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中三Chemistry新書(07/2) Title:Simply science Cover: Sometimes less really is more. This smart but powerful little guide explains the cornerstones of scientific thought one key idea at time, from evolution by natural selection to gravitional waves Call No.:500 DKL

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中三Chemistry新書(07/2) Title:Everything you need to ace chemistry in one big fat notebook Contents: Basics of chemistry; all about matter; atomic theory and electron configuration; elements and the periodic table; bonding and verse theory; chemical compounds; chemical reactions and calculations; gases… Call No.:540 EVE

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中三Chemistry新書(07/2) Title:Comic strip science, chemistry Cover: Discover the science of different states of matter and learn about materials and their properties with comic strips full of science action, facts and humour Call No.:540 MAS

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中三Chemistry新書(07/2) Title:States of matter Cover: What is matter? And why does it matter? Matter matters because matter is in everything, everywhere! Call No.:540 ROM

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中三Chemistry新書(07/2) Title:Usborne chemistry for beginners Cover: From your stomach digesting food, to the stars in the night sky, chemistry is happening all around you, all of the time. Call No.:540 USB

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中三Chemistry新書(07/2) Title:Science comics, the periodic table of elements Cover: A book of fun chemistry experiments has fallen into the wrong hands. The maniacal madman Elemancer has a dastardly plan to poison every atom in the Land of the Elements. Only Mel, a middle schooler and true hero, can use her knowledge of … Call No.:546 CHA

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