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AU  Ruby  Conference USING RUBY FOR BUILDING APPS ON IOS 1 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference ABOUT ME ★ Ruby’ist ★ IT  Architect:  McKinsey  &  Co ★ Github:  toamitkumar ★ Twi=er:  toamit ★ 2 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 3 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION 4 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION 5 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION 5 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION 5 revolutionary toolchain for native iOS application development using Ruby language Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION 5 revolutionary toolchain for native iOS application development using Ruby language Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION 5 revolutionary toolchain for native iOS application development using Ruby language triumph of Utilitarianism; reduces suffering Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 6 RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 6 RUBYMOTION ? ★ Fork  of  MacRuby Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 6 RUBYMOTION ? ★ Fork  of  MacRuby ★ Compiles  Ruby  Code  into  optimized  machine  code Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 6 RUBYMOTION ? ★ Fork  of  MacRuby ★ Compiles  Ruby  Code  into  optimized  machine  code ★ Ruby  runtime  tightly  integrated  with  Obj-­‐‑C  runtime Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 6 RUBYMOTION ? ★ Fork  of  MacRuby ★ Compiles  Ruby  Code  into  optimized  machine  code ★ Ruby  runtime  tightly  integrated  with  Obj-­‐‑C  runtime ★ Same  ancestors  as  Obj-­‐‑C Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 6 RUBYMOTION ? ★ Fork  of  MacRuby ★ Compiles  Ruby  Code  into  optimized  machine  code ★ Ruby  runtime  tightly  integrated  with  Obj-­‐‑C  runtime ★ Same  ancestors  as  Obj-­‐‑C ★ Objects  can  be  shared  with  no  performance  cost Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 7 INHERITANCE & MIXIN Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 7 INHERITANCE & MIXIN Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 7 INHERITANCE & MIXIN Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 7 INHERITANCE & MIXIN Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 8 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 8 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 8 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 8 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 8 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference SOME NOISE 9 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference SOME NOISE 9 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference SOME NOISE 9 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get ★ const_defined? 10 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get ★ const_defined? 10  require   Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get ★ const_defined? 10  require   Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get ★ const_defined? 10  eval    require   Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get ★ const_defined? 10  eval    require   Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CAN I USE EVAL ? ★ method_missing ★ define_method ★ alias_method ★ instance_eval ★ class_eval ★ const_get ★ const_defined? 10  eval    require   Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference h!p:// 11 HOW DO I GET IT ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CREATE APPLICATION 12 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CREATE APPLICATION 12 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CREATE APPLICATION 12 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CREATE APPLICATION 12 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference CREATE APPLICATION 12 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUN APPLICATION 13 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference BUILD PROCESS 14 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference BUILD PROCESS 14 COMPILING Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference BUILD PROCESS 14 COMPILING LINKING Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference BUILD PROCESS 14 COMPILING LINKING PACKAGING Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 15 RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 15 RubyMotion RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 15 RubyMotion Runtime RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 15 RubyMotion Runtime Compiler RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 15 RubyMotion Runtime Compiler Build  System RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 15 RubyMotion Runtime Compiler Build  System RUBYMOTION ? Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RAKE 16 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 17 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference READ EVALUATE PRINT LOOP 18 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference READ EVALUATE PRINT LOOP 18 DEMO Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 19 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference READ EVALUATE PRINT LOOP 20 DEMO Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference READ EVALUATE PRINT LOOP 20 DEMO Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference DE-BUGGING 21 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference DE-BUGGING 21 GDB Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference DE-BUGGING 21 GDB RubyMine launched with RubyMotion support - including debugging Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference DE-BUGGING 21 GDB RubyMine launched with RubyMotion support - including debugging Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference EXTERNAL LIBRARIES 22 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference EXTERNAL LIBRARIES 22 RubyGems Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference EXTERNAL LIBRARIES 22 RubyGems Objective-­‐‑C Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference EXTERNAL LIBRARIES 22 RubyGems Objective-­‐‑C CocoaPods Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference EXTERNAL LIBRARIES 22 RubyGems Objective-­‐‑C Native-­‐‑C CocoaPods Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 ★ Normal  RubyGems  will  not  work Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 ★ Normal  RubyGems  will  not  work ★ Load  RubyMotion  Gems  in  Rakefile Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 ★ Normal  RubyGems  will  not  work ★ Load  RubyMotion  Gems  in  Rakefile Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 ★ Normal  RubyGems  will  not  work ★ Load  RubyMotion  Gems  in  Rakefile source  :rubygems gem  ‘rake’ gem  ‘bubble-­‐‑wrap’ gem  ‘motion-­‐‑cocoapods’ Gemfile Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 ★ Normal  RubyGems  will  not  work ★ Load  RubyMotion  Gems  in  Rakefile source  :rubygems gem  ‘rake’ gem  ‘bubble-­‐‑wrap’ gem  ‘motion-­‐‑cocoapods’ Gemfile Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference RUBYMOTION GEMS 23 ★ Normal  RubyGems  will  not  work ★ Load  RubyMotion  Gems  in  Rakefile source  :rubygems gem  ‘rake’ gem  ‘bubble-­‐‑wrap’ gem  ‘motion-­‐‑cocoapods’ Gemfile require  ‘  bundler’ Bundler.require  :default Motion::Project::App.setup  do  |app|    #more  stuff end Rakefile Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference SOME LIBRARIES 24 ★ BubbleWrap ★ Sugarcube ★ Formotion ★ Teacup ★ motion-­‐‑stump ★ motion-­‐‑addressbook ★ Pixate ★ MotionModel ★ NanoStoreInMotion ★ Teacup ★ motion-­‐‑ocr ★ .... Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference SOME LIBRARIES 24 ★ BubbleWrap ★ Sugarcube ★ Formotion ★ Teacup ★ motion-­‐‑stump ★ motion-­‐‑addressbook ★ Pixate ★ MotionModel ★ NanoStoreInMotion ★ Teacup ★ motion-­‐‑ocr ★ .... Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference PIXATE 25 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference PIXATE 25 ★ Style  your  iOS  controls  using  CSS Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference PIXATE 25 ★ Style  your  iOS  controls  using  CSS Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference PIXATE 25 ★ Style  your  iOS  controls  using  CSS Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference PIXATE 25 ★ Style  your  iOS  controls  using  CSS .header-bar { background-­‐‑color: #288de3; } .header-title { background-­‐‑color: none; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); font-­‐‑family: "Open Sans"; font-­‐‑weight: light; } .header-bu!on { background-­‐‑color: none; color: white; font-­‐‑family: "Open Sans"; }..... ....... ......... Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 26 1. Statically Compiled Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 26 1. Statically Compiled Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 26 1. Statically Compiled Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 27 2. XCode Project Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 27 2. XCode Project Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 27 2. XCode Project Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 27 2. XCode Project Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 27 2. XCode Project Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference OBJECTIVE-C 27 2. XCode Project Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 28 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 28 ★ dependency  manager  for  Obj-­‐‑C  projects Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 28 ★ dependency  manager  for  Obj-­‐‑C  projects ★ distributed  as  a  rubygem Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 28 ★ dependency  manager  for  Obj-­‐‑C  projects ★ distributed  as  a  rubygem Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 28 ★ dependency  manager  for  Obj-­‐‑C  projects ★ distributed  as  a  rubygem Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 29 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 29 Rakefile: Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 29 Rakefile: Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference COCOAPODS 29 Rakefile: Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Complex  C  Data  Structures Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Complex  C  Data  Structures Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Complex  C  Data  Structures Ruby  data  types (Not  Data  Type) Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Complex  C  Data  Structures Ruby  data  types (Not  Data  Type) Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Complex  C  Data  Structures Ruby  data  types (Not  Data  Type) BridgeSupport Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference NATIVE C 30 Basic  types  in  C (bool,  char,  long,  float,  double) Ruby  data  types (true/false,  Fixnum,  Bignum,  Float Complex  C  Data  Structures Ruby  data  types (Not  Data  Type) RubyMotion BridgeSupport Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference INTEGRATE WITH IB 31 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference INTEGRATE WITH IB 31 StoryBoard Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference INTEGRATE WITH IB 31 StoryBoard XIB Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference INTEGRATE WITH IB 31 StoryBoard XIB Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference TESTING 32 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference TESTING 32 ★ Comes  bundled  with  RSpec  like  like  framework  -­‐‑  ‘MacBacon’ Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference TESTING 32 ★ Comes  bundled  with  RSpec  like  like  framework  -­‐‑  ‘MacBacon’ ★ RSpec  syntactic  sugar ★ Assertions ★ Matchers ★ before/aOer  blocks Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference TESTING 32 ★ Comes  bundled  with  RSpec  like  like  framework  -­‐‑  ‘MacBacon’ ★ RSpec  syntactic  sugar ★ Assertions ★ Matchers ★ before/aOer  blocks ★ View  testing: Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference TESTING 32 ★ Comes  bundled  with  RSpec  like  like  framework  -­‐‑  ‘MacBacon’ ★ RSpec  syntactic  sugar ★ Assertions ★ Matchers ★ before/aOer  blocks ★ View  testing: ★ nib/storyboard/  file Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference TESTING 32 ★ Comes  bundled  with  RSpec  like  like  framework  -­‐‑  ‘MacBacon’ ★ RSpec  syntactic  sugar ★ Assertions ★ Matchers ★ before/aOer  blocks ★ View  testing: ★ nib/storyboard/  file Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference API DOCS 33 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference API DOCS 33 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference API DOCS 33 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference THANK YOU 34 Friday, February 22, 13

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AU  Ruby  Conference 35 Friday, February 22, 13