// Firebase connection Stuff
var firebaseRef = new Firebase("");
var firebaseRefGame = firebaseRef.child('game');
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Start up the user’s ship
// Add player's ship to Firebase
var myship = firebaseRefGame.child('players').push();
// Schedule player removal on disconnect at the backend
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// Write new ship location to Firebase on any update
ship: {
acc: this.acc, vel: this.vel,
x: this.x, y: this.y,
rot: this.rot,
accb: KEY_STATUS.up
user: currentUser
Write our ship to firebase on updates
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// Sync new enemy ships from Firebase to local game state
firebaseRefGame.child('players').on('child_added', function (snapshot) {
if (snapshot.key() !== myship.key()) {
var enemy = new EnemyShip();
enemy.acc = snapshot.val().ship.acc;
enemy.vel = snapshot.val().ship.vel;
enemy.x = snapshot.val().ship.x;
enemy.y = snapshot.val().ship.y;
enemy.rot = snapshot.val().ship.rot;
enemy.accb = snapshot.val().ship.accb;
enemy.user = snapshot.val().user;
enemy.visible = true;
enemy.fref = firebaseRefGame.child('players').child(snapshot.key());
We read enemy ships too...
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firebaseRefGame.child('players').on('child_removed', function (snapshot) {
if (snapshot.key() !== myship.key()) {
var enemy = Game.sprites[snapshot.key()];
enemy.visible = false;
delete Game.sprites[snapshot.key()];
Game.explosionAt(snapshot.val().ship.x, snapshot.val().ship.y);
} else {
We handle enemy ship “removal”