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Peeling Onions @ntddk AVTOKYO 2015 2015.11.14 1

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$ whoami • • Student • Security Camp Lecturer • CODE BLUE 2015 Speaker 2

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Peeling Onions 3

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The Onion Routing 4

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Tor • • One of the most common anonymous communication systems 5

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Tor 6 AES encryption

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Tor 7 Exit node can sniff plaintext packet. So you should use SSL. IP Entry node can knows source IP address.

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Tor 8 Tor hidden services Hidden services can only be accessed through Tor Exit nodes are not used at this time. .onion TLD These are also called “deep web”.

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9 Investigation of underground community in Japan

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10 https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion Hash of public key

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11 https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion

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Tor 12

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14 Tor Measurement of drug marketplace on Tor network sessions/session/measurement

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15 Confidence is most important in underground. One review, one transaction.

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Crawling Deep Web 17

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18 cybercriminals/ 900 hidden services Kaspersky found 900 hidden services.

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19 cybercriminals/ Tor 30,000 hidden services Tor project says there are over 30,000 hidden services.

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20 https://bdpuqvsqmphctrcs.onion List of 174,523 hidden services

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21 { "aaData": [ [ "0", "torlinkbgs6aabns.onion", "TorLinks | .onion Link List The Hidden Wiki TheHiddenWiki Onion Urls onionland Tor linklist Deepweb", "¥".onion¥"", "1442342899", "1369353102", "388", "2328" ], [ "1", "ci3hn2uzjw2wby3z.onion", "Talk.onion", "¥".onion¥"", "1375548844", "1369353102", "396", … But, how many of them still alive?

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Scraping • • Confirm the existence of services from the list. 22 torsocks wget ¥ --connect-timeout=10 --tries=1 ¥ --user-agent= ¥ “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; rv:8.0.1) Gecko/20100101Firefox/8.0.1” ¥ [.onion] Same as Tor browser html You should scrape only html to avoid child pornography

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Scraping • • Confirm the existence of services from the list. • 4,102/174,523 • Found 4,102/174,523 sites still alive! 23 torsocks wget ¥ --connect-timeout=10 --tries=1 ¥ --user-agent= ¥ “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; rv:8.0.1) Gecko/20100101Firefox/8.0.1” ¥ [.onion]

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Word Cloud • html • Now we have html files of the top pages. • • Visualize word frequency 24 #!/usr/bin/env python2 import sys from os import path from wordcloud import WordCloud d = path.dirname(__file__) argvs = sys.argv text = open(path.join(d, argvs[1])).read() wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=600,width=2560,height=1440).generate(text) wordcloud.to_file(path.join(d, argvs[1]+".png"))

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25 • Word cloud of all sites

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26 • Word cloud of sites which contain “malware” • • Black hat hacker likes sophomoric words. lol

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Clustering • html • Strip html tags, extract text 27

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Clustering • Calculate tf-idf • • Term frequency • • Inverse document frequency • tf*log_2(N/df) 28 0.0896242738109923 facebook 0.0811608402477274 checkthis 0.0763369146951766 words 0.0637879047442443 sign 0.0599923671251114 039 0.0494245419919427 try https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion

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Clustering • Pearson score 29 a b c d e

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Clustering • 100 sites (randomly chosen) 30

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Clustering • 1,000 sites (randomly chosen) 31 __ ━┓ ― ┏┛ ( ) ( ) ⌒ __ | / _ / | | | |

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Clustering • 4,102 sites (all) • • O(N^2) 32

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Tor shops • PHP • Template written in PHP for black markets • Bitcoin • 48 • Used at 48 sites 34

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Clustering (Tor shops) 35

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Clustering (Tor shops) 36

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Clustering (Tor shops) 37

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Clustering (Tor shops) 38

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Clustering (Tor shops) 39

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Clustering (Tor shops) 40

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Clustering (Tor shops) 41

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Clustering (Tor shops) 42

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Clustering (Tor shops) 43

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Clustering (Tor shops) 44

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Clustering (Tor shops) 45

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Clustering (Tor shops) 46

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Clustering (Tor shops) 47

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Clustering (Tor shops) 48

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Clustering (Tor shops) 49

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Clustering (Tor shops) • About 12 clusters • Hitman, Drug, Phone, Tablet, Kush, LSD, Cannabis, Cocaine, USD, Hacker, US Passport, UK Passport 50

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51 Previous research of clustering web-based hidden services But not focused on black markets

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Conclusion • Tor hidden services • There are hidden services for criminal purpose. • 12 • There are about 12 types of black markets. • k-means • We will do further analysis by using a k-means in the future. 52

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Running Exit Node 53

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Tor 54 Exit node can sniff unencrypted packet. So you should use SSL. IP Entry node can knows source IP address.

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Tor 55 Exit node can sniff unencrypted packet. Tor We can monitor attacks via Tor.

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• • For victim, attacker is YOU. • IPS • IPS is required. 56

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Attack to exit node • .torrc • You can specify exit nodes by .torrc. • 58

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Pass the back (bad idea) 59 Tor Passing to Tor once more. Entry node

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Appendix 60

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67 “The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld” ( )

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68 Session of anonymizing data me-not BGP/AS Tor BGP/AS-level de-anonymization of Tor Fingerprinting hidden service connections

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69 Tor browser on this machine(default setting)

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70 There are only ~7000 exit nodes Tor is not fully secure. Tor Tor Research is not in the stage about whether it can be de-anonymized or not. It is just about its efficiency.

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• 187 deep web architectures • Alternative internet alter the world, crime as well. 71