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INT. BROCKPORT WATERWORKS Scene 001 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 001 Panel 02 Dialog Action Notes

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*WATER SPLASH* Scene 001 Panel 03 Dialog Action Notes

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Jimbo backs away. TONY: OH– Scene 001 Panel 04 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony throws his arms in frustration! TONY (cont.): COME ON! Scene 001 Panel 05 Dialog Action Notes

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Wood planks move with water. *RAGING WATER* Scene 002 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 002 Panel 02 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): Is there any other way to get around? Scene 003 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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*CREAK* TONY (cont.): There has to be right? Scene 003 Panel 02 Dialog Action Notes

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*CREAK* JIMBO: Well you could go into the water. Scene 003 Panel 03 Dialog Action Notes

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*CREAK* JIMBO (cont.): There’s a pipe you can– Scene 003 Panel 04 Dialog Action Notes

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*CREAK* *RUBBLE FALLS QUIETLY * TONY (cont.): There is NO– Scene 003 Panel 05 Dialog Action Notes

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*CREAK* TONY (cont.): WAY I am going down there! Scene 003 Panel 06 Dialog Action Notes

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*CRACK* TONY (cont.): This is a HUGE facility. Scene 003 Panel 07 Dialog Action Notes

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*CRACK* TONY (cont.): I’m not jumping into that water, Scene 003 Panel 08 Dialog Action Notes

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*CRACK* TONY (cont.): and swimming into a tube. Scene 003 Panel 09 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): Lets walk around and find some– Scene 003 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes

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Hallways collapses. *Rubble falling and crashing* TONY (cont.): –other... Scene 003 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes

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*COLLAPSE CONTINUES* Scene 003 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes

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*COLLAPSE SETTLES* TONY (cont.): *Groans* I hate ghosts. Scene 003 Panel 13 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony turns to looks over the edge. TONY (cont.): What do I have to do? Scene 003 Panel 14 Dialog Action Notes

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PAN OVER WATER JIMBO O/S: You’re going to have to swim into that middle pipe, it’s the one that’ll take you to the filter. Scene 004 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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PAN OVER WATER JIMBO O/S: And I’d avoid the spikes if I were alive. Scene 004 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): Very inspiring coming from a dead guy. Scene 003 Panel 14 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony leans forward to jump. TONY (cont.): goes everything! Scene 005 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY JUMPS! TONY (cont.): I HATE THI– Scene 006 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): –iiiii– Scene 006 Panel 02 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): –iiis! Scene 006 Panel 03 Dialog Action Notes

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Jimbo looks worried. *SPLASH* Scene 006 Panel 04 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony crashes into the water Scene 007 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 02 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony swims away Scene 007 Panel 03 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 01 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony surfaces. TONY (cont.): *GASP* Scene 008 Panel 02 Dialog Action Notes

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Tony points at Jimbo TONY (cont.): See this doesn’t bother you. Scene 008 Panel 03 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): This isn’t your favorite jacket! Scene 008 Panel 04 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY (cont.): You know what? Scene 008 Panel 05 Dialog Action Notes

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BG recedes TONY (cont.): Get in the water! Scene 008 Panel 06 Dialog Action Notes

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*beat* Scene 008 Panel 07 Dialog Action Notes

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Jimbo lowers himself into the water unphased Scene 008 Panel 08 Dialog Action Notes

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JIMBO: Feel better? Scene 008 Panel 09 Dialog Action Notes

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TONY: A little. Scene 008 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes