• Background
• Problems
• Introducing and operations
• Key results
• Next challenges
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• "Make everyday cooking fun!"
• Originally started in Japan in 1997
• Operate in over 23 languages, 68
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• 200+ product developers
• 100+ production services
• 90M Monthly Average User
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Organization structure
Service Team
SRE team etc
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Technology stack
• Ruby on Rails for both web frontend
and backend apps
• Python for ML apps
• Go for backend app
• Rust, Swift, Java etc.. for internal
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Operational problems
• Decrease in system reliability
• Hard to trouble shoot and debug
‣ Increase of time detect root causes of
‣ Capacity planing
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• Expeditor
‣ Ruby library inspired by Netflix's
• aws-xray
‣ Ruby library for distributed tracing
using AWS's X-Ray service
GoPythonRustJavaSwift apps?
• Limitation of library model
‣ More for product development
‣ Controlling library versions is hard
• Planning to develop our proxy and
mixed with consul-template
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Service mesh to the rescue
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at SRECON America 2017
"Lyft's Envoy: Experiences Operating a Large Service Mesh"
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Replacing libraries to proxy
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Introducing and
operating service mesh
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• Early 2017: making plan
• Late 2017: building MVP
• Early 2018: generally available
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• Publicity released at mid 2016
• Lightweight
• Graceful reloading
• gRPC support
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Plan: in-house
• Early 2017: no Istio
• We use Amazon ECS
• Not using full features of Envoy
• Resiliency and observability parts
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• Control resiliency settings by Ops
‣ Centrally managed
‣ Review flow
• All metrics should go into Prometheus
• Low operation cost
‣ Less components, use of managed services
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Configuration contents
• Jsonnet
• Route config
‣ Retry, timeouts for
paths, domains
• Cluster config
‣ DNS name of internal ELB
‣ Circuit breaker settings
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Drop statsd-relay
• Adding tags to metrics
with DogStatsd format
• Less component is
‣ Send PRs to Envoy
‣ dog_statsd sink and
fixed tag configuration
are available
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gRPC infrastructure
• Need L7 proxy for
HTTP/2 traffic
• Let's extend
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ServiceDiscoveryService API
• lyft/discovery
‣ Reference
implementation of SDS
• Moved to cookpad/sds
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The hard point of ECS
• Copy current ECS
• Wait then switch
• Delete old one
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Generally available
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• Prometheus
• Grafana
‣ Per service
‣ Per servie-to-service
‣ Envoy instances
• Vizceral
‣ promviz, promviz-front
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Envoy on EC2
• Build and distribute as a in-house
deb package
• Manage as a systemd service
• Use
‣ Generate starter script for each host
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• Sidecar Envoy containers need a few
seconds to be up
‣ For background jobs
• Wrapper command-line tool
‣ cookpad/wait-side-car
• Eliminates temporal burst of errors
from backend services
• Speed of reviewing settings and
• Fault isolation: not yet remarkable
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• Decrease of time to detect root causes
around service communication issues
• Visualization of how resilience
mechanism is working
• One of sources of Service Level
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Continuous Growth of platform
• Improve application platform without application
• Increase velocity of platform development team
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Next challenges
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Next challenges
• v2 xDS migration
• More effective traffic control
• Chaos engineering platform
• Distributed tracing
• Auth[z, n]
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Wrap up
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Wrap up
• Issues around service communications
• Introducing service mesh instead of
doing library approach
• Key results: resiliency, observability,
platform improvement