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Why I organise Rails Girls Elisha Tan @elishatan

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Nah not really, it’s like 2010 in Singapore.

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Check out my mad tech skills yo

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Online marketplace for in-person classes

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Writing codes is amazing

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People aren’t rude

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Why is it a problem? And why should you care?

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Not a biology problem

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Ada Lovelace - world’s first computer programmer

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Margaret Hamilton - prevented an abort of the Apollo 11 moon landing - coined the term “Software Engineering” Grace Hooper - invented the first compiler - coined the term “debugging”

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But a marketing problem

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Why should you care?

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Talent Crunch

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Contribution Crunch

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No data, lol.

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Fermi estimation • 1% of all programmers contribute to open source (Total gems: 95271) • Programmers are mostly men • Half the population are men If more women pick up programming, we’ll have twice as much contribution?!

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How can you help?

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for women != anti-men

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status quo don’t help

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• Help out at Rails Girls as coaches • Organise more events • Tell a friend about Rails Girls (next one this Sat!) • No subtle sexism • Don’t be an asshole

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Goal for RG Singapore

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Let’s make Ruby a better place @elishatan