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Support Library v23.2 overview @androhi 1

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About me 4 Zaim Inc. 4 GitHub / Twitter / Qiita 4 @androhi 4 DroidKaigi 2016 staff & speaker @androhi 2

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Agenda 4 v23.2ͷτϐοΫ 4 RecyclerViewͷࣗಈαΠζௐ੔ػೳ @androhi 3

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v23.2ͷτϐοΫ 1. VectorDrawableͷαϙʔτ 4 Ξχϝʔγϣϯ෇͖͸Ұ෦੍ݶ͋Γ 2. AppCompatͷDayNightςʔϚ 3. BottomSheetͷαϙʔτ 4. ΧελϜλϒʹϘτϜόʔͷ௥Ճ 5. AndroidTVͷLeanbackڧԽ @androhi 4

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VectorDrawable ͷαϙʔτ 4 VectorDrawableରԠ·ͱΊ @konifar 4 AppCompat v23.2 — Age of the vectors @androhi 5

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DayNight ςʔϚͷ௥Ճ ... // ΞϓϦશମʹઃఆ AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_YES); // Activity΍Dialog୯ҐͰઃఆ AppCompatDelegate delegate = getDelegate(); delegate.setLocalNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO); @androhi 6

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BottomSheet ͷαϙʔτ 4 αϙʔτϥΠϒϥϦ @yuichi_araki 4 BottomSheetBehaviorΛ࢖͏ @napplecomputer @androhi 7

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ΧελϜλϒͷϘ τϜόʔ ※ chrome v49 Ҏ্ @androhi 8

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ΧελϜλϒͷϘτϜόʔ // VectorDrawableͰ΋େৎ෉ʂ Bitmap icon1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_room_24dp); Bitmap icon2 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_favorite_24dp); CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder() .setToolbarColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.colorPrimary)) .setSecondaryToolbarColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.colorPrimary)) // ௥ՃͰ͖Δͷ͸4ݸ·ͰɻͦΕҎ্͸IllegalStateException .addToolbarItem(1, icon1, "description1", pendingIntent) .addToolbarItem(2, icon2, "description2", pendingIntent) .build(); customTabsIntent.launchUrl(this, Uri.parse("")); @androhi 9

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Leanback ڧԽ 4 GuidedStepFragment ͷେ෯ͳվળ 4 ࠓճ͸ࢼͤ·ͤΜͰͨ͠... @androhi 10

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RecyclerViewͷ ࣗಈαΠζௐ੔ػೳ @androhi 11

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WRAP_CONTENT ͷ༗ޮԽ RecyclerView ΛίϯςϯπͷαΠζʹԠͯ͡α ΠζมߋͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹͳΓ·͢ɻͭ·ΓɺҎલ͸ Ͱ͖ͳ͔ͬͨ RecyclerView ͷੇ๏஋ʹ WRAP_CONTENT Λ࢖༻͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ΔΑ͏ ʹͳ͍ͬͯ·͢ɻ — Google Developers Japan @androhi 12

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activity.xml @androhi 13

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list_item.xml @androhi 14

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@androhi 15

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@androhi 16

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΋͜͠Μͳ list_item.xml ͩͬͨ Β... @androhi 17

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@androhi 18

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v23.1 -> v23.2 ͷΞοϓσʔτ RecyclerView ͷ࢖༻Օॴ͸ཁ஫ҙ @androhi 19

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LayoutManager ͷมߋ ϏϧτΠϯͷ LayoutManager ΛܧঝͤͣɺΧε λϜͷ LayoutManager Λ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δ৔߹ɺ͜ Ε͸ΦϓτΠϯ API ʹͳΓ·͢ɻ setAutoMeasureEnabled(true) Λݺͼग़͠ɺ ϝιουͷ Javadoc ʹৄ͘͠هࡌ͞Ε͍ͯΔͱ ͓Γɺࡉ͔ͳมߋΛՃ͑Δඞཁ͕͋Γ·͢ɻ — Google Developers Japan @androhi 20

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LayoutManager#setAutoMeasureEn abled(boolean) ϨΠΞ΢τͷଌఆ( onMeasure )Λɺ RecyclerView ͕ߦ͏( =true )ͷ͔ LayoutManager ͕ߦ͏( =false )ͷ͔Λఆٛ͢ Δϝιουɻ -> RecyclerView ͕ଌఆ͢Δ৔߹͸ɺࢠͷཁૉ͔ ΒαΠζΛࣗಈܭࢉ͢Δɻ @androhi 21

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v23.1 ͷ LinearLayoutManager // Constructor public LinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) { setOrientation(orientation); setReverseLayout(reverseLayout); } @androhi 22

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v23.2 ͷ LinearLayoutManager public LinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) { setOrientation(orientation); setReverseLayout(reverseLayout); setAutoMeasureEnabled(true); } @androhi 23

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LayoutManager ΛΧελϜͯ͠Δ ͳΒ onMeasure Λ override ͍ͯ͠Δ৔߹͸ɺΧε λϜ LayoutMnagerͷதͰ setAutoMeasureEnabled(false) ΛݺͿɻ @androhi 24

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·ͱΊ 4 VectorDrawable αϙʔτ࠷ߴ 4 RecyclerView ͸ཁ஫ҙ @androhi 25