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Jetpack Compose: UI toolkit for Android and Desktop apps Julien Salvi - Android GDE | Lead Android Engineer @ Aircall DevFest Nantes 2021 @JulienSalvi

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Jetpack Compose introduction A declarative UI toolkit

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- Me about Jetpack Compose Wow c’est trop stylé!

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What’s Jetpack Compose? Jetpack Compose is a declarative UI framework made by Google. Stable since Aug. 2021. It is composed of a compiler, a runtime and a bunch of core UI libraries. Made with Kotlin. Nice interoperability with View UI framework.

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Jetpack Compose Jetpack Compose 1.0.0 🥳 Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-alpha-01 2020 Compose 0.1.0-dev-01 Compose Web preview 2019 2021 2022 Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-beta-01 Compose Desktop dev-01 Compose Desktop and Web alpha

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose XML layout Activity / Fragment / View setContentView(...) inflate(...) findViewById(...)

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose XML layout Activity / Fragment / View setContentView(...) inflate(...) findViewById(...) title.text = ... desc.isVisible = ... group += View() a = MyAdapter()

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose XML layout Activity / Fragment / View setContentView(...) inflate(...) findViewById(...) title.text = ... desc.isVisible = ... group += View() a = MyAdapter() STATE

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose XML layout Activity / Fragment / View setContentView(...) inflate(...) findViewById(...) title.text = ... desc.isVisible = ... group += View() a = MyAdapter() STATE

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose XML layout Activity / Fragment / View setContentView(...) inflate(...) findViewById(...) title.text = ... desc.isVisible = ... group += View() a = MyAdapter() STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose XML layout Activity / Fragment / View setContentView(...) inflate(...) findViewById(...) title.text = ... desc.isVisible = ... group += View() a = MyAdapter() STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE ⚠ 💥 ⚠ 💥 ⚠ 💥 ⚠ 💥 ⚠ 💥

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Jetpack Compose From XML/View to Compose UI State UI 2 State 2 ?

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Jetpack Compose Let’s explore the foundation of Compose: ● How Compose transforms a state to a UI component by demystifying the declarative paradigm ● How to make UI components: Composable ● What Compose has to offer as a UI Toolkit to build top notch apps on Android

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Declarative UI ● Every Composable is a function annotated with @Composable ● You can split your UI into a set of tiny reusable components ● Produce and render components @Composable fun IngredientList(ingredients: List) { Column(modifier = modifier .fillMaxWidth() .wrapContentHeight() ) { Text(text = "Ingrédients") LazyRow { items(ingredients) { ing -> IngredientItem(ingredient = ing) } } } }

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Declarative UI ● Basic conditions to show or hide UI components @Composable fun TwoPanel() { val threshold = { 400.dp.toPx() } BoxWithConstraints { if (maxWidth.value > threshold) { TwoColumnsLayout() } else { HomeScreen() } } }

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Declarative UI ● Basic conditions to show or hide UI components ● You can pass parameters to your Composable ● A change in these parameters will trigger the re-composition @Composable fun IngredientList(ingredients: List) { Column(modifier = modifier .fillMaxWidth() .wrapContentHeight() ) { Text(text = "Ingrédients") LazyRow { items(ingredients) { ing -> IngredientItem(ingredient = ing) } } } }

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Declarative UI ● ViewModel can handle LiveData or StateFlow that can be bound and collected a Composable ● Every time a new state will be pushed it will re-compose the UI @Composable fun RecipeDetailsScreen(recipeId: Int) { val vm = hiltViewModel() val recipe = vm.recipe.collectAsState().value if (recipe.ingredients.isNotEmpty()) { IngredientList( ingredients = recipe.ingredients ) } }

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Declarative UI ● Composable are immutable... ● … but they can be dynamic! ● You can “remember” internal state in order to trigger local changes @Composable fun StepItem(step: Step) { var expand by remember{ mutableStateOf(false) } Text( text = step.desc, modifier = Modifier.clickable { expand = !expand }, style = MaterialTheme.typography.body2, color = AppColorsTheme.colors.text, maxLines = if (expanded) MAX_VALUE else 3, overflow = if (expanded) Clip else Ellipsis ) }

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The UI Toolkit Think in Compose!

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UI Toolkit ● Override MaterialTheme to define your default Typography, Shapes and Colors ● It has a great support for dark/light mode ● Replaces old XML styles for Views @Composable fun RecipeekTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable () -> Unit ) { val colors = if (darkTheme) { DarkColorPalette } else { LightColorPalette } ProvideAppColors(colors) { MaterialTheme( colors = debugColors(darkTheme), typography = Typography, shapes = RecipeekShapes, content = content ) } }

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UI Toolkit ● Compose offers a large set of atomic components (Button, Text, TextField, Image…) ● As well as container (Box, Row, Column…) to organize your UI ● Multiple Modifier to construct your components Button( onClick = { onNavigateTo( }, shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.medium, contentPadding = PaddingValues(0.dp), modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .wrapContentHeight() .background( color = AppColorsTheme.colors.main shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.medium ) .padding(8.dp) ) Column(modifier = modifier) { Text( text = "Préparation", style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5, color = AppColorsTheme.colors.text, ) Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(8.dp)) steps.forEach { step -> StepItem(step = step) Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(8.dp)) } }

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UI Toolkit ● Modifier allow you to shape your UI but also interact with your Compose (click, touch events…) ● When manipulating Modifer, keep in mind that the order matters! ● Use them wisely 🙂 Text( text = "Some text", modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(32.dp) .border( width = 4.dp, color = red700, shape = CutCornerShape(32.dp) ) .graphicsLayer { shadowElevation = 8.dp.toPx() shape = CutCornerShape(32.dp) clip = true } .background(color = greenLight700) .padding(32.dp) )

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UI Toolkit ● Use the @Preview annotation to have a sneak peek of your UI @MustBeDocumented @Retention(AnnotationRetention.SOURCE) @Target( AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION ) @Repeatable annotation class Preview( val name: String = "", val group: String = "", @IntRange(from = 1) val apiLevel: Int = -1, val widthDp: Int = -1, val heightDp: Int = -1, val locale: String = "", @FloatRange(from = 0.01) val fontScale: Float = 1f, val showSystemUi: Boolean = false, val showBackground: Boolean = false, val backgroundColor: Long = 0, @UiMode val uiMode: Int = 0, @Device val device: String = Devices.DEFAULT )

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UI Toolkit ● Use the @Preview annotation to have a sneak peek of your UI ● Customize your Previews by showing the system UI or by enabling the dark mode @Preview( showSystemUi = true, showBackground = true, uiMode = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES ) @Composable fun StepPreview() { RecipeekTheme { val step = Step( position = 3, desc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" ) StepItem(step = step) } }

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UI Toolkit ● Use the @Preview annotation to have a sneak peek of your UI ● Customize your Previews by showing the system UI or by enabling the dark mode ● Mock your data to see it in action!

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UI Toolkit ● Support for interoperability with the View framework ● Call Composable in View code val myComposeView = ComposeView(requireContext()).apply { // Dispose the Composition // when the view's LifecycleOwner is destroyed setViewCompositionStrategy( DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed ) setContent { // Compose stuff MaterialTheme { Text("Hello DevFest Nantes!") } } }

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UI Toolkit ● Support for interoperability with the View framework ● Call Composable in View code ● Call View code in Composable @Composable fun CustomView() { // Adds view to Compose AndroidView( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), factory = { context -> // Creates custom view CustomView(context).apply { // Setup your View here } }, update = { view -> // Populate your view with new state // -> re-compose view.setStuff = newStuff() } ) }

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What’s next? source:

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Jetpack Compose Live coding! Let’s code a small recipe app 🍱 ⚠ Architecture in MVC (Model-View-Crado) ⚠

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Compose Android Let’s build a small list/detail app: RECIPEEK On the main screen we’ll have a Toolbar, a search bar and a list of recipes with some information What we’re going to learn: - Modifier - LazyColumn - State - Theming

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Compose Android On the recipe details screen we’ll have a look at more Modifiers and how to place Composables and add some nice Animations. What we’re going to learn: - More Modifiers - Shapes - ConstraintLayout Compose - State - Animations

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Compose Desktop (Almost the) Same but on desktop!

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Compose Desktop Developed and maintained by JetBrains based on Jetpack Compose for Android Uses Skia for a power rendering Desktop extensions for mouse/keyboard events, menus, window manipulation... AWT and Swing interoperability

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Compose for Desktop Live coding! Let’s bring our recipe app to desktop 🍱 ⚠ Architecture in MVC (Model-View-Crado) ⚠

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Compose Desktop With the desktop version of the app we’ll see how to adapt Compose Android code to make it work on desktop. What we’re going to learn: - Desktop Modifiers - Theme for Desktop - Layouts - State - Animations

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Compose Multiplatform If you want to maintain only one code base to develop your app for Android, Desktop or iOS you might want to take a look at Kotlin Multiplatform. Some Compose tools are only supported on Android (ConstraintLayout, Lifecycle, Coil…) Developing for desktop might take a bit longer than Android as the library ecosystem is not as rich as Android yet.

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Resources Compose for Android Official Documentation Compose Codelabs Code Samples Recipeek

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Resources Compose Desktop & Web Official Documentation Sources, Samples & Tutorials Recipeek Desktop

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Resources The recipes Coming soon or ask me later 😅

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Merci! Julien Salvi - Android GDE | Lead Android Engineer @ Aircall DevFest Nantes 2021 @JulienSalvi Have fun with Jetpack Compose!