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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS Workshop Shay Howe @shayhowe Darby Frey @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Shay Howe @shayhowe Darby Frey @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey 1 Groundwork 2 HTML & CSS 3 JavaScript 4 Onward

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey 1 Groundwork

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Common Problems • Websites have difficulty scaling • Code bases become brittle • Files and code bases begin to swell

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey What’s Wrong • Best practices aren’t exactly best practices • Standards need to evolve

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Best Bad Practices • Avoid extra elements • Avoid classes • Leverage type selectors • Leverage descendent selectors

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Best Bad Practices Avoiding classes article#main  aside  ul  li  {...} section:last-­‐child  div:nth-­‐child(7)  a  {...} Leveraging selectors a.btn  {...} #main  a.btn  {...} #main  div.feature  a.btn  {...}

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Best Bad Practices Bad #contact  li:nth-­‐child(1)  input, #contact  li:nth-­‐child(2)  input  {    width:  50%; } #contact  li:nth-­‐child(3)  textarea  {    width:  75%; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Best Bad Practices Good .col-­‐1  {    width:  50%; } .col-­‐2  {    width:  75%; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Maintainability

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Code Must Be… • Organized • Modular • Performant

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Methodologies OOCSS • Object-Oriented CSS From Nicole Sullivan – SMACSS • Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS From Jonathan Snook –

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Reuse Code • Do not duplicate code • Remove old code • Defer loading subsequent styles

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Reuse Code Bad .news  {    background:  #ccc;    color:  #666; } .social  {    background:  #ccc;    color:  #666; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Reuse Code Good .news, .social  {    background:  #ccc;    color:  #666; } Better .feat-­‐box  {    background:  #ccc;    color:  #666; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Use Classes • Write understandable class names • Avoid unnecessary nesting • Use same strength specificity

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Use Classes Bad .feat-­‐box  .callout  .pr  {    font-­‐size:  12px; } .feat-­‐box  .callout  .pr  .un  {    color:  #39f; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Use Classes Good .feat-­‐box  .price  {    font-­‐size:  12px; } .feat-­‐box  .unit  {    color:  #39f; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Specificity? • Determines which styles are applied • Each selector has a specificity weight • High specificity beats low specificity • Low specificity is key

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Measuring Specificity Formula IDs, Classes/Pseudo-classes/Attributes, Elements High Specificity (Bad) #primary  #main  {...} IDs: 2, Classes: 2, Elements: 2 — Compiled: 2–2–2 Low Specificity (Good) .gallery-­‐media  {...} IDs: 0, Classes: 1, Elements: 0 — Compiled: 0-1-0

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Watch Specificity • Be explicit • Keep specificity low • Never use IDs or !important • Avoid nested selectors header#main  div.spotlight  strong  span

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Watch Specificity Bad #primary  #main  {    text-­‐transform:  uppercase; } #primary  #main  {    background:  #ccc; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Watch Specificity Good .gallery  {    text-­‐transform:  uppercase; } .gallery-­‐media  {    background:  #ccc; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey 2 HTML & CSS

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Abstract Structure • Separate presentation (or theme) from layout • Create an object layer for layout • Create a skin layer for theme • Use a grid

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Abstract Structure Bad .news  {    background:  #ccc;    color:  #666;    margin:  0  10px;    width:  400px; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Abstract Structure Good .grid-­‐4  {    margin:  0  10px;    width:  400px; } .feat-­‐box  {    background:  #ccc;    color:  #666; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Transparentize Elements • Stylize elements to be transparent • Keep visual properties apart from layout properties

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Transparentize Elements Bad .pagination  {    border-­‐radius:  5px;    border:  1px  solid  #eee;    margin:  0  10px;    width:  620px; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Transparentize Elements Good .grid-­‐8  {    margin:  0  10px;    width:  620px; } .offset-­‐box  {    border-­‐radius:  5px;    border:  1px  solid  #eee; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Create Adaptable Layouts • Height and width should be flexible • Height should extend with content • Width should extend with a grid

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Create Adaptable Layouts Bad #main  {    float:  left;    margin:  0  10px;    width:  620px; } #aside  {    float:  left;    margin:  0  10px;    width:  300px; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Create Adaptable Layouts Good .grid-­‐4, .grid-­‐8  {    float:  left;    margin:  0  10px; } .grid-­‐4  {    width:  300px; } .grid-­‐8  {    width:  620px; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Separate Content • Separate content from container • Stylize content regardless of container

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Separate Content Bad .alert  {    background:  #f2dede;    border-­‐radius:  10px;    color:  #b94a48;    padding:  10px  20px; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Separate Content Good .alert  {    border-­‐radius:  10px;    padding:  10px  20px; } .alert-­‐error  {    background:  #f2dede;    color:  #b94a48; }

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Avoid Parent Dependency • Remove parent container dependency • Decouple CSS from HTML • Create components to be used anywhere

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Avoid Parent Dependency Bad .feat-­‐box  {    background:  #ccc; } article  .feat-­‐box  {    background:  #fff; }    

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Avoid Parent Dependency Good .feat-­‐box  {    background:  #ccc; } .feat-­‐box-­‐alt  {    background:  #fff; }    

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Favor Semantics • Allow elements to adapt • Uses individual classes to extend modules

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Favor Semantics Bad .feat-­‐box  h2  {    color:  #f60;    font:  18px  Helvetica,  sans-­‐serif; }


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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Favor Semantics Good .feat-­‐subhead  {    color:  #f60;    font:  18px  Helvetica,  sans-­‐serif; }


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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey In Practice HTML & CSS http:/ /

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey 3 JavaScript

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey JavaScript fs.readdir(source,  function(err,  files)  {    if  (err)  {        console.log('Error  finding  files:  '  +  err)    }  else  {        files.forEach(function(filename,  fileIndex)  {            console.log(filename)            gm(source  +  filename).size(function(err,  values)  {                if  (err)  {                    console.log('Error  identifying  file  size:  '  +  err)                }  else  {                    console.log(filename  +  '  :  '  +  values)                    aspect  =  (values.width  /  values.height)                    widths.forEach(function(width,  widthIndex)  {                        height  =  Math.round(width  /  aspect)                        console.log('resizing  '  +  filename  +  'to  '  +  height  +  'x'  +  height)                        this.resize(width,  height).write(destination  +  'w'  +  width  +  '_'  +  filename,                        function(err)  {                            if  (err)  console.log('Error  writing  file:  '  +  err)                        })                    }.bind(this))                }            })        })    } })

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey JavaScript image  =  new  Image('filename.jpg'); image.resize(400,  300);

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Abstract and Encapsulate functionality with Objects

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey JavaScript Primer

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Functions

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Functions function  multiply(one,  two){    return  one  *  two; }; function(one,  two){    return  one  *  two; };

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Functions Assigned to Variables var  multiply  =  function(one,  two){    return  one  *  two; }; multiply(3,4);  =>  12

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Functions Elements in an Array var  multiply  =  function(one,  two){    return  one  *  two; }; var  array  =  [1,  2,  3,  multiply]; array[3](3,4);  =>  12

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Functions Pass as Arguments to Functions (Callback Pattern) var  multiply  =  function(one,  two){    return  one  *  two; }; var  sumSquare  =  function(one,  two,  callback){    sum  =  one  +  two;    return  callback(sum,  sum); }; sumSquare(1,  2,  multiply);  =>  9

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Functions Properties of an Object var  person  =  {    name:  'Darby  Frey',    location:  'Chicago',    nameAndLoc:  function(name,  location){        return  name  +  '  -­‐  '  +  location;    } }; person.nameAndLoc(,person.location);   =>  'Darby  Frey  -­‐  Chicago'

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Objects

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Objects are Containers for Properties and Functions

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Objects Simple Object var  person  =  {    name:  'Darby  Frey',    location:  'Chicago',    twitter:  '@darbyfrey' };;  =>  'Darby  Frey' person.location;  =>  'Chicago' person.twitter;  =>  '@darbyfrey'

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Objects Functions as Properties var  person  =  {    name:  'Darby  Frey',    location:  'Chicago',    twitter:  '@darbyfrey',    nameAndLoc:  function(){        return  +  '  -­‐  '  +  this.location;    } }; person.nameAndLoc();  =>'Darby  Frey  -­‐  Chicago'

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Constructor Functions

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Constructor Functions When a function is called with the new keyword it’s a constructor function Constructor Functions • Create a new instance of the object • Create their own context accessible by the this keyword

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Constructor Functions var  Person  =  function(){} me  =  new  Person(); typeof  me;  =>  object me;  =>  Person  {};  =>  undefined  =  'Darby  Frey'; me;  =>  Person  {name:  'Darby  Frey'}

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Constructor Functions this is the Context var  Person  =  function(name,  location){} me  =  new  Person('Darby  Frey',  'Chicago'); me;  =>  Person  {}

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Constructor Functions this is the Context var  Person  =  function(name,  location){  =  name;    this.location  =  location; }; me  =  new  Person('Darby  Frey',  'Chicago'); me;  =>  Person  {name:  "Darby  Frey",  location:   "Chicago"};;  =>  'Darby  Frey'

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Prototype

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Prototype • A Prototype is a blueprint of Attributes and Functions given to an Instance of an Object created by a Constructor Function • Attributes and Functions defined in a Prototype will be available to every Instance of that Object

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Prototype var  Person  =  function(name,  location){  =  name;    this.location  =  location; }; Person.prototype  =  {    coolGuy:  true,    chicagoan:  function(){        return  this.location  ==  'Chicago'    } };

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Prototype darby  =  new  Person('Darby  Frey',  'Chicago'); darby.coolGuy;  =>  true darby.chicagoan();  =>  true shay  =  new  Person('Shay  Howe',  'Ohio'); shay.coolGuy;  =>  true shay.chicagoan();  =>  false

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey In Practice JavaScript http:/ /

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey 4 Onward

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Approach • Stop thinking about pages • Start thinking about components • Take visual inventory

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Themes • Decouple HTML and CSS • Separate presentation from layout • Separate content from container • Extend elements with classes • Abstract functionality with objects • Leverage JavaScript templates

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Outcomes • Maintainability! • Reusable code, less duplication • Flexibility and extensibility • Improved standards

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey What’s next Build a style guide • Twitter Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation Review methodologies • OOCSS, SMACSS Test your code • CSS Lint, JS Lint, Inspector, PageSpeed, Console

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Modular HTML, CSS, & JS @shayhowe & @darbyfrey Thank You! @shayhowe @darbyfrey