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Dat Tran - Head of Data Science Deploying email classifier to production for an enhanced ecommerce customer experience Tanuj Jain (Data Scientist) David Vinco (Junior Software Developer) 06/09/2018 - Bedcon 1

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Agenda 1. Motivation 2. Machine Learning Model 3. Deployment 4. Learnings 5. Next steps 2

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idealo internet GmbH ● Two main businesses: ○ Price comparison ○ Ecommerce - idealo Direktkauf 4

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Ecommerce Customer Aftersales ● Receive updates about placed orders: ○ Notification of successful order placement ○ Access to invoice ○ Shipping updates ○ Cancellation notification 5

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6 Current Process Stuff you want to buy →

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7 Current Process

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Current Process Every interaction between customer and shop occurs via email through idealo! Order confirmation through email SHOP 8

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9 BUT ….

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Better Solution Provide all updates through idealo user account Idealo account Order confirmation Invoice access Cancellation Updates ….. 10

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How to reach the better solution? Extracting relevant information from emails Understanding Email content Updating User account Is it an Invoice? OR Is it a Cancellation OR Is it Anything else? Invoice: Extract pdf Cancellation: Update status Shipping: Extract tracking number Displaying extracted information on the user front end. 11

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Understanding Email Data

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Challenges ● Hundreds of shops ● Millions of emails ● Several email types 13

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Challenges ● Hundreds of shops ● Millions of emails ● Several email types Machine Learning Magic! 14

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Machine Learning 101 Step 1 Training Where we ‘teach’ our model through data what is classified as an Apple or Banana or Mango. Supervised Learning Characterize each fruit by features. Example: 1. Fruit colour 2. Length of the fruit 3. Width of the fruit 4. …. 15

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Machine Learning 101 Step 2 Testing Where we ‘quiz’ our model till it passes with a satisfactory score. Supervised Learning 16

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Machine Learning Model Multiclass-classification with binary classifier: ’One vs Rest’ strategy 3 classifiers: • vs all-other fruits • vs all-other fruits • vs all-other fruits Training step: • Teach all 3 classifiers Test step: • Show test sample to each classifier • Winning class: The one with highest probability 17

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Labels & Distribution ● Predict only 3 labels: ○ Rechnung (Invoice) ○ Storno (Cancellation) ○ Other ● Work with only a subset of emails: ○ Only few months ● High imbalance in label distribution First iteration Label Count Share Rechnung (invoice) ~100K 7.95% Storno (cancellation) ~4K 0.25% Other ~1.2 Million 91.8% 19

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20 Email Example

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21 Mail Data After Parsing

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Data Cleaning

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23 Dirty Data! Greetings, stop words, Email-ids, Numbers

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24 Dirty Data! Weblinks, tenses, Split-words

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Dirty Data! 25 Footers

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Data Cleaning Steps ● Lowercase ● Remove: ○ Punctuation ○ Email Ids ○ Weblinks ○ Footers ○ Stop words ● Merge words like ‘A R T I K E L Ü B E R S I C H T’ ● Stemming and Lemmatization: Gets word roots ○ Eg: ‘Nachfolgenden’ becomes ‘nachfolg’ 26

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Original bodylength Distribution Final bodylength Distribution 27

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28 Most Common Words: Rechnung (Invoice)

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29 Most Common Words: Storno (Cancellation)

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30 Most Common Words: Others

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31 pdfAttached Distribution

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Observations ● Each class has its own high frequency words ● Varying amounts of length reduction after cleaning per class ● pdfAttached distribution different per class → Good candidates for deriving features 32

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Features ● Text features ○ Term frequency inverse document frequency (tfidf) on body ○ Tfidf lays more importance to most distinguishing words ● Body length after cleaning ● Difference between body length before and after cleaning ● pdfAttached - binary feature 33

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Machine Learning Model Logistic regression • Linear classifier • ‘One vs Rest’ strategy 34

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Machine Learning Model Imbalance strategy Punishing misclassifications more severely on minority class (Storno) during training step o Modification in cost function o Pushes classifier to work better on minority class 35

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Metrics • Precision • Recall • Accuracy = Proportion of all correctly classified samples 36

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37 Results: Loss function Metric Value Accuracy 0.99 Average Precision 0.81 Average Recall 0.95

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idealo Cloud Multiple cloud systems 1. SiWo a. VM-based b. No containerised deployments c. Legacy system 2. Openshift 3. AWS 39

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idealo Cloud idealo cloud strategy Moving away from SiWo cloud → Architectural components present in multiple clouds → Sensitive data movements between clouds to be encrypted 40

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Model Deployment: Openshift Flask wrapper deployed on Openshift • Container application Platform as a Service (PaaS) Kubernetes Openshift = Kubernetes on steroids 41

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Learnings • SiWo microservices = Springboot (Java) Openshift model = Flask (Python) → Implementation of cross-platform encryption • Reduction of email download time from IMAP servers for model development through parallelization (More info at the idealo tech blogpost) 61

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Next steps • Testing model on new data • Making the product live (please don’t ask me when) • Retraining pipeline 62

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