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 wfarr

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 ops

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 friction

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what is boxen?

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@jbarnette + @wfarr

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developing software is harder than it used to be

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our toolchains have gotten more robust

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our toolchains have gotten more complicated

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want to work on $anything?

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better install a ruby version manager, like 8 versions of ruby, a handful of gems to try and make the behavior remotely sane, and then pray it doesn't break

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s/ruby/literally everything but bash/g

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let's make it better

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 a framework

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 stdlib

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sadly, no

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why should i use boxen?

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friction is anything that gets in the way of doing stuff

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friction is the greatest source of frustration in every organization

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configuring development environments is a week-long marathon in friction

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"all right, new work laptop! i wonder where that blog post i used last time to set up ruby, python, go, and git is. hopefully it still works and by the end of the week i can start shipping."

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"all right, new work laptop! i wonder where that blog post i used last time to set up ruby, python, go, and git is. hopefully it still works and by the end of the week i can start shipping." lame

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getting any part of the stack running locally should never block someone from shipping

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when was the last time you knew every human was running the same services in dev and prod?

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"hey so my postgresql isn't working. is yours working? it is? huh. i have no idea what's wrong."

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"hey so my postgresql isn't working. is yours working? it is? huh. i have no idea what's wrong." lame

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manual audits are tedious

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manual audits are error-prone

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ask software instead of humans

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lock every core component to the same version as in prod

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"jeeeeeez the mac app store has been bugging me for like forever! i have a billion updates... meh"

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"jeeeeeez the mac app store has been bugging me for like forever! i have a billion updates... meh" lame

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maybe you use CM in dev already, but when was the last time you updated and ran it?

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security is a war of attrition

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bug people enough about security and they stop caring about it

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"ugh, another security thing? whatever, i have way more important things to do"

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"ugh, another security thing? whatever, i have way more important things to do" lame

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let code handle security, then inform people so they know why the code's making changes

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no surprises

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what do i get?

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boxen is run via some ruby

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it collects info for facter

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it checks for prerequisites and conflicts before each run

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it detects certain changes post-run

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it has hooks too

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"the core"

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homebrew, git, hub, gcc, rbenv, ruby 1.8.7, ruby 1.9.3, ruby 2.0.0, nvm, nodejs 0.4.x, nodejs 0.6.x, nodejs 0.8.x, nginx, .dev dns, FDE, and puppetlabs-stdlib

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rbenv_gem, repository, osx_chsh, osx_login_item, boxen::project, ruby::local, mysql::database, etc.

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package: homebrew, compressed_app

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repository: git

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service: ghlaunchd

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"the library"

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130+ modules on GitHub

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GitHub uses ~81 of those

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gem that simplifies creating new puppet modules, optimized for the boxen-recommended stack

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librarian-puppet, rspec-puppet, puppet-lint, etc.

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example module using cardboard

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template boxen project

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small rails app to allow distributing your boxen easily, with auth

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how do i get it?

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Automate Everything

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how do i use it?

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$ boxen # run it

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$ boxen --projects # list projects Boxen knows about

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$ boxen # run it but include in the catalog automatically

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i want to hack on my project

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# modules/projects/manifests/team.pp class projects::team { boxen::project { 'team': dotenv => true, mysql => true, nginx => true, ruby => '1.9.3', source => 'github/team', } }

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$ boxen team warning: Setting up 'team'. This can be made permanent by having 'include projects::team' in your personal manifest.

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cloned repo nginx vhost ruby version mysql databases .env file

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$ cd ~/src/team $ script/server $ open

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i want to install $x but only for me

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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp class people::wfarr { include minecraft }

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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp class people::wfarr { include zsh }

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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp class people::wfarr { case $::hostname { 'bender': { include projects::all } 'scruffy': { include projects::team } default: {} } }

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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp class people::wfarr { git::config::global { '': value => 'status'; '': value => 'commit'; 'alias.di': value => 'diff'; 'alias.lp': value => 'log -p'; 'color.ui': value => 'true'; '': value => 'Will Farrington'; '': value => ''; } }

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# modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp class people::wfarr { include osx::example_things }

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$ boxen Error: ZOMG at /opt/boxen/repo/ modules/people/manifests/wfarr.pp:8 on node scruffy.gateway.github.lan Sorry! Creating an issue on github/ totally-a-madeup-repo-name.

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CODEZ who failed

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CODEZ how long ago

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CODEZ machine

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CODEZ os version

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CODEZ shell

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CODEZ compare view

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CODEZ git status

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CODEZ full command

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CODEZ full log

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i fix the error and run `boxen`

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via issues api

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# config/boxen.rb ENV['BOXEN_REPO_NAME'] = \ 'github/boxen' ENV['BOXEN_ISSUES_ENABLED'] = 'yes'

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$ boxen Boxen is up-to-date.

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$ boxen Boxen has a dirty tree, won't auto- update!

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$ boxen Boxen has unpushed commits on master, won't auto-update!

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$ boxen Boxen on a non-master branch 'new- project', won't auto-update!

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i'm sold.

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what if i have problems?

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file issues

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be chuck yeager

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"So, we're uh in the air. We made it. That's uh good news, obviously."

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"Flight attendants, if you could just hang on to uh... whatever..."

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detail text

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 wfarr come work with me on things like boxen

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