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Firebase: Build Extraordinary Apps

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+Kazunori Sato @kazunori_279 Kaz Sato Developer Advocate, Cloud Platform, Google Inc. Cloud community advocacy Cloud product launch support

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Mobile App for Millions of People Authentication. Storing Data. Interactions.

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“Make it work in the Cloud”

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In the Cloud, you need… Front End. Business Logic. Database. Multiple Servers, Load Balancers, Replicas, Backups...

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For Clients, you need to support… Smart Phones. Tablets. Desktops. Android, iOS and Browsers

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Talking to a Backend Large Scale M-to-N Connections with Realtime messaging … It’s not easy

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= Expensive Engineering Time

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Is there a better way?

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Firebase is a powerful platform for mobile and web applications.

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Firebase User Authentication Realtime Database Static Hosting

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Firebase User Authentication Realtime Database Static Hosting

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Firebase User Authentication Realtime Database Static Hosting

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Location Collaboration Gaming Realtime is…

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Location Collaboration Gaming Realtime is…

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Location Collaboration Gaming Realtime is…

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Unreliable networks Multi Platform Realtime is hard! Complex Transport Stateful 2-way connection How to implement it?

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Unreliable networks Multi Platform Realtime is hard! Complex Transport 4G/WiFi switching. Subways. Tunnels. Basements.

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Unreliable networks Multi Platform Realtime is hard! Complex Transport Different Capabilities, Behaviors and Languages

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Firebase in the Real World

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CBS 50,000 Concurrent Users 27,000,000 chat messages

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$40,000 Kickstarter 100,000 Users

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200,000+ Developers

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How to Develop?

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Demo: mmoasteroids

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Firebase Dashboard Database. Security. Analytics. Debugging. Deployment.

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Setup // Firebase connection Stuff var firebaseRef = new Firebase(""); var firebaseRefGame = firebaseRef.child('game');

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Start up the user’s ship // Add player's ship to Firebase var myship = firebaseRefGame.child('players').push(); // Schedule player removal on disconnect at the backend myship.onDisconnect().remove();

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// Write new ship location to Firebase on any update myship.set({ ship: { acc: this.acc, vel: this.vel, x: this.x, y: this.y, rot: this.rot, accb: KEY_STATUS.up }, user: currentUser }); Write our ship to firebase on updates

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// Sync new enemy ships from Firebase to local game state firebaseRefGame.child('players').on('child_added', function (snapshot) { if (snapshot.key() !== myship.key()) { var enemy = new EnemyShip(); enemy.acc = snapshot.val().ship.acc; enemy.vel = snapshot.val().ship.vel; enemy.x = snapshot.val().ship.x; enemy.y = snapshot.val().ship.y; enemy.rot = snapshot.val().ship.rot; enemy.accb = snapshot.val().ship.accb; enemy.user = snapshot.val().user; enemy.visible = true; enemy.fref = firebaseRefGame.child('players').child(snapshot.key()); }}); We read enemy ships too...

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firebaseRefGame.child('players').on('child_removed', function (snapshot) { if (snapshot.key() !== myship.key()) { var enemy = Game.sprites[snapshot.key()]; enemy.visible = false; delete Game.sprites[snapshot.key()]; Game.explosionAt(snapshot.val().ship.x, snapshot.val().ship.y); } else { Game.ship.collision(null); } }) We handle enemy ship “removal”

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bullet.fref = firebaseRefGame.child('bullets').push({ s: myship.key(), x: bullet.x, y: bullet.y, vel: bullet.vel }); bullet.fref.onDisconnect().remove(); Bullets

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// Sync enemy bullets from Firebase to local game state firebaseRefGame.child('bullets').on('child_added', function (snapshot) { var bullet = snapshot.val(); if (bullet.s !== myship.key()) { var enemybullet = new EnemyBullet(); enemybullet.x = bullet.x; enemybullet.y = bullet.y; enemybullet.vel = bullet.vel; enemybullet.visible = true; enemybullet.fref = firebaseRefGame.child('bullets').child(snapshot.key()); Game.sprites['bullet:' + snapshot.key()] = enemybullet; }}); Enemy bullets

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firebaseRefGame.child('bullets').on('child_removed', function (snapshot) { var bullet = snapshot.val(); if (bullet.s !== myship.key()) { var enemybullet = Game.sprites['bullet:' + snapshot.key()]; if (enemybullet != null) { enemybullet.visible = false; } delete Game.sprites['bullet:' + snapshot.key()]; } }); Enemy bullet removal

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Mobile Is Important!

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Traditionally Complex!

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