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RuboCop for Code Review Code Review Meetup #1 Jan. 19, 2018

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User.find(name: "pocke").inspect ● Masataka Kuwabara ● Engineer at Actcat, Inc. / SideCI ○ Rubyist, Gopher and Vimmer. ● RuboCop's core developer. ○ Today, I'll talk about RuboCop.

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Goal ● Improve code review with RuboCop. ● RuboCop is not a “Silver Bullet”. ○ When RuboCop reviews your code, you should review RuboCop's warnings.

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Note ● I’ll talk about Ruby today, but we can apply the practices to projects that is written in other languages.

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Agenda ● What's RuboCop? ● The internal of RuboCop ● RuboCop for Code Review

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Questions ● Are you Rubyist? ● Do you know RuboCop?

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What's RuboCop?

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What's RuboCop? ● A static analyzer for Ruby. ● It has 3 type checks. ○ Style ○ Lint ○ Metrics

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Style Check coding style

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Style: check coding style ● White spaces ○ Indentation width ○ White spaces around brackets ● Syntax vs Method call ○ alias vs alias_method ○ for vs each

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Style checks based on one of the style guides. ● style-gudie ○ If your coding style has differences, you can configure RuboCop.

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Style: example # Use `def foo(arr)` def foo arr for x in arr # Use each bar # Bad indentation end end

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Lint Check bugs

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Lint: check bugs ● Unreachable code ● Debug code ● Unused variables ● etc...

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Lint: example def foo binding.irb # debug code return true # It’s never executed. puts 'hi' end

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Metrics Check complexity

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Metrics: check complexity ● ABC size ○ Assignment, Branches, Conditional ● Line length ● Class length ● etc...

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The internal of RuboCop

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How does RuboCop check code? ● RuboCop analyzes each file individually. ● RuboCop does not execute code. See “Writing Lint for Ruby” in RubyKaigi 2017.

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Analyzing each file individually

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Analyzing each file individually ● RuboCop does not check relations between files. ○ e.g. db/schema.rb and models. ● For simplicity and performance. ○ RuboCop can analyze parallelly.

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Do not execute code

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Do not execute code ● RuboCop doesn’t execute your code. ○ Pros: If your code has system('rm -rf /'), it does not remove. ○ Cons: RuboCop cannot understand application completely. ■ e.g. eval, method call

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RuboCop for Code Review

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RuboCop for Code Review ● What does “RuboCop for Code Review” mean? ● Advantage of RuboCop in Code Review. ● Action for RuboCop Review

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What does “RuboCop for Code Review” mean?

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What does “RuboCop for Code Review” mean? ● RuboCop also reviews your code. ○ Human Review + RuboCop Review

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How does RuboCop review ● rubocop $(git diff --name-only) before human review. ● I recommend using CI to run RuboCop. ○ e.g. SideCI, CodeClimate and Reviewdog.

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Advantages of RuboCop in review

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Advantages of RuboCop in review ● Reduce human reviews. ● Enhancement reviews.

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Reduce human reviews ● Layout and style reviews by human are no longer necessary. ○ e.g. “Remove the spaces”, “Use each method instead of for”. ○ It’s a RuboCop job, not a human job.

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Enhancement reviews ● RuboCop can find bugs that human will overlook. ○ Duplicate method definitions. ○ binding.irb(debug code)

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Action for RuboCop Review

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Action for RuboCop Review ● You should review “RuboCop Review”.

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Action for RuboCop Review For Style Reviews

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Action for Style Review ● Check your coding style. ○ If the review does not match with your coding style, you should configure or ignore the review. ○ e/

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Action for RuboCop Review For Lint Reviews

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Action for Lint Review ● Lint reviews has false positives. ○ In other words, Lint review has a mistake sometimes. ○ Because RuboCop does not know your application completely. ■ See the slides above. ● It is not a bug, it is a restriction.

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How to start and/or continue to use RuboCop?

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Start and/or continue to use RuboCop ● You can get knowledges from WEB+DB PRESS vol.102. ○ “RuboCopできれいで安全なコード” written by me. ○

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Conclusion ● RuboCop is not a “Silver Bullet”. ○ In many cases, the default coding style doesn't match your coding style. ○ RuboCop has false positives. ○ So when RuboCop reviews your code, you should review RuboCop Review.