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Managing burnout Lindsay Holmwood

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“I am so angry”

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“Why is everything so hard all the time?”

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“This is not what I signed up for”

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“I can’t do this any more”

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The stats behind burnout

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Stressful jobs are as bad for women’s health as smoking and obesity Journal of Behavioral Science & Policy

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What is burnout?

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Often treated as the individual’s problem

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“Crash and burn”

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People can have traits that predispose them to burnout

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Burnout is an organisational problem

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If it happens to one it can happen to others

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Mismatch between organisation and individual

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How does burnout manifest?

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Lost energy Stressed Overwhelmed Exhausted

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Lost enthusiasm Passion replaced by cynicism Everything is a burden

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Lost confidence “Is the problem me?”

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How do we deal with it?

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Grin and bear it

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Change ourselves

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Change the job

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Change the relationship between ourselves and the job

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Models for understanding burnout

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Christina Maslach

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Maslach Burnout Inventory

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Relationship With Work survey

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6 strategic areas

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Workload Too much Too complex Too urgent Too awful

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Control Authority Influence Autonomy

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Reward Recognition Compensation

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Community Relationships with people Relationships with occupation

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Fairness Justice in the workplace Secrets Transparency

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Values What we believe in the organisation What the org believes of us

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Steps for managing burnout

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1. Define the problem

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2. Set objectives

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3. Take action

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4. Track progress

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1. My relationship with work survey

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2 + 3. Read this book

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4. Do the survey every month

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Things to remember

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Relationships are complicated

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Change takes patience

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Change takes optimism

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Sometimes it’s not going to work out And that’s OK

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Thank you! Further reading: Banishing Burnout, Maslach et. al. My relationship with work survey: