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Design Tools Closing the Gap Between Design and Development

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What to expect as Android Developer from Designer For Design Handoffs

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In the not so distant past…

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And now…

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Why should you care?

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Designer Developer

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Visual Design

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Screen Mock Icons Illustrations

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Adobe XD Framer Gravit Designer Figma

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360pt 640pt

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360pt 640pt

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360pt 640pt mdpi (1x) Helps in specs handoff and assets management

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mdpi (1x) 24dp × 24dp 20sp 24dp 56dp × 56dp Helps in specs handoff and assets management

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360pt 640pt 411pt 731pt Nexus 5 Google Pixel

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360pt 640pt 569pt 320pt Android Go Android

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✓ Screen designs in proper sizes (360x640 as base) ✓ A more consistent design with design templates, symbols, shared styles etc. Visual Design

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Design Assets

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png/svg png/svg png/svg png/jpg png/jpg png/jpg png/jpg png/svg

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png/svg png/svg png/svg png/jpg png/jpg png/jpg png/jpg png/svg

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png, svg png, svg png, svg png, jpg png, jpg png, jpg png, jpg png, svg mdpi 1x hdpi 1.5x xhdpi 2x xxhdpi 3x xxxhdpi 4x SVG SVG 1x PNG

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SVG SVG 1x mdpi 1x SVG/VD

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Scrim (20% black) Asset (Right align) Card (Use #64D4FF) Text Label

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.png ~46MB

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.png Total ~46MB

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ImageOptim Compression PNG 90, JPG 85 Conversion PNG to JPG .png Total ~46MB

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ImageOptim Compression PNG 90, JPG 85 Conversion PNG to JPG .png Total ~46MB ~46MB ~20MB ~56.5%

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ARGB_8888 RGB_565 Bitmap Configuration

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✓ Usable design assets at proper sizes for different dpi. ✓ Assets are in appropriate format (jpg, png, svg) ✓ Assets usage are properly documented (e.g. how it should be placed, how it should be cropped) ✓ Assets are optimised Design Assets

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Design Specs

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Export Generate 56dp 56dp

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✓ Complete design specs with dp/sp values that can be used directly in development ✓ Easy communication on specific screens/spots if there is any spec change Design Specs

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Interaction Design

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Screen Flow Diagram Sketch

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Principle for Mac Simple Interaction Complex Interaction Sketch, Adobe XD, Invision, Marvel, Atomic, Principle, Kite Compositor, Framer

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Principle for Mac

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Import Into Export as Create interactive and animated mock up Video Gif PRD file APP file Create static mock up

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Animation Specs

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Animation Specs

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Animation Specs

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Animation Specs

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Delay for 100ms Animate in 300ms Scale from 0.8 to 1.0 Move up 30dp Conversion to Code

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Ease Out Ease In Ease Both (Standard) Easing curves Custom Cubic Bezier

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Easing curves FastOutSlowIn LinearOutSlowIn FastOutLinearIn For objects that MOVE ACROSS the screen For objects that ENTER the screen For objects that EXIT the screen

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Framer Kite Compositor Invision Studio (Closed Beta) Alternatives

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✓ Screen flow diagram to explain the connection between screens ✓ A high quality interactive mock/video to show the interaction idea and the UI behaviour ✓ Ready to use Animation/Transition specs Interaction Design

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Animation Design

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Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json and renders them natively on mobile and on the web. Lottie

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Export SVG Create Illustrations Import SVG, Create AI Export AI Import AI, Animate Export Bodymovin Json/AVD file

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Creating Animation in AE 230dp 230dp 230px 230px px = dp

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Creating Animation in AE Make sure they are vectors Easily scalable as needed, and smaller size

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Creating Animation in AE Not all AE features are supported Make sure to test on the mobile Expression

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Shape Shifter

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✓ A demo on how the animation should be used (video or the files using with preview app) ✓ A json/AVD file (designed in proper size) generated with bodymovin ✓ A clear narrative if the animation are linked to interactions/conditions (when to start, when to stop, when to repeat, which frames etc.) Animation Design

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Hey Developer, Let’s

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Get the designer to provide you with everything (or at least most of the thing) you need for development

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Communicate with the designer to ensure that both are speaking the same language (e.g. dp, sp, FAB, snackbar, ripple etc.)

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Ask if you have question related to the design. Avoid assumption.

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Provide input to designer about what’s possible, and suggest alternative if something looks infeasible within the constraints

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Understand that most of the designers doesn’t speak logic/code. Help designer to understand the constraints.

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Try to avoid using jargon (a.k.a explain it like I am 5)

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Understand the business goal / use case why certain things is designed

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Observe and understand the beauty of design even if you are not going to design

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Visual Design Design Assets Interaction Design Animation Design

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What’s next?

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Taylor Ling @taylorling

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We are hiring!

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Thank you