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UOA Staff Intranet Justine Sanderson 6 April 2005

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Provide a useful, usable, scalable central staff resource

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Overview Initial Analysis User Centred Approach Outcomes

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UofA Central st aff Public website Intranet One site or two?

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Who is the audience?

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T& L + Research

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Teaching & Learning

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Faculty websites

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Faculty website/intranet vs university intranet?

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Departmental websites

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UOA Staff Section

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web manager faculty web managers content editors individual units & depts web development team Distributed team

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Overview Initial Analysis User Centred Approach Outcomes

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User-Centred Design Approach •  Stakeholder Interviews •  User Interviews •  Card Sorting Workshops •  Initial Information Architecture •  IA Validation

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User Interviews (37)

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User Profiles

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Card-Sorting Workshops (10/39)

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Wall of Stickies

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Don`t ask users •  Questioning users about their intranet needs is generally ineffective •  Most will tell you what they think you want to hear •  Even if they want to help, they are unable to self-analyse their activities •  Key activities will be missed, and minor needs inflated •  Results of questioning rarely match test results, usage logs, etc

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Positive side-effects of card-sorting

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Emerging IA

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IA Validation

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IA Validation - Tasks

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IA Validation – Paper Prototype

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IA Validation – User Tests

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Overview Initial Analysis User Centred Approach Outcomes

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Proposed IA

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Proposed IA - Alternative

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Proposed IA – Level 2

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The IA reflects the university`s main bpillars` teaching :: research :: administration 40 40 20

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The IA is scalable Is it a teaching resource? content providers Is it an administrative resource? Is it a research resource?

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Next Steps… Design iteratively: design, test, revise, test

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Exciting times ahead…! Questions?