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The story behind 
 our open source efforts

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About me Freek Van der Herten Partner & developer at SPATIE @freekmurze

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Since 2003 Websites, applications and webshops Team 9 awesome human beings Specialization Laravel / Vue development

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Open Source 

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We use a lot of it Nginx, Laravel, Ubuntu, Vue, Yarn, Redis, Beanstalkd, MySQL, Composer, Glide, Homestead, Flysystem, Fractal, Carbon, PHPUnit, NPM, React, jQuery, Java, SSH, Sequel Pro, BackupPC …

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We create a lot of it ± 200 packages on Packagist ± 20 000 000 downloads total, ±1 800 000 downloads a month Most popular ones: laravel-backup, laravel-medialibrary, 
 laravel-permission Newest ones: laravel-view-models, laravel-blade-x Postcardware

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The setting Zend Framework 1 PHP world was pretty stale around 2012 Laravel 4: developer happiness, clear syntax Laracasts: miniseries on package development + Travis

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The first package Browsershot: take screenshots of website programmatorically PhantomJS Working in the open People started blogging about it

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Beyond the first package Blender: conversion from Zend Framework to Laravel A lot of functionalities that could be helpful to other developers New packages: laravel-newsletter, laravel-medialib, laravel- analytics Opensourcing Blender itself Very positive feedback from the community

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Creating a habit Every package gets born inside a client project Almost every client project results in a package:
 laravel-sitemap, opening-hours, … Teamwork Creating Blade X was a fun experience

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 on many levels

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Making time Time consuming Coding, writing tests, writing docs, getting the word out Maintenance, responding to issues, reviewing PRs 6000 issues, 5000 PRs

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Planning Only plan 4 days a week for client work Extra day for support, learning and opensource efforts Free time

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Benefits of creating packages A lot of learning by coding up the package and writing tests Feedback from the community Free code! Dogfooding Getting our name out there

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Getting exposure Speaking at conferences Company name becomes a seal of quality More interesting projects International clients Hiring very talented people

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Starting side projects Immediate audience Making friends Starting a conference (

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Beware of burn out Easy to work too much on open source in free time Felt some of early staging Starting doing less

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Future plans

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No fixed roadmap Depends on the client projects Nova tools Saas projects

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In closing

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Working on packages has a lot of benefits It’s fun Social aspect Can be recommended to everyone

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Thank you!