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DEVX with Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes Neven Cvetkovic @nevenc

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{ "name": "Neven Cvetkovic", "role": "Advisory Platform Architect", "company": "Pivotal", "email": "", "twitter": "@nevenc", "linkedin": "", "github": "" } Introduction

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“The only thing that will keep your developers happy is to make them feel productive.” Rob Mee

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Developer Experience (DEVX) • What do I care about as a developer or “How do I …” • run my application, • prepare my application for deployment, • deploy my application to production, • find out what my application is doing (e.g. logging, monitoring) • connect to external systems (e.g. databases, queues), • update my application with new versions (e.g. blue/green) • make my application more resilient (e.g. self-healing, scaling, auto-scaling) • ...

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“Self-service platforms makes my life easy...” Happy Developer

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Platform Hierarchy

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Our goal: pick the best suited runtime for each workload IaaS Serverless Functions Runtime (FaaS) Container Orchestrator (CaaS) Application Platform (PaaS) CONTAINERS EVENT-DRIVEN FUNCTIONS DATA SERVICES Batches MONOLITHIC APPLICATIONS MICROSERVICES

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Runtime Abstractions Container Orchestrator Container Scheduling Primitives for Network, Routing, Logs & Metrics CONTAINER Developer Provides Tool Provides Application Platform APPLICATION Container Orchestrator Serverless Functions FUNCTION Application Platform IaaS Container Image & build L7 Network & Routing Logs, Metrics, Monitoring Services Marketplace Team, Quotas & Usage Function scheduling Function exec services Container Orchestrator

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Hardware IaaS Container Orchestrator Application Platform Serverless Functions Strategic goal: Push as many workloads as technically feasible to the top of the platform hierarchy Higher flexibility and less enforcement of standards Lower development complexity and higher operational efficiency

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Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes

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Application: Customer Service • Simple Spring Boot application • actuators, lombok, rest repositories, jpa, h2, mysql • Simple JPA Entity, e.g. Customer • Simple JPA Repository, e.g. CustomerRepository • Expose actuator endpoints • Add JPA DDL generation • Add a Kill Switch (and Memory Hog) Let’s run this app locally first!

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Developer Experience (DEVX) on CF and K8s • Deploy my application • Scale my application • Look at the application logs • Resiliency of the application • Connect to a database • Update my application with new version (blue/green deployment)

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Deploying an Application

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Deploying to Cloud Foundry • Interacting with Cloud Foundry • cf CLI • Single executable Go binary • Windows, Linux, MacOS binaries • Extensive plugin support • Java Client available • Deployment steps ./mvnw clean package cf push customer-service -p target/customer-service-1.0.0.jar Cloud Foundry HTTP Rest cf

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Deploying to Kubernetes • Interacting with Kubernetes • kubectl CLI • Single executable Go binary • Windows, Linux, MacOS binaries • Extensive plugin support • Java client available • Deployment steps (edit Dockerfile) ./mvnw clean package ./mvnw dockerfile:push kubectl run customer-service --image=nevenc/customer-service-k8s:1.0.0 --port=8080 kubectl expose deployment customer-service --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --target-port=8080 Kubernetes HTTP Rest kubectl

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How do we interact with the platform? • Cloud Foundry • cf CLI • Single executable Go binary • Windows, Linux, MacOS binaries • Extensive plugin support • Java Client available • Kubernetes • kubectl CLI • Single executable Go binary • Windows, Linux, MacOS binaries • Extensive plugin support • Java client available Cloud Foundry Kubernetes HTTP Rest HTTP Rest kubectl cf

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Build and Deploy an Application • Cloud Foundry • Build application • Push application artifact to the platform (e.g. PWS, PAS) • Kubernetes • Build application • Build Docker image • Push Docker image to container registry (e.g. Docker Hub, Google CR, Azure CR) • Create Kubernetes deployment • Expose Kubernetes service

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Build and Deploy an Application (cont’d) • CloudFoundry ./mvnw clean package (edit manifest.yml) cf push • Kubernetes (edit Dockerfile) ./mvnw clean package ./mvnw dockerfile:push (edit deployment.yml, service.yml) kubectl create -f customer-service-k8s-deployment.yml kubectl create -f customer-service-k8s-service.yml

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Scaling an Application

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Scaling an Application • Cloud Foundry cf scale customer-service -i 3 cf app customer-service curl • Kubernetes kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/customer-service kubectl get pods kubectl get svc curl

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Access Application Logs

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Get Application Logs • Cloud Foundry • All logs are aggregated and published to loggregator firehose cf logs customer-service cf logs customer-service --recent • Kubernetes • Each pod’s logs are streamed separately, no aggregated logging pipeline • More versatile logging options (tail, since, timestamps, etc…) kubectl get pods kubectl logs customer-service-d569cd8cc-msgvj -f kubectl logs customer-service-d569cd8cc-msgvj ...

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Connecting to Databases (external systems)

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Create a SQL database instance • Cloud Foundry • We leverage service marketplace, through various service brokers cf create-service p-mysql 100mb pcf-mysql-database cf create-service cleardb spark cleardb-mysql-database cf create-service elephantsql turtle elephantsql-postgres-database cf create-user-provided-service k8s-mysql-service -p '{"uri" : "mysql://user:password@"}' • Kubernetes • We can create our own database instance (e.g. using Docker images, Helm) • We could leverage open service broker API for upcoming service offerings (edit mysql-database.yml, postgres-database.yml) kubectl create -f mysql-database.yml kubectl create -f postgres-database.yml

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Create a NoSQL database instance • Cloud Foundry • We leverage service marketplace, through various service brokers cf create-service p-redis 100mb pcf-redis-database cf create-service rediscloud 100mb rediscloud-redis-database cf create-service mlab sandbox mlab-mongo-database ... • Kubernetes • We can create our own database instance using existing Docker images or Helm • We could leverage open service broker API for upcoming service offerings (edit redis-database.yml, mongo-database.yml) kubectl create -f redis-database.yml kubectl create -f mongo-database.yml ...

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Create a database instance on native public clouds • Cloud Foundry • We leverage service marketplace, through various service brokers cf create-service google-cloudsql-mysql small gcp-mysql-database cf create-service rds-mysql basic aws-mysql-database cf create-service azure-mysqldb basic50 azure-mysql-database ... cf create-service google-datastore default gcp-document-database cf create-service azure-documentdb standard azure-document-database ... • Kubernetes • We could leverage open service broker API for upcoming service offerings

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Updating an Application (Blue/Green)

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Zero Downtime Application Updates • Cloud Foundry • Traditionally, done as blue-green deployments cf rename customer-service customer-service-venerable cf push cf delete customer-service-venerable → only after you checked new version works properly! • CF CAPI team is working on the new cf push experience with Cloud Foundry • Kubernetes • Update the deployment: (a) by editing deployment file (b) setting image manually (edit deployment.yml) kubectl apply -f deployment.yml kubectl set image deployments/customer-service \ customer-service=nevenc/customer-service:1.0.1

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Application Update Rollout • Cloud Foundry • Current limitation of application runtime, will be addressed in near future • Don’t delete previous version before you check the new version cf delete customer-service cf rename customer-service-venerable customer-service • New cf push will have access to previous versions to rollback updates • Kubernetes • K8s has built-in rollout tools kubernetes rollout status deployments/customer-service kubernetes rollout undo deployments/customer-service

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SSH to Application Containers

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SSH to Application Containers • Cloud Foundry cf ssh customer-service -i 0 • Kubernetes kubectl get pods kubectl exec -it customer-service-d569cd8cc-msgvj -- /bin/bash

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Distributed Tracing

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Distributed Tracing • Cloud Foundry • Zipkin tracing built-in into Gorouter (can be turned on/off in OpsManager) • Spring Cloud Sleuth makes it very easy to add tracing information to logs • Cloud Foundry aggregates all logs into single loggregator stream • Kubernetes • Not trivial • Depends on what kind of logging utility you use (e.g. Stackdriver Trace) - there might be ready-made Zipkin proxy Docker images that will get you jumpstarted • There are other plugins and add-ons that you could use to enable Zipkin tracing

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CF and K8s

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Run on Pivotal Application Service (CF) Run on VM Run on Pivotal Container Service (K8s) What kind of application is this? Is the application cloud ready? Do you have a docker container? Can you build a docker container? CUSTOM COTS YES NO YES NO YES NO Is the application worth refactoring? NO YES NO Do you need low level control? YES K8s Benefit: Run any non-cloud native applications CF Benefit: Lower development complexity How do we decide where to deploy our workloads ...

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BOSH Other Broker Services Platform Services Logging Metrics Monitoring VMware GCP Azure Openstack AWS Spring Boot App PKS Controller GCP Service Broker Harbor NSX-T Kubernetes K8s Cluster K8s Cluster Spring Boot App Elastic Search Pivotal Application Service (PAS) Pivotal Container Service (PKS) Sample Use Case

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Hardware IaaS Container Orchestrator Application Platform Serverless Functions Strategic goal: Push as many workloads as technically feasible to the top of the platform hierarchy Higher flexibility and less enforcement of standards Lower development complexity and higher operational efficiency

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry

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vSphere Openstack AWS Google Cloud Azure & Azure Stack Shared Services Shared Security Shared Networking Logging & Metrics / Services Brokers / API Management Credhub / UAA / Single Sign On VMWare NSX Embedded Operating System (Windows / Linux) Application Code & Frameworks Buildpacks / Spring Boot / Spring Cloud / Steeltoe PAS Pivotal Application Service PKS Pivotal Container Service PFS Pivotal Function Service Pivotal Services Marketplace Pivotal and Partner Products Concourse

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Spring Goodies on Pivotal Application Service • Spring Boot apps integration with AppsManager • Spring deployment profiles (“cloud” profile) • Spring Cloud Connector for Cloud Foundry (VCAP_SERVICES, VCAP_APPLICATION) • Java Buildpack • Advanced JVM memory calculator • JVM heap dump histograms • 3rd party framework integration (APM) • Self-executable JARs • Spring Security integration with CF SSO • Spring integration with CredHub • Spring Cloud Services • Config Server, Service Registry, Circuit Breaker Dashboard • Spring Cloud Pipelines • Spring Cloud Dataflow for PCF • PCF Metrics

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Thank You! Questions? Neven Cvetkovic @nevenc