Pipedream or pipeline
Delivering regular, reliable, up-to-date
information on biodiversity through
repeatable workflows
2 October 2017, Ottawa
TDWG 2017
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Quentin Groom Botanic Garden Meise
Tim Adriaens INBO
Diederik Strubbe Ghent University
Sonia Vanderhoeven Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Peter Desmet INBO
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We want to study
biodiversity change
to help guide environmental policy
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No content
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No content
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This gets outdated:
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How to set up this
So we can update this
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No content
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We want to study
invasive alien species
to help guide environmental policy
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• What species?
• Where are they?
• How are they getting here?
• What is their impact?
• Future distributions?
• Future impact?
IAS in Belgium
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What species
are alien in Belgium?
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Let’s check the
Alien species checklist
for Belgium
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We don’t have one!
And certainly not one that is unified,
verified & standardized
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We do have
A number of authoritative checklist
with a more specialized scope
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Let’s develop a standard
so we can combine these
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Let’s develop a standard
so we can combine these
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Let’s use an
existing standard
so we can combine these
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Darwin Core
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Controlled vocabularies
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Proposal for terms & vocabularies
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Proposal for terms & vocabularies
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Data management
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Make a unified IAS checklist
by combining the authoritative checklists
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Checklists authors
should now manage the unified checklist
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Checklists authors
should now manage the unified checklist
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Checklists authors
should manage their checklist
and get the tools to publish it
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Checklist management
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Repeatable publication
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Published checklist on GBIF
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Open data
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Where and when
are the alien species in Belgium?
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• Citizen science projects
• Monitoring programs
• Research projects
• Collections
• Ad hoc information
Sources of IAS distribution data