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Work C# Unity Private @neuecc

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using C

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in 8 years

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What? Why? How?

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Codeplex Era

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というものがありました。 産廃

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#1 2009-04-04

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LINQってJavaScriptでもできそうだね やるからには勝ちたい #勝ちとは

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LINQってJavaScriptでもできそうだね やるからには勝ちたい #勝ちとは

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Pros Cons

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#2 2009-10-29 source.Distinct(x => x.Age);

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class EqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer { readonly Func equals; readonly Func getHashCode; public EqualityComparer(Func equals, Func getHashCode) { this.equals = equals; this.getHashCode = getHashCode; } public bool Equals(T x, T y) { return equals(x, y); } public int GetHashCode(T obj) { return getHashCode(obj); }

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#3 2010-04-07

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#3 2010-04-07

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// (object x) => (object)((T)x).name static Func CreateGetValue(Type type, string name) { var x = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "x"); var func = Expression.Lambda>( Expression.Convert( Expression.PropertyOrField( type.IsValueType ? Expression.Unbox(x, type) : Expression.Convert(x, type), name), typeof(object)), x); return func.Compile(); }

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#4 2010-04-30 // Parse (JsonString to DynamicJson) var json = DynamicJson.Parse(@“ { ""foo"":""json"", ""bar"":100, ""nest"": { ""foobar"":true } }"); // "Json" - dynamic(string) var r1 =; // 100 - dynamic(double) var r2 =; // true - dynamic(bool) var r3 = json.nest.foobar;

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#4 2010-04-30 // Parse (JsonString to DynamicJson) var json = DynamicJson.Parse(@“ { ""foo"":""json"", ""bar"":100, ""nest"": { ""foobar"":true } }"); // "Json" - dynamic(string) var r1 =; // 100 - dynamic(double) var r2 =; // true - dynamic(bool) var r3 = json.nest.foobar;

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public class DynamicObject : IDynamicMetaObjectProvider { public virtual IEnumerable GetDynamicMemberNames(); public virtual DynamicMetaObject GetMetaObject(Expression parameter); public virtual bool TryBinaryOperation(BinaryOperationBinder binder, object arg, out object public virtual bool TryConvert(ConvertBinder binder, out object result); public virtual bool TryCreateInstance(CreateInstanceBinder binder, object[] args, out objec public virtual bool TryDeleteIndex(DeleteIndexBinder binder, object[] indexes); public virtual bool TryDeleteMember(DeleteMemberBinder binder); public virtual bool TryGetIndex(GetIndexBinder binder, object[] indexes, out object result) public virtual bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result); public virtual bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out object result); public virtual bool TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object re public virtual bool TrySetIndex(SetIndexBinder binder, object[] indexes, object value); public virtual bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value); public virtual bool TryUnaryOperation(UnaryOperationBinder binder, out object result); }

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#5 2010-07-15

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#6 2010-09-12

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#7 2011-02-22

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BDD, assertThat, fluent interface... ユニットテストへの思索を深める

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#8 2011-10-17

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#9 2012-02-18 int x = Request.QueryString.ParseValue("hoge"); DateTime y = Request.QueryString.ParseValue("huga");

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public struct ConvertableString { readonly string value; public ConvertableString(string value) { this.value = value; } public static implicit operator Boolean(ConvertableString self) { return Boolean.Parse(self.value); } public static implicit operator Int32(ConvertableString self) { return Int32.Parse(self.value); } // ... }

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#10 2012-04-02

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GitHub Era

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#11 2012-12-03

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「サイズ」と「速度」 圧縮とフォーマットは別 バージョニングとダンプ耐性も大事

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#12 2013-02-27

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#13 2013-04-05

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No content

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#14 2013-12-06

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CallContext #とは

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#15 2013-12-08

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#16 2013-12-23 public class My : LightNodeContract { public string Echo(string x) { return x; } public Task Sum(int x, int? y, int z = 1000) { return Task.Run(() => x + y.Value + z); } }

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DLL is IDL(Interface definition language)

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#17 2013-12-23

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public enum RespType : byte { SimpleStrings = (byte)'+', Erorrs = (byte)'-', Integers = (byte)':', BulkStrings = (byte)'$', Arrays = (byte)'*' }

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#18 2014-05-28

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(.NET関連で)GitHub Starを尺度にすると サポートは丁寧に。

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#19 2014-09-24

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Not IQueryable

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#20 2014-10-28

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List.Enumerator構造体 再帰イテレーター is Evil IEnumerable Descendants(GameObject root) { yield return root; foreach (Transform item in root.transform) { foreach (var child in Descendants(item.gameObject)) { yield return child.gameObject; } } }

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#21 2015-01-14

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#22 2015-03-30

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#23 2015-11-03

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テキストログ #とは ログのパフォーマンス

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#24 2016-03-18

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#25 2012-05-23

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#26 2016-05-31

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No content

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No content

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#27 2016-06-07 public partial class MainWindow : Window { this.ObserveEveryValueChanged(x => x.Width); this.ObserveEveryValueChanged(x => x.Height); }

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Reactive, ReImplemented Motion Library

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Infinitely Fast Serializer for C# デシリアライズ速度 無限大高速な、新シリアライザ+フォーマット

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Next Generation has come

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Next Generation has come

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linq.js, UniRx, LINQ to GameObject, LINQ to BigQuery LINQとは何であるかの掲示 ChainingAssertion 流れるようなインターフェイスや英語的なるものへの反逆 ReactiveProperty MVVMへの異質なアプローチ NotifyPropertyChangedGenerator Roslyn時代のコーディング手法 LightNode, PhotonWire 現代的な観点でのRPCの再評価 ライブラリは思想の塊であり、 言葉だけよりも、むしろずっと 流暢に語ってくれる 言葉に、より強い証明、よ り強力な説得力をもたらす

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経験値を貯めよう 小さなライブラリでの経験が、大きなライブラリに繋がる 特別なものは必要ない(本当に新規のアイディアなど存在しない、 LINQですら古来の関数型言語からの援用なのだから!) 人に見せるものを意識する 自分のために作ってるんだし、ではなく意識したパッケージング コードの書き方、見せ方、ウリを作るための機能の取捨、他人に 使ってもらうことを意識するとだいぶ違ってくる 機会はそんなに多くない!(8年間で、ある意味「たった」30回) なので、一つ一つの機会を大事にして欲しい