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Jakata’s Millenials spend around JUST for the lifestyle needs in 2018 3.2 million rupiah each month Source:

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present because millenials live in

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Consumtive Lifestyle Good Future

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What if... this consumtive lifestyle could prepare their future instead of ruin it

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mandiri investment for millenials

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how it works First, millenials do their consumtive lifestyle but, in this case they use mandiri as the payment gateway but, this cashback is only able to use for certain thing Second, they could get cashback from their purchases And YES, the certain thing is investment that is how we trick millenials to do investment

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market size in 2018 There are 90 MILLION population of millenials in Indonesia And mandiri has 17 MILLION of customer in Indonesia which 43% of it are millenials that was 7.3 MILLION POTENTIAL MARKET and will growing fast why? because we engage the culture of millenials Source:,

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why this is so important? For mandiri and merchants Showing an awareness of millenials issues on consumtive lifestyle For us (millenials) A way to relieve from guilty pleasure of consumtive lifestyle and future worried fun way “investment the ”

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you can pay with mandiri via QR Code Scan Payment made easy add your saving goals for this investment A dream to reach how to use milena

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make sure your transaction detail is valid Pay the bill obtain various cashback from your purchase Get the cashback scan the provided QR Code to complete the transaction Scan the QR Code how to use milena

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gain every step in your transaction Collect your mountain choose your investment Invest NOW how to use milena

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next development adding variant investment type inflation prediction integration with fiestapoin

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thank you “let’s investing consumtively”