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From the Wild into the Cloud

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Moving an existing project to the Laravel Cloud

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$ whoami @neverything

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Ready for Moving Day?

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Moving day Set aside enough of your favorite caffeinated drink – Called my mom to tell her that I'm not available for tech support – Kiss my wife goodbye for 2 days –

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Moving day, for real From MySQL to Postgres 1. From disk to Object Storage 2. From local to third-party services 3.

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1. From MySQL to Postgres

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1. From MySQL to Postgres Check your custom queries – Make sure your packages are compatible – Move your database content –

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Custom Queries $query = auth()->user()->is_admin ? Project::query()->orderByRaw(DB::getDriverName() === 'mysql' ? 'FIELD(status, "in review", "published", "archived")' : "CASE WHEN status = 'in review' THEN 1 WHEN status = 'published' THEN 2 WHEN status = 'archived' THEN 3 ELSE 4 END" ) : auth()->user()->projects(); return $query; From MySQL to Postgres 1.

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Make sure your packages are compatible From MySQL to Postgres 1.

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No content

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2. From disk to Object Storage

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3. From puppeteer to screeenly Thank you Stefan Zweifel

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4. Add your domain

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5. Profit! Right? RIGHT?

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There was silence

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Too much silence

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Here is what I missed

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Here is what I missed Postgres currval

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Here is what I missed Postgres currval -- Get last value SELECT last_value FROM _id_seq; -- Get sequence information SELECT * FROM _id_seq; -- Get next value without incrementing SELECT nextval('_id_seq'); -- Get current max ID from the table SELECT MAX(id) FROM ; -- To fix this SELECT setval('_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM ))

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Here is what I missed If you like like like I do...

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Here is what I missed If you like like like I do... $query->whereLike('name', '%Caleb%') // OR $query->whereRaw('LOWER(name) LIKE ?', [strtolower('%Caleb%')]) // OR $query->whereRaw('name ILIKE ?', '%Caleb%')

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If you go with Postgres Do yourself a favor

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No content

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Demo time

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Should I move to Laravel Cloud

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No content

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we must just ship

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