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ELI LINE Crypto Currency Wallet Platform

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Agenda › What is ELI? › Why did we make it? › What are its major features? › How does it work? › What difficulties did we have? › What will we do next?

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What is ELI? ELI › Crypto Currency Wallet Platform User A User B 1. Creating a BTC account 2. Withdraw 3. Deposit 4. Secured custody

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ELI › Crypto Currency Wallet Platform User A User B Bitcoin Ethereum What is ELI?

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User C ELI › Crypto Currency Wallet Platform User A User B Bitcoin Ethereum What is ELI?

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User C What is ELI? ELI › Crypto Currency Wallet Platform User A User B Bitcoin Ethereum . . . .

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What is ELI? ELI › Crypto Currency Wallet Platform . . . . User A User B User C Bitcoin Ethereum . . .

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Why did we make it? › Efficiency › Security › Audit › Operation

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What are its major features? Network Isolation Security › Multi-sig: m of n › HSM (Hardware Security Module) › FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Withdrawal, deposit and accounts of crypto currencies Policies › Withdrawal Address Whitelist › Spending limit

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How does it work? Backup Key Blockchain Secure Offline Storage Offline Vault

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How does it work? Backup Key Secure Offline Storage Blockchain Offline Vault

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How does it work? Backup Key Blockchain Secure Offline Storage Offline Vault

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What difficulties did we have? HSM › High understanding of HSM equipment required › Applying secp256k1 and HD wallet › Resolving a memory leak issue Different Specifications for Each Crypto Currency › Handling when fees are higher › Choosing the appropriate UTXOs › Processing for crypto currencies that do not support multi-sig

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What will we do next? Wallet Service › Provide service for all crypto currency holders › Continue to increase security Blockchain

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