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慶應義塾大学 杉浦孔明研究室
Language-Embedded Gaussian Splats
(LEGS): Incrementally Building Room-Scale
Representations with a Mobile Robot
Justin Yu*1, Kush Hari*1, Kishore Srinivas*1, Karim El-Refai1, Adam Rashid1,
Chung Kim1, Justin Kerr1, Richard Cheng2, Muhammad Irshad2, Ashwin
Balakrishna2, Thomas Kollar2, Ken Goldberg1
(1The AUTOLab at UC Berkeley, 2Toyota Research Institute)
IROS 2024
慶應義塾大学 杉浦孔明研究室
Yu, J., Hari, K., Srinivas, K., El-Refai, K., Rashid, A., Kim, C., Kerr, J., Cheng, R., Irshad, M., Balakrishna, A., Kollar, T., Goldberg, K.
"Language-Embedded Gaussian Splats (LEGS): Incrementally Building Room-Scale Representations with a Mobile Robot." IROS 2024.