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Responsive images have landed

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Shipped Development

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Why Responsive Images? Jason Grigsby • @grigs • Photo by

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Why can’t I let go of responsive images?

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Slide 5 text 1. Responsive images provide interesting puzzles.

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Use Cases

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Slide 7 text Resolution Switching Includes high-density (retina) images.

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Art direction

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Slide 9 text Art direction

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Slide 10 text Art direction

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Slide 11 text Art direction

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Not simply cropping

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Art direction: Images with text

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image breakpoints

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Slide 16 text Art direction may dictate image breakpoints

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Slide 17 text Image breakpoints for resolution switching.

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For responsive design breakpoints, resize the browser until the page looks bad then… BOOM! you need a breakpoint.

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2000 x 3010 761K 200 x 301 15K How many image breakpoints?

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2000 x 3010 761K 200 x 301 15K Scaled down images don’t look bad.

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2000 x 3010 250K 400 x 602 Actual size in page 800 x 1204 73K

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2000 x 3010 250K 400 x 602 Actual size in page 800 x 1204 73K 600 x 903 42K

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400 x 602 Actual size in page 800 x 1204 73K 600 x 903 42K 500 x 753 31K 450 x 678 27K

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400 x 602 Actual size in page

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400 x 602 Actual size in page Is the only intrinsic information we have about image size.

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In the responsive layouts I’ve worked on, content image sizes and their breakpoints were chosen for completely different reasons than the design (CSS) breakpoints: the former for sensible jumps in file size to match screen dimension and/or density, and the latter for how content modules are visibly designed at given viewport dimensions. —Scott Jehl, Filament Group “

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What is a sensible jump in file size?

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Images compress differently Both images are 960x660 pixels 151K, JPEG 13K PNG

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Responsive Images Performance Budget

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Source image: 500x333 58K What is the cost of flexible images?

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Source image: 500x333 58K What is the cost of flexible images? Size in page: 300x200 24K Making this image flexible costs 34K.

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What if we set a performance budget of 20K per image for flexible images?

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Width Height File Size 320 213 25K 453 302 44K 579 386 65K 687 458 85K 786 524 104K 885 590 124K 975 650 142K 990 660 151K 8 image breakpoints

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Width Height File Size 320 213 9K 731 487 29K 990 660 40K 3 image breakpoints

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7 image breakpoints Width Height File Size 320 213 24K 471 314 43K 612 408 64K 728 485 84K 840 560 103K 944 629 122K 990 660 131K

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Width Height File Size 990 660 13K 1 image breakpoint

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Impact of image resizing on memory usage Source:

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200 x 200 600 x 600 Source:

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150 x 150 550 x 550 Source:

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(200 x 200 - 150 x 150) x 4 = 70,000 wasted bytes (600 x 600 - 550 x 550) x 4 = 230,000 wasted bytes Source:

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200px 1200px 700px

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200px 1200px 700px Need more image sources at larger sizes Source:

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Pick representative images and test how many breakpoints you’ll need. Image breakpoints are not a science yet.

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Questions to ask about images Where are the source files and what is the process for publishing? Is there a big difference between smallest and largest image size? Resolution switching or art direction? Can we use SVG? Are there representative images we can use to find sensible jumps in file sizes for our image breakpoints? Do we want to support multiple image formats?

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Real life example: hero images

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Hero images are usually large promo images

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Full requirements for a hero image:

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Full requirements for a hero image: A box for marketing.

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In an ideal world, you build HTML5 hero images…

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Instead, maybe all hero images consist of HTML text placed on an image.

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And every image you use has spots set aside just for your text.

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But that may not be practical for your site.

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Maybe just give them a box? Image breakpoints FTL

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No content

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No content

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Image Breakpoints Name Width Height Max Width Min Width Large 1080 360 n/a 781 Medium 780 320 780 541 Small 540 270 540 n/a Text readability dictated 3 image breakpoints Need to support 16 pt in this font? Requires 4 breakpoints.

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This worked for one project. Your project will likely be different.

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But surveying your images will help you figure it out.

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Image Description Format Size Markup Notes Property logos PNG8 (future SVG) Regular, Retina Little variance between the wide and small screen image sizes. Partner logos PNG8 (future SVG) Regular, Retina Little variance between the wide and small screen image sizes. Iconography SVG — — Brand logos PNG8 (future SVG) regular, Retina Assumes little variance between the wide and small screen image sizes. Property photography JPG 
 (conditional WebP) Dynamically resized and compressed srcset and sizes Templates specify breakpoints. Promo images w/ text 
 (art direction) Whichever is appropriate As many sizes as needed. Content producer defines images and breakpoints in CMS. Example of images audit for a large site

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Slide 61 text Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 2. Responsive images present great opportunities.

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Browsers can make smart decisions if we let them. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0

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MUST media =

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options image-set, srcset, and sizes =

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402 x 606 Actual size in page 400 x 603 Image Source #1 800 x 1204 Image Source #2 Sometimes upscaling makes sense

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srcset and sizes let browsers be smart

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another use for

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declare different types of images unless art direction, you don’t need media attribute ACME Corp

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New image formats present new possibilities JPEG 2000 handles alpha channel images well

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JPEG 2000 19.2K JPEG-XR 95.7K PNG 325.7K Web-P 56K Alpha Channel Dice Image

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Slide 72 text Special thanks to Simon Pieters, Mat Marquis, Eric Portis, Yoav Weiss, and the rest of the RICG. Shout out to all of the amazing photographers who share their work under creative commons. You rule!