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Presentation Patterns a brief story about teaching technology

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Matthew McCullough @matthewmccull

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❶  Find your motivation

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Want to do it.

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Help others do better.

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• Teach a skill that you know well and others are weak at. • Change opinions about something that is viewed as hot (or not). • Share a story of how something worked out well. • Recount how a popular process didn't work for your team. • Tell how you learned a hard lesson as a team. • Do a technical deep dive and make it approachable to newcomers.

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❷  Investigate your audience

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Ask the event organizer.

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Query past attendees.

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Adjust for maximum audience impact.

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• What is the technical level of the audience? Basic? Advanced? • What languages do the audience members primarily program in? • What kind of social diversity can I expect of the audience? • What age range might I expect? • What educational background will audience members typically have? • What languages will the audience possibly know?

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❸  Craft a story

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Freytag can help.

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1 Exposition 2 Rising action 3 Complication 4 Climax 5 Falling action 6 Resolution 7 Denouement Exposition Clim ax Denouement

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❹  Write the proposal

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Think about the weight of your words.

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Brief, but impactful.

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Lengths: •Title •Abstract •Description

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Get inspiration from other proposals.

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❺  Market your talk

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Advertise your talk everywhere you possibly can.

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❻  Design the talk

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Sketch your ideas

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Linearize at the last possible moment.

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❼  Build the talk

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You are the talk.

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Slides are merely a support.

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Color is easy with a little help.

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Design is easy, given examples.

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❽  Practice the talk

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Less than 10% practice their talk.

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❾  Just talk

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Place friends in the front row.

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The front row controls the room.

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No stupid underwear analogies.

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The audience members are your friends.

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reduce your filler words um... uh... you know...

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manage your question budget

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manage your question budget

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adjust your nose and eyes

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❿  Gather feedback

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Provide a feedback channel.

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Vent and direct the steam.

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just two more things...

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Start Teaching!

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@matthewmccull @ppatterns