Omer Hamerman
Devops IL
[email protected]
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Based in Tel Aviv (Israel) & London (UK)
Established 2013
More than 100 projects to date
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Some of Our Clients
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But I would like to talk about how
can you elevate yourself to
prevent common mistakes that
can lead to a complete disaster
I’m not going to talk about
success rates
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Entrepreneurs in every stage.
From raw idea to well funded
teams. Keep this in mind of apply
But please, don’t neglect
This message is
for all of you
You DO need to scale
And faster than you may realize…
Prepare yourself for the future!
● Scalable infrastructure
● Resiliency
● Self healing
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Invest a week. 100%. No bullshit!
Put it in Operations (DevOps / SRE / Ops...)
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Start a continuous delivery pipeline.
It’s easy!
Not everyone need monsters like Jenkins.
They are out there: Travis / Circle / Drone
Want if for free?
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● TDD yourself
● Integrate into the pipeline
● Measure coverage