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@onishiweb Keeping Your Sass Squeaky Clean Adam Onishi SassConf 2014 - New York

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@onishiweb Good morning!

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@onishiweb Hello

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@onishiweb Hello

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@onishiweb Squeaky clean Sass?

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@onishiweb – Drew McLellan @drewm “Sass is like an F1 car. It’s powerful and fast, but you need a lot of skill not to die in a fiery ball.” Squeaky

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@onishiweb maintainable? Understandable? Extendable? Squeaky

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@onishiweb The Project

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@onishiweb Project

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb • External design company • team of developers • 35 markets worldwide • … Project

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@onishiweb Warning! Contains WordPress

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@onishiweb • Multisite • Parent & Child themes • Single codebase Project

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@onishiweb Sass & Compass Project

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@onishiweb Getting Sassy

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@onishiweb • Architecture • Sass helpers/mixins • Compass • Working with a Team Sassy

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@onishiweb #codelicious @sturobson Sassy

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@onishiweb – Stu Robson @sturobson “Helps you care about your work. Makes you aware of what you're doing. Gives understanding as to what you're doing. Helps others comprehend what you've done.” Sassy

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@onishiweb Architecture

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@onishiweb File Organisation Architecture

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@onishiweb themes/ |- core/ |- brazil/ |- chile/ |- china/ |- indonesia/ |- portugal/ |- uk/ Architecture

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@onishiweb scss/ |- core/ |- brazil/ |- chile/ |- china/ |- indonesia/ |- portugal/ |- uk/ Architecture

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@onishiweb # Require any additional compass plugins here. ! # Set this to the root of your project when deployed: http_path = "/" css_dir = "public/wp-content/themes" sass_dir = "app/scss" javascripts_dir = "app/js" ! fonts_dir = "public/wp-content/assets/fonts" fonts_path = "public/wp-content/assets/fonts" ! http_fonts_path = "/wp-content/assets/fonts" http_fonts_dir = "../../assets/fonts" ! images_dir = "public/wp-content/assets/images" ! http_generated_images_path = "/wp-content/assets/images" http_images_path = "../../assets/images" Hello! Architecture

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@onishiweb # Set this to the root of your project when # deployed: http_path = "/" css_dir = "public/wp-content/themes" sass_dir = "app/scss" Hello! Architecture

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@onishiweb scss/ |- uk/ | |- style.scss | |- ie.scss |- indonesia/ | |- style.scss | |- ie.scss Architecture

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@onishiweb themes/ |- uk/ | |- style.css | |- ie.css |- indonesia/ | |- style.css | |- ie.css Architecture

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@onishiweb Components Architecture

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@onishiweb core/ |- templates/ | |- offers-and-promotions.php | |- parallax.php |- partials/ | |- navigation.php | |- content-cross-link.php |- 404.php |- front-page.php |- page-contact-us.php Architecture

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@onishiweb core/ |- partials/ | |- pages/ | | |- _404.scss | | |- _front-page.scss | | |- _contact-us.scss | | |- _offers-and-promotions.scss | |- components/ | | |- _navigation.scss | | |- _cross-link.scss Architecture

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@onishiweb Tightly coupling templates & Sass Architecture

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@onishiweb Variables Architecture

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@onishiweb $font-body $font-headers ! $clr-brand $clr-kids-activities $clr-parenting ! $img-dash-brand $img-dash-kids-activities Architecture

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@onishiweb $clr-brand:#4BCEFA !default; $clr-kids-activities:#F96EC4 !default; $clr-parenting:#FFB400 !default; $clr-sustainability:#8DD400 !default; $clr-mmr:#009edc !default; Architecture

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@onishiweb Architecture

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@onishiweb Architecture

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@onishiweb Layout & Grid Architecture

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@onishiweb .grid--half { @extend %grid__item; ! @extend %small--one-half; } ! .grid--whole-whole-half { @extend %grid__item; ! @extend %small--one-whole; @extend %large--one-half; } Architecture

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@onishiweb .grid--whole-half-third { @extend %grid__item; ! @extend %small--one-whole; @extend %medium--one-half; @extend %large--one-third; ! @include breakpoint(large) { &:nth-of-type(3n + 1) { clear:left; } } } Architecture

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@onishiweb Sass Helpers/Mixins

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@onishiweb Media Queries Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb $breakpoints: ( 'small' 25em, 'medium' 35em, 'large' 62.5em ); Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb $fix-mqs:false !default; ! @mixin respond-min($width) { // If we're outputting for a fixed media query set... @if $fix-mqs { // ...and if we should apply these rules... @if $fix-mqs >= $width { // ...output the content the user gave us. @content; } } @else { // Otherwise, output it using a regular media query @media screen and (min-width: $width) { @content; } } } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb @mixin breakpoint($point) { // Get the width of the query based on the passed $point variable $width: get-list-value($breakpoints, $point); ! @if $fix-mqs { @if $fix-mqs >= $width { @content; } } @else { @media screen and (min-width: $width) { @content; } } } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb .site-nav-bar { width:100%; height:50px; ! @include breakpoint(large) { width:300px; height:100%; } } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb .a-selector { … ! @include breakpoint(large) { … } @include tweakpoint(40em) { … } @include max-breakpoint(small) { … } } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb @mixin old-ie { // Only use this content if we're dealing with old IE @if $old-ie { @content; } } ! // Example .outer-container { width:100%; margin:0; ! @include old-ie { width:1000px; } } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb // ie.scss ! // Set up defaults and max size of page, then // import core ! $old-ie:true; $fix-mqs:63em; // 1000px @import 'core'; Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb REMs Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb // Rems with pixel fallback for any property @mixin rem($property, $px-values, $baseline-px: $base-font-size) { // Convert the baseline into rems $baseline-rem: $baseline-px / 1rem; ! // Create an empty list that we can dump values into $rem-values: (); @each $value in $px-values { // If the value is zero, return 0 $rem-values: append($rem-values, if($value == 0, $value, $value / $baseline-rem)); } ! // Output the property's px and rem values #{$property}: $px-values; #{$property}: $rem-values; } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb @mixin font-size($size) { @include rem('font-size', $size + px); } ! // Example usage .selector { @include font-size(20); } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb Extending carefully Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb %clearfix { zoom:1; &:before, &:after { content: '\0020'; display: block; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } &:after { clear: both; } } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb /* Hide the text of an element - for use with buttons with background images etc */ %hide-text { display:block; text-indent:100%; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden; } ! /* Hide from both screenreaders and browsers: */ %hidden { display:none !important; visibility:hidden; } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb .button-square, %button-square { display:inline-block; margin:0 0 $baseline; padding:5px 7px; color:#fff; @include rem('font-size', 14px); line-height:1; font-weight:normal; text-transform:uppercase; background-color:$clr-brand; } Helpers/mixins

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@onishiweb Compass

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@onishiweb Images Compass

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@onishiweb wp-content/ |- assets/ | |- fonts/ | |- images/ | | |- uk/ | | |- brazil/ | | |- portugal/ Compass

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@onishiweb wp-content/ |- assets/ | |- fonts/ | |- images/ | | |- common/ | | |- page-headers/ | | |- lightbox/ Compass

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@onishiweb # Require any additional compass plugins here. ! # Set this to the root of your project when deployed: http_path = "/" css_dir = "public/wp-content/themes" sass_dir = "app/scss" javascripts_dir = "app/js" ! fonts_dir = "public/wp-content/assets/fonts" fonts_path = "public/wp-content/assets/fonts" ! http_fonts_path = "/wp-content/assets/fonts" http_fonts_dir = "../../assets/fonts" ! images_dir = "public/wp-content/assets/images" ! http_generated_images_path = "/wp-content/assets/images" http_images_path = "../../assets/images" Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb # General images directory images_dir = "public/wp-content/assets/images" ! # Image paths full and relative paths http_generated_images_path = "/wp-content/assets/images" http_images_path = "/wp-content/assets/images" Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb image-url(‘common/site-bg.jpg') // Outputs: // url(/wp-content/assets/images/common/site-bg.jpg) ! // Image dimensions image-width('smartgold/play.png'); image-height(‘smartgold/play.png'); Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb @mixin bg-image($img, $img-2x:false) { width:image-width($img); height:image-height($img); background:image-url($img) no-repeat 0 0; ! @if $img-2x { @include hidpi-query() { width:image-width($img-2x)/2; height:image-height($img-2x)/2; background:image-url($img-2x) no-repeat 0 0; background-size:(image-width($img-2x)/2) (image- height($img-2x)/2); } } } Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb Inline Images Compass

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@onishiweb .logo { background-image:inline-image('12devslogo.png'); } Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb Compass

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@onishiweb Compass

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@onishiweb Sprites Compass

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@onishiweb images/site-icons/new.png images/site-icons/edit.png images/site-icons/save.png images/site-icons/delete.png Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb @import "compass/utilities/sprites"; @import "site-icons/*.png"; @include all-site-icons-sprites; Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb .site-icons-sprite, .site-icons-delete, .site-icons-edit, .site-icons-new, .site-icons-save { background: url('/images/site-icons- s34fe0604ab.png') no-repeat; } ! .site-icons-delete { background-position: 0 0; } .site-icons-edit { background-position: 0 -32px; } .site-icons-new { background-position: 0 -64px; } .site-icons-save { background-position: 0 -96px; } Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb @import "site-icons/*.png"; ! .actions { .new { @include site-icons-sprite(new); } .edit { @include site-icons-sprite(edit); } .save { @include site-icons-sprite(save); } .delete { @include site-icons-sprite(delete); } } Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb Sprites Compass

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@onishiweb Colours Compass

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@onishiweb adjust-lightness($color, $amount); ! adjust-saturation($color, $amount); ! scale-lightness($color, $amount); ! scale-saturation($color, $amount); ! shade($color, $percentage); ! tint($color, $percentage); Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb $clr-brand-hover:shade( $clr-brand, 10% ); ! $clr-kids-activities-hover:shade( $clr-kids-activities, 10% ); ! $clr-sustainability-hover:shade( $clr-sustainability, 10% ); ! $clr-parenting-hover:shade( $clr-parenting, 10% ); ! $clr-mmr-hover:shade( $clr-mmr, 10% ); Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb css3 Mixins Compass

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@onishiweb @include border-radius($radius 0 0 $radius); ! @include box-shadow(0 0 4px rgba(#000, 0.2)); ! @include transform( scale(1.1) ); ! @include transition(color 0.2s ease); ! @include transition(background-color 0.2s ease); Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb Build tools Compass

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@onishiweb // & runs the command in the background // in terminal. Freeing up your command line ! > compass watch & > grunt watch & Hello! Compass

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@onishiweb Working with a team

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The Architect dev team, my team! Or funny gif! Justice League? @onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Common starting point Team

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@onishiweb Boilerplates Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Front-end Boilerplate Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Share Team

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@onishiweb Developer Déjeuner Team

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The Architect dev team, my team! Or funny gif! Justice League? @onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Tools specialist Team

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@onishiweb Lightning fast coder Team

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@onishiweb … Team

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@onishiweb – Rick Waldron (idiomatic.js) “Every line of code should appear to be written by a single person, no matter the number of contributors.” Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb – Mark Otto @mdo ( “Enforce these, or your own, agreed upon guidelines at all times. Small or large, call out what's incorrect.” Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb The Rules Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Rule 1: Obey the rules ! Where possible all of these rules should be followed to the letter. But, all rules are open to discussion and review. Obviously there are also times where a rule must be broken, but you should be able to explain why it was necessary and what benefit it gave you. Team

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@onishiweb Rule 4: It's all about the bike code. ! None of these rules are personal, there is no agenda in the rules; it's all about the code. The rules are here to help us write good code and work together as a team. It's about learning as well, front end development is continually evolving with new techniques and new tools becoming available all the time, the rules will keep evolving with these best practices and be updated over time. Team

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@onishiweb Rule 12: The correct number of JavaScript libraries to know is n+1 ! Most front end developers are familiar with JavaScript and jQuery, but there are now more frameworks than you can shake a stick at! Whether it's Angular, Meteor, Backbone, Ember, Coffeescript, or Node.js there's always something new to learn. Team

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@onishiweb Code Reviews Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Rule 2: Lead by example ! You should make yourself familiar with the rules inside and out and ensure your code always follows the rules. Code reviews will be employed and pull requests will be declined if you're found to be breaking the rules. Team

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@onishiweb Team

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@onishiweb Rule 3: Guide the uninitiated ! You should help others follow the rules. Code reviews and pair programming are encouraged. Do your best to make yourself available for code reviews when possible, or make sure if you're a reviewer on a pull request you review the code thoroughly. If code is breaking the rules, comment and state the rule number the coder should check their code against. Team

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@onishiweb is that Squeaky clean?

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@onishiweb Architecture Squeaky

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@onishiweb Tightly coupled Squeaky

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@onishiweb Sass & Compass Squeaky

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@onishiweb A Team on the same page Squeaky

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@onishiweb Not just technical Squeaky

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@onishiweb … Squeaky

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@onishiweb Future

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@onishiweb Refactoring Future

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@onishiweb – Jack Franklin @Jack_Franklin “Refactoring is for people with their priorities in order.” Future

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@onishiweb My refactoring journey Future

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@onishiweb Switching to Maps Future

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@onishiweb @mixin breakpoint($point) { // Get the width of the query based on the passed $point variable $width: get-list-value($breakpoints, $point); ! @if $fix-mqs { @if $fix-mqs >= $width { @content; } } @else { @media screen and (min-width: $width) { @content; } } } Future

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@onishiweb @mixin breakpoint($point) { // Get the width of the query based on the passed $point variable $width: map-get($breakpoints, $point); ! @if $fix-mqs { @if $fix-mqs >= $width { @content; } } @else { @media screen and (min-width: $width) { @content; } } } Future

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@onishiweb Loops Future

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@onishiweb $archive-themes: ( 'default': ( 'color': $clr-brand, 'hover': $clr-brand-hover, 'header': 'page-headers/bg-header.jpg' ), 'activity': ( 'color': $clr-kids-activities, 'hover': $clr-kids-activities-hover, 'header': 'page-headers/bg-header-pink.jpg' ), 'parenting': ( 'color': $clr-parenting, 'hover': $clr-parenting-hover, 'header': 'page-headers/bg-header-orange.jpg' ), ); Future

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@onishiweb @each $theme, $settings in $archive-themes { ! $color:map-get($settings, 'color'); $hover:map-get($settings, 'hover'); $header:map-get($settings, 'header'); ! $class:'.archive'; ! @if( $theme != 'default') { $class: '.archive.#{$theme}'; } ! #{$class} { […] } } Future

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@onishiweb Future

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@onishiweb ScssLint Future

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@onishiweb Future

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@onishiweb scsslint: { core: ['app/scss/core/**/*.scss'], options: { bundleExec: true, config: '.scss-lint.yml', reporterOutput: 'scss-lint-report.xml', colorizeOutput: true, maxBuffer: NaN }, }, Future

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@onishiweb Future

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@onishiweb uCSS / unCSS Future

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@onishiweb Shame.css Future

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@onishiweb core/ |- partials/ | |- pages/ | |- components/ | |- themes/ | |- shame/ | | |- _kids-activities.scss | | |- _products.scss | | |- _solve-your-stain.scss Future

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@onishiweb Autoprefixer vs. Compass mixins Future

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@onishiweb Performance Future

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@onishiweb Multiple stylesheets Future

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@onishiweb Critical path (head.css) Future

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@onishiweb We’re all still learning

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@onishiweb Thank You!