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Vim, Tmux and Rails

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Pau Pérez Backend developer at Redbooth @prez_pau

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Tmux workflow

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Sessions Session per repo Switch context easily

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Sessions Attach or create tmux session named after the current directory $ tat tmux new-session -As "$(basename "$PWD" | tr . -)"

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Windows 1 - First vim 2 - then playground 3 - server 4 - and others

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Panes One-time tasks

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Zoom Temporally focus on something Find something in a large output

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Visual Select ! Yank and paste in tmux! Don't touch the mouse anymore!

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Vim mode Vim to the rescue everywhere!

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Thyme ! timer with Tmux integration

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Powerline Pomodoro timer Coolness

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Vim Ruby Syntah highlighting Smart indenting Shift + Enter

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I ❤ Vim Rspec TDD without leaving Vim

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Vim Rails Highligthing plus navigation

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Vim Reek Execute reek in a file

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Vim Abolish Substitution Coercion * crs: snake_case * crm: MixedCase * crc: camelCase * cru: UPPER_CASE

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Vim Endwise Adds end for do, def, etc.

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Vim Blockle From do end to {}

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Argumentrewrap foo(bar, baz, blub) foo( bar, baz, blub )

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Snippets and others UltiSnips + Vim Snippets desc, cont, its, subj mod, class, def bb