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Warehousing MongoDB Data Using Apache Beam and BigQuery Sandeep Parikh Head of Solutions Architecture, Americas East @crcsmnky

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Agenda MongoDB on Google Cloud Platform What is Data Warehousing Tools & Technologies Example Use Case

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 3 MongoDB on Google Cloud Platform

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Google Cloud Platform 4 MongoDB on Google Cloud Platform

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Google Cloud Platform 5 Manually Deploying MongoDB

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Google Cloud Platform 6 Google Cloud Launcher

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Google Cloud Platform 7 MongoDB Cloud Manager

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Google Cloud Platform 8 MongoDB Cloud Manager How do you automate this?

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Google Cloud Platform 9 Bootstrapping MongoDB Cloud Manager Deployment Manager Template

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Google Cloud Platform 10 Cloud Deployment Manager Provision, configure your deployment Configuration as code Declarative approach to configuration Template-driven Supports YAML, Jinja, and Python Use schemas to constrain parameters References control order and dependencies

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Google Cloud Platform 11 Bootstrapping Cloud Manager Schema, Configuration & Template Posted on Github Three Compute Engine instances, each with 500 GB PD-SSD MongoDB Cloud Manager automation agent pre-installed and configured $ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create mongodb-cloud-manager \ --config mongodb-cloud-manager.jinja \ --properties mmsGroupId=MMSGROUPID,mmsApiKey=MMSAPIKEY

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 12 What’s a Data Warehouse

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Data Warehouses are central repositories of integrated data from one or more disparate sources

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Google Cloud Platform 14 Data Warehouse Money Data Data Data Insights Profit!

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 15 Tools and Technologies

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Where: BigQuery

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Google Cloud Platform 17 BigQuery Complex, Petabyte-scale data warehousing made simple Scales automatically; No setup or admin Foundation for analytics and machine learning

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Google Cloud Platform 18 RUN QUERY

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How: Apache Beam (incubating)

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21 Modern data processing Pipeline-centric approach Batch and streaming, from the same codebase Portable across runtime environments Build pipelines using Java (GA), Python (alpha) Apache Beam

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Google Cloud Platform 22 Apache Beam Lineage MapReduce BigTable Dremel Colossus Flume Megastore Spanner PubSub Millwheel Apache Beam Google Cloud Dataflow

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Google Cloud Platform 23 Beam, Modes of Operation 3 Streaming 4 Streaming + Accumulation 1 Classic Batch 2 Windowed Batch

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Google Cloud Platform 24 Pipelines in Beam Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(); p.begin() .apply(TextIO.Read.from(“gs://…”)) .apply(ParDo.of(new ExtractTags()) .apply(Count.create()) .apply(ParDo.of(new ExpandPrefixes()) .apply(Top.largestPerKey(3)) .apply(“gs://…”));; Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(); p.begin() .apply(TextIO.Read.from(“gs://…”)) .apply(ParDo.of(new ExtractTags()) .apply(Count.create()) .apply(ParDo.of(new ExpandPrefixes()) .apply(Top.largestPerKey(3)) .apply(“gs://…”));; .apply(PubsubIO.Read.from(“input_topic”)) .apply(, MINUTES)) .apply(“output_topic”)); Batch to Streaming

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Google Cloud Platform 25 Apache Beam Vision Beam Model: Fn Runners Apache Flink Apache Spark Beam Model: Pipeline Construction Other Languages Beam Java Beam Python Execution Execution Cloud Dataflow Execution

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Google Cloud Platform 26 Running Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow Local Runner

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27 A great place for executing Beam pipelines which provides: ● Fully managed, no-ops execution environment ● Integration with Google Cloud Platform ● Java support in GA. Python in Alpha Cloud Dataflow Service

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Deploy Tear Down Fully Managed: Worker Lifecycle Management

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Fully Managed: Dynamic Worker Scaling

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100 mins. 65 mins. vs. Fully Managed: Dynamic Work Rebalancing

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Integrated: Monitoring UI

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Integrated: Distributed Logging

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Cloud Logs Google App Engine Google Analytics Premium Cloud Pub/Sub BigQuery Storage (tables) Cloud Bigtable (NoSQL) Cloud Storage (files) Cloud Dataflow BigQuery Analytics (SQL) Capture Store Analyze Batch Cloud DataStore Process Stream Cloud Monitoring Cloud Bigtable Real time analytics and Alerts Cloud Dataflow Cloud Dataproc Integrated: Google Cloud Platform Cloud Dataproc 33

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Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 34 Example Use Case

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Google Cloud Platform 35 Sensor Data 1000 Devices Cloud Storage ID, Type, Name 27M Log Entries MongoDB Device ID, Value, Timestamp

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What’s the average reading per sensor type?

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Google Cloud Platform 37 Beam + MongoDB Export (JSON,CSV) TextIO.Read MongoClient Find

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Google Cloud Platform 38 Beam + MongoDB (coming soon!) MongoDbIO.Read

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Google Cloud Platform 39 Pipeline Execution

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Google Cloud Platform 40 // Read sensor logs from MongoDB and create PCollection of Documents PCollection sensorLogs = p.apply( .withUri("mongodb://" + options.getMongoDBHost() + ":27017") .withDatabase(options.getMongoDBDatabase()) .withCollection(options.getMongoDBCollection())); // Extract "Device ID -> Value" PCollection PCollection> sensorIdValue = sensorLogs .apply("ExtractValues", ParDo.of(new DoFn>() { @ProcessElement public void processElement(ProcessContext c) { String deviceId = c.element().getObjectId("_id").toString(); Double value = c.element().getDouble("v"); c.output(KV.of(deviceId, value)); } })); Using MongoDbIO.Read

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Google Cloud Platform 41 Transforming Data Document → Device ID, Value CSV → Device ID, Type Type, Value Type, Mean Value Output to BigQuery

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Questions? Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow BigQuery