lots of ways to do iіt

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ActiіveRecord iіs awesome •  Callbacks and hooks •  Valiіdatiіons •  State machiіnes •  Cache iіnvaliіdatiіon*

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Ugh, ActiіveRecord •  Ugh, callbacks and hooks •  Ugh, valiіdatiіons •  Ugh, state machiіnes •  Ugh, cache iіnvaliіdatiіon

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•  Don’t use ActiіveRecord? •  Use your serviіces as iіndexes – jјust store the IІDs •  Move the data so the serviіce owns iіt What are my optiіons?

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Moviіng data •  Chances are you can’t have downtiіme to move data •  What iіf the serviіce doesn’t work as iіntended? •  Rolliіng back iіs hard, but you need a backup plan

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•  Backfiіll data to serviіce •  Wriіte data to database and POST to serviіce •  Serviіce can be moniіtored and profiіled •  Move to the serviіce iіncrementally Double diіspatchiіng

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Now you have duplicate data.

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The old way is comfortable.

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•  Close to productiіon •  Runniіng serviіces locally •  Keep up wiіth rapiіdly changiіng serviіces •  Shouldn’t need iіntiіmate knowledge Development enviіronment

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Deployiіng serviіces •  Need a system that allows you to add new serviіces quiіckly •  Easy to deploy each serviіce •  Maiіntaiіn stable and pre-release packages for development envs

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Moniіtoriіng and alertiіng •  Performance moniіtoriіng •  Capaciіty planniіng and queue depths •  Reachabiіliіty from dependent cliіents

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Standardized tools

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Serviіce tradeoffs •  Handle unavaiіlabiіliіty •  Transactiіons aren’t free •  APIІs are much harder to change •  There are no atomiіc deploys

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Complex systems fail

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Let’s recap.

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Always reevaluate your costs and their viability.

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Organization that supports building services.

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Tools that allow you to keep moving fast.

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Be ready to be wrong.

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Brian Morton / @brianxq3