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JavaScript Testing Framework: Under the Hood 11/26/2022 JSConfJP LT 17:40 ~ 17:50 @togami2864

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$whoami Yoshiaki Togami - B4 student major in electronic engineering - JSer at noon, Rustacean at night Github: @togami2864

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In this Lightning Talk… ❌: How to set up a testing framework 🤔 ❌: How to use ESM with tests 🤔 ❌: How to run test with TypeScript 🤔

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Agenda ✅ What’s happening under the hood 🤔 Learn through building tiny clone.

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Build our tiny test framework Goal: Our framework can test codes including basic test functions - expect - it - describe

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1. Simple case: only expect PASS FAIL

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Our test framework v1 1. Get all files including .test.js 2. Read files as string 3. Eval a. If error occurs => FAIL b. success => PASS

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Demonstration FAIL PASS

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2. With describe(), it() 📚describe() and it() is the function just for categorizing. 📚Not for judging the test code

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Execute “describe()” Iterate collected suites Iterate cases

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Implementation(abstract) - lib - it, describe - Imported to the test file - Runtime 1. Get file path of tests 2. Evaluate the test file => execute describe() 3. Run collect() => execute it() inside describe() 4. Iterate over suites and evaluate test cases(same as v1) 5. Output results

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Our test framework v2(lib) = describe = it example

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= it Update to set the suite currently dealing with example

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Our test framework v2(runtime) Initialize a empty suite per `describe` 1. exec describe() by evaluating the file

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Our test framework v2(runtime) Exec Collect cases in `describe`

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Iterate suites and eval cases

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Conclusion ✅ What’s happening under the hood 🤔 1. Get .test.js file path 2. Exec describe() via evaluating files 3. Run collect() to run it() 4. Iterate collected suites and eval tests 5. Output results

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More features… - Hook,Mocking,Chain - Parallelization - Dependency Resolving - Dependency caching - Where’s bottleneck in the execution speed? - How is the implementation of the test runner built in node, deno, bun? - Will alternatives written in other languages appear?(like babel, eslint, prettier..) Advanced Topic

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References - Building a JavaScript Testing Framework(by cpojer) - This is highly recommended to read before code reading - - ava - - Jest - - Vitest - - deno-std/testing/bdd.ts -

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Github Repo -