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(C) K_atc 2018 All Rights Reserved Symbolic Backward Execution

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) Security Engineer Interested in vulnerability detection (especially symbolic execution), illustration. Doing for 6 years. Person same with author. Profile

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1. ※ 2. Python SBE 3. SBE 4. Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc)

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Symbolic Backward Execution Weakest Precondition

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) Symbolic execution is a execution symbolizes any inputs. Symbol is similar to mathematical variables, and is NOT fixed values. In symbolic execution, execution environment such as registers, stack, memory, and files are symbolized. What is symbolic execution? Concept of Forward Symbolic Execution (FSE) (FSE is a method often adopted to implement symbolic execution) void testme(int a, int b) { int c = 0; if (a * b == 6) { c = 1; if (a == 1) c = 3; } assert(a * b * c == 6); } a ✕ b = 6 ∧ c ≠ 0 a ✕ b ≠ 6 ∧ c = 0 Φ a ✕ b = 6 ∧ a = 1 ∧ c = 1 a ✕ b = 6 ∧ a ≠ 1 ∧ c = 1 ✔ Assertion pass ✔ Assertion pass ✔ Assertion fail … path constraint

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) [KLEE 2008] Authentication Bypass [Firmalice 2015] [AEG 2011, EOEDroid 2018] ✕ [Driller 2016, QSYM 2018] [KLEE] Cadar, Cristian et al. “KLEE: Unassisted and Automatic Generation of High-Coverage Tests for Complex Systems Programs.” OSDI (2008). [Firmalice] Shoshitaishvili, Yan et al. “Firmalice - Automatic Detection of Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities in Binary Firmware.” NDSS (2015). [AEG] Avgerinos, Thanassis et al. “AEG: Automatic Exploit Generation.” NDSS 2011 (2011). [EOEDroid] Yang, Guangliang et al. “Automated Generation of Event-Oriented Exploits in Android Hybrid Apps.” NDSS (2018). [Driller] Stephens, Nick et al. “Driller: Augmenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution.” NDSS (2016). [QSYM] Yun, Insu et al. “QSYM : A Practical Concolic Execution Engine Tailored for Hybrid Fuzzing.” USENIX Security Symposium (2018).

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2 • FSE • SBE Symbolic Backward Execution Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc)

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) S Weakest Precondition 0 ≦ x 0 ≦ x ∧ x ≦ a (a 0) x 0 x x True False ℤ ∅ Stronger Weaker

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) SBE Weakest Precondition WP Hoare Triple … P S S Q Backward

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) GCL Guarded Command Language S GCL Edsger Dijkstra wp(S, Q)

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) wp(S, Q)

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) ※SMT * z3py *SMT Satisfiability Modulo Theories ∀∃ from z3 import * x, y = Ints('x y') wp = True wp = And(y > 3, wp) wp = substitute(wp, (y, x + 2)) simplify(wp) print(wp) Not(x <= 1) { ? } y := x + 2; assert y > 3; {true} x > 1 ⇄ x > 1

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Python SBE GCL Python AST→GCL wp

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Weakest Precondition Python SBE Python Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) Translate GCL & Gen Symbol Vars wp(S, Q) GCL S Q Python Code Models Solve (Concretize) Symbolic Backward Execution Engine ❶ ❷ ❸ • • • If ※ • ※ ❶ GCLのノードの実装 Python →Python AST→GCL wp

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GCL Python ❶ GCL Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) class GCL(): op = "" def __init__(self): pass class Substitute(GCL): op = op.Substitute def __init__(self, x, e): self.x = x # self.e = e # def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, {})".format(self.op, self.x, self.e) x, e

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) 1. Python ast AST 2. AST GCL ❷ Python →Python AST→GCL import ast code = "if (x > 0): y = 1" p = ast.parse(code) S = seq_node(p.body) if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): target = expr_node(node.targets[0], depth + 1, function_name) value = expr_node(node.value, depth + 1, function_name) assign_returned_values = __assign_returned_values(node.value) return assign_returned_values + gcl.Substitute(target, value) Assign →GCL GCL If(x > 0, Substitute(y, 1), Skip()) S Module(body=[If(test=Compare(left=Name(id=‘x’, ctx=Load()), ops=[Gt()], comparators=[Num(n=0)]), body=[Assign(targets=[Name(id='y', ctx=Store())], value=Num(n=1))], orelse=[])]) p Python AST GCL

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) ❸ wp(S, Q) def wp(S, Q): …. snipped … if S.op is node.op.Substitute: … snipped … if z3.is_expr(Q): return z3.substitute(Q, (S.x, S.e)) else: # Q is Bool return Q … snipped … if S.op is node.op.Seq: return wp(S.S1, wp(S.S2, Q)) … snipped … Weakest Precondition Python wp(S, Q)

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{ ??? } y = (x + 1) * 2 if y >= 6: z = 1 else: z = 0 assert(z == 1) { True } Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) x

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) if expr = """ y = (x + 1) * 2 if y >= 6: z = 1 else: z = 0 assert(z == 1) """ p = ast.parse(expr) S = seq_node(p.body) Q = True print("S = {}".format(S)) print("Q = {}".format(Q)) P = wp(S, Q) P = simplify(P) print("wp(S, Q) = {}".format(P)) S = Seq(Substitute(y, (x + 1)*2), Seq(If(y >= 6, Substitute(z, 1), Substitute(z, 0)), Assert(z == 1))) Q = True wp(S, Q) = x >= 2

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) • • • GCL WP FSE • • GCL • • DBI Dynamic Binary Instrumentation → SBE Hybrid Fuzzing SBE

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• Weakest Precondition SBE Python • SBE Weakest Precondition • ✌(‘ω’✌ ) ✌(‘ω’)✌ ( ✌‘ω’)✌ • • ※ • While CFG • SBE BAP [DWP] Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) [DWP] David Brumley, Ivan Jager, Efficient Directionless Weakest Preconditions, CMU-CyLab-10-002.

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Symbolic Backward Execution (by @K_atc) • Hoare_J: , ※ Software Foundations • Weakest Precondition Calculus, • Roberto Baldoni, et al., A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques, arxiv, 2018. • Symbolic Execution, SymExec.pdf • David Brumley, Ivan Jager, Efficient Directionless Weakest Preconditions, CMU-CyLab-10-002, 2010.