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KUBERNETES OPERATORS Roland Huß, Red Hat, @ro14nd DevOpsGathering - Bochum - 2019-03-13

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Kubernetes Controllers 3 ● Kubernetes: Declaratige orchestration platform ● Based on resource objects for declaring target state ● Reconciliation: ○ Observe current state ○ Analyse and compare against declared state ○ Bring current state closer to declared state Observe - Analyse - Act

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Observe - Analyze - Act 4

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Custom Controller 5 ● Watches Kubernetes Resources ● Enhances platform behaviour or introduces new feautures ● Regular Kubernetes application (Deployments, Pod) ● Running permanently in the background ● Common Custom Controller triggers: ○ Labels ○ Annotations ○ ConfigMaps

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operators 6 ● Operator IS-A Controller ● Custom domain modelled as Custom Resource Definition ● Semantically: Operator automates operational tasks and is codified knowledge ● Technically: Operator = Controller + CRD ● CoreOS pioneered the Operator movement An Operator is a Kubernetes Controller that understands two domains: Kubernetes and something else. By combining knowledge of both areas, it can automate tasks that usually require a human operator that understands both domains. — Jimmy Zelinskie

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Controller Operator Spectrum 7

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Custom Resource Definition 8 apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: spec: group: names: kind: Prometheus plural: prometheuses scope: Namespaced version: v1 validation: openAPIV3Schema: ....

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Custom Resource 9 apiVersion: kind: Prometheus metadata: name: prometheus spec: serviceMonitorSelector: matchLabels: team: frontend resources: requests: memory: 400Mi status: phase: Installed

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND CRD Classification 10 ● Installation CRDs ○ Installing and operating applications ○ Backup and Restore ○ Monitoring and self-healing ○ Example: Prometheus for installing Prometheus & components ● Application CRDs ○ Application specific domain concepts ○ Example: ServiceMonitor for registering Kubernetes service to be scraped by Prometheus

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator Installation Options 12 One Operator per Namespace One Operator watching all Namespaces system namespaces tenant namespaces MongoDB object MongoDB object MongoDB object MongoDB object Operator system namespaces tenant namespaces object object object object

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator Development 16 ● Operator can be implemented in any language ● Frameworks: ○ Operator Framework (Golang, Helm, Ansible) ■ ○ Kubebuilder (Golang) ■ ○ Metacontroller (Language agnostic) ■ ○ jvm-operators (Java, Groovy, Kotlin, ….) ■

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Kubebuilder 17 ● ● Scaffolding for Golang based Operators ● Mutliple CRDs within one project ● Works directly with Kubernetes API

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Metacontroller 18 ● ●

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND jvm-controllers 19 ● ● Toolkit for creating Kubernetes and OpenShift in JVM languages ● Supports CRD and ConfigMaps for lifecycle management ● Callback based API called on CRD lifecyle events ● Plan: Switching to a Quarkus based architecture for creating native operators

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator Framework 20 For Builders: ● Easily create operators on Kubernetes via a common method ● Provide standardized set of tools to build consistent operators For Consumers: ● Consume of cloud-native applications more secure and easier ● Keep installed operators up to date for security reasons and app lifecycle management

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator Framework 21 Build Operators Install, update, and manage Operators Operator usage reporting

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator SDK 22 ● Framework and Tookit for creating Operators ● Skaffolding of a project skeleton ● Scorecard check ● Uses controller-runtime under the hood ○ ● Modes ○ Golang ○ Ansible ○ Helm

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator Maturity Model 23 Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Basic Install Automated application provisioning and configuration management Seamless Upgrades Patch and minor version upgrades supported Full Lifecycle App lifecycle, storage lifecycle (backup, failure recovery) Deep Insights Metrics, alerts, log processing and workload analysis Auto Pilot Horizontal/vertical scaling, auto config tuning, abnormal detection, scheduling tuning

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operation Lifecycle Manager (OLM) 25 ● OLM: Operators for managing lifecycle or Operators ● “Operator Operator” ● Main components: ○ olm-operator: Managing operator deployments ○ catalog-operator: Managing subscriptions to channels ○ OperatorGroups for implementing multi-tenancy of operartors ● Installs packages from ● Included OOTB in OpenShift 4 ● Main CRD: ClusterServiceVersion

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND ClusterServiceVersion 26 ● Metadata (name, description, version, links, labels, icon, ...) ● Operator Installation ○ Type: Deployment ■ Set of service accounts / required permissions ■ Set of deployments ● CRDs ○ Type ○ Owned - managed by this service ○ Required - must exist in the cluster for this service to run ○ Resources - a list of resources that the Operator interacts with ○ Descriptors - annotate CRD spec and status fields to provide semantic information

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KUBERNETES OPERATORS // @RO14ND Operator Framework Summary 27 OPERATOR SDK KUBERNETES OPERATOR + = + OPERATOR LIFECYCLE MANAGER + OPERATOR METERING DEVELOPER ADMINISTRATOR USER “create new operator” scaffolding custom logic metadata package “make available to” “list packages” “subscribe to channel” subscription namespace operator instance managed application “collect metrics” “Create application”

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THANK YOU @ro14nd