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Go at DigitalOcean Fatih Arslan Sr. Software Engineer @DigitalOcean – GoCon, Tokyo 2017

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Me • Sr. Software Engineer @Delivery Team • Creator of vim-go • Go contributor, author of many popular Go packages (i.e: color, structs, etc..) • Tool maker (i.e: gomodifytags, motion, etc...) • Coffee and bag geek

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DigitalOcean is a simple and robust cloud computing platform, designed for developers.

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DigitalOcean at a glance • 3 million users have signed up for DO • 66 million droplets deployed (currently ~100k droplets/day) • It's been a month since Spaces launch. • We have 300 million objects, over 100 TB data

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Programming languages used at DO • Ruby, Python, Perl, JS, C++ • Much of our infrastructure has been moved to Go • Current platforms are being ported to Go as well

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State of Go

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How did we start using Go?

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First time using Go • First Go service was VNC proxy (by Mac Browning in March 2014) • Gained traction when engineers attended GopherCon 2014 • Was a huge success, other services followed quickly • metadata service, imagemgmt, metrics service, dns rewrite, etc..

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VNC Console • Goroutines made it easy to duplex TCP and WebSocket connections • Interface usage enabled end to end testing • Go's stdlib was very powerful. Zero-downtime deploys were common, with no user interruptions.

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Some of the first issues

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Code sharing was problematic

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Code sharing • Each single repo had different versions of dependencies • No official vendor support yet • Adding a package required to rewrite import paths • Took weeks to update deps across repos

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No unified CI/CD integration

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No internal stdlib development

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First commit: Dec 3, 2014

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Code structure

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Code structure cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ └── do │ ├── doge │ ├── exp │ ├── services │ ├── teams │ ├── tools │ └── vendor └── script

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Code structure (cont.) • doge: DigitalOcean Go Environment. Our internal "standard library" • exp: experimental stuff, not CI/CD checked • services: deprecated. Used to store services at DO, replaced by teams/ • teams: team specific code. All DO services are here • tools: internal tools, cmds. Mainly for CI/CD integration • script: shell scripts. Non Go related code cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ └── do │ ├── doge │ ├── exp │ ├── services │ ├── teams │ ├── tools │ └── vendor └── script

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Internal stdlib: doge cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ └── do │ ├── doge │ ├── exp │ ├── services │ ├── teams │ ├── tools │ └── vendor └── script

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Internal stdlib: doge • Over 30 packages • context: Additional helper packages for Go's context package • dorpc: Wraps gRPC to provide DO specific support • httpclient: custom HTTP client tuned for our internal infrastructure • log: customer K/V logger that logs to our centralized logging platform • ... doge ├── context ├── dorpc ├── ... ├── ... ├── httpclient ├── ... ├── ... ├── ... ├── log ├── ... ├── ... └── version

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Monorepo stats

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Cthulhu overview • 28,639 commits • 824 branches • 142 contributors • 830,434 lines of DigitalOcean-authored Go code • 2,136,373 lines of vendored Go code

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Monoropo issues

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Monorepo issues • Vendoring is problematic • What if two services depends on two different versions of the same package? • Large GOPATH causes slow tooling performance (goimports, guru, etc..) • Needs good tooling and constant maintenance • Slow building

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Onboarding people

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Onboarding 1. Clone repo: git clone cthulhu.git 2. Call (sets GOPATH, PATH (GOPATH/bin)) 3. Start coding!

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Direnv (optional) • It hooks into bash, zsh, fish, ... and automatically loads or unloads environment variables based on the current directory • • Very handy to switch GOPATH's (personal and company) • Direnv is written in Go, compiles into a single binary and is very fast • In cthulhu: ln -s .envrc

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Direnv (optional) $ echo $GOPATH /Users/fatih/go $ cd cthulhu direnv: loading .envrc direnv: export ~GOPATH ~PATH $ echo $GOPATH /Users/fatih/Code/do/cthulhu/docode

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What if you have never programmed in Go before?

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What if you are a new Gopher? • Internal Go guide and documentation • Slack #golang channel • Go readability team • Mentoring new developers

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Frustrations of new engineers • What is GOPATH? • Vendoring packages • How to deal with other teams? • Finding the appropriate internal 'stdlib' is not easy

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Dependency Management

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Three years ago (2014)

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Three years ago (2014) cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ ├── doge │ ├── services │ └── tools └── third_party └── src

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Three years ago (2014) • Third party packages were in third_party folder • GOPATH=${CTHULHU}/third_party:${CTHULHU}/docode • go get automatically puts dependencies to third_party first • No submodules are used, we rename .git to .checkout_git • If package is not version controlled, a file "" had to be added

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Vendoring a package (2014) $ go get $ cd third_party/src/ $ mv .git .checkout_git $ git add . $ git commit -m "Vendored fatih/structs"

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Updating a package (2014) $ cd third_party/src/ # Update package to HEAD $ mv .checkout_git .git $ git pull origin master $ mv .git .checkout_git # add to monorepo $ git add . $ git commit -m "Vendored fatih/structs"

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check3rdparty • Makes sure no .git is added • .checkout_git is allowed • describes how to update/vendor package if it's not version controlled ├── .git (not allowed) ├── .checkout_git (ok) └── main.go ├── (ok) └── main.go or

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One year ago (2016)

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One year ago (2016) • Go 1.6 was released in 17 February 2016, with Vendor support enabled • We waited for 6 months after we made the switch to vendor/ folder • Removed third_party completely and moved all packages to vendor/ • Started to use govendor as it had vendor support

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One year ago (2016)

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One year ago (2016)

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Switch to vendor folder (2016) cthulhu └── docode └── src ├── doge ├── services ├── tools └── vendor cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ ├── doge │ ├── services │ └── tools └── third_party └── src

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Vendoring&Updating a package (now) # vendors or updates package $ govendor fetch # add to monorepo $ git add . $ git commit -m "Vendored fatih/structs"

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Added do/ prefix (2017) cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ └── do │ ├── doge │ ├── services │ ├── tools │ └── vendor cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ ├── doge │ ├── services │ ├── tools │ └── vendor

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Added do/ prefix (2017) • Vendor tools don't like vendor/ being under GOPATH directly • • Clear ownership, we can see do/ stuff belongs to us • Allows us easily to open source stuff later when we rename do/ to

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Issues with govendor

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Slow on macOS • macOS file system (HFS+ and APFS) is case insensitive • both and are the same • but for Go, import paths are case sensitive! • govendor tries to normalize it by converting all paths to lowercase • excessive usage of strings.ToLower() • a typical vendor takes many minutes

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Each string operation takes ~21 seconds Before

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Replace strings.ToLower() calls

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memoize the lowered string

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Lowered to ~5 seconds ( 400% improvement) After

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CI/CD integration

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CI/CD integration • Drone ( is used for our monorepo • Runs for each branch & pull request and periodically for all DO packages • Also used for deployment (more on this later) • Default Go tools: gofmt, go vet and golint • Custom DO tools: gta, buildlint, explint, etc.. • Concourse ( and GoCD ( is used for deployment

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gofmt instead of goimports • We were using a custom goimports fork • Made sure that do/ prefix was in a block • Was causing problems, people were using gofmt or standard goimports • Is replaced with gofmt • goimports is still encouraged to group block of import paths, but not required

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golint • Before golint around 1500 errors were detected • It took several weeks to fix all of them • Benefit: we have internal godoc running with high quality documentation

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Custom tools •gta •buildlint •githubjanitor •explint •autoreview

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In early 2016, CI builds took an average of 20 minutes

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How did we improve CI build duration?

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gta: Go Test Auto

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src ├── foo │ └── foo.go ├── bar │ ├── bar.go │ └── baz │ └── baz.go ├── qux │ └── qux.go └── example └── example.go package qux import "fmt" func Hello() { fmt.Println("Hello GoCon") }

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src ├── foo │ └── foo.go ├── bar │ ├── bar.go │ └── baz │ └── baz.go ├── qux │ └── qux.go └── example └── example.go package foo import "qux" func main() { qux.Hello() } Package foo imports qux package qux import "fmt" func Hello() { fmt.Println("Hello GoCon") }

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$ git diff --- a/docode/src/qux/qux.go +++ b/docode/src/qux/qux.go @@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ package qux import "fmt" func Hello() { - fmt.Println("Hello GoCon!") + fmt.Println("こんにちは。GoCon!") } src ├── foo │ └── foo.go ├── bar │ ├── bar.go │ └── baz │ └── baz.go ├── qux │ └── qux.go └── example └── example.go Change something in Qux

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src ├── foo │ └── foo.go ├── bar │ ├── bar.go │ └── baz │ └── baz.go ├── qux │ └── qux.go └── example └── example.go $ gta foo qux Run gta

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src ├── foo │ └── foo.go ├── bar │ ├── bar.go │ └── baz │ └── baz.go ├── qux │ └── qux.go └── example └── example.go $ go build -v ./... foo bar bar/baz qux example go build packages

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src ├── foo │ └── foo.go ├── bar │ ├── bar.go │ └── baz │ └── baz.go ├── qux │ └── qux.go └── example └── example.go $ go build -v ./... $ go build -v $(gta) foo qux go build with gta

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gta: Go Test Auto • Average build decreased from 20 minutes to 2 – 3 minutes • Finds differences between feature and master branch. • Returns a list of packages that needs to be tested/built • go tool compatible • go build $(gta), go test $(gta), etc... • Can be disabled with "-force-test" appended to the branch name

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buildlint • Checks build tags • Example: // +build linux • Finds problems • Disallows race: • Positive and negative of the same tag: • Empty build tag: // +build !race // +build linux,!linux // +build

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$ cat foo.go package main import "fmt" // +build // +build !race // +build !linux,linux func main() { fmt.Println("GoCon") }

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$ cat foo.go package main import "fmt" // +build // +build !race // +build !linux,linux func main() { fmt.Println("GoCon") } $ buildlint foo.go:5:1: empty build tag comment foo.go:6:1: found disallowed build tag "!race" foo.go:7:1: found positive and negative tags for "linux" in same group

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explint • Makes sure exp can only be imported from exp itself, so production code can't use it • This is forbidden: cthulhu ├── docode │ └── src │ └── do │ ├── doge │ ├── exp │ ├── services │ ├── teams │ ├── tools │ └── vendor └── script package main import ( "do/exp/foo" ) func main() { foo.Foo() }

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Upcoming ideas

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Upcoming ideas • Vendorlint • Makes sure new vendors or vendor updates are not done in the same commit as application code changes • Deplint • Warns user if a vendored package is already vendored in our global top-level vendor/ folder • i.e: src/teams/project/vendor/ is already vendored in src/vendor/ • Autovendor • Automatically check for new updates and open a new Pull Request with changes

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Before merging the PR

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Before the merge • Every PR needs to be reviewed by its peers • Can be merged if peer gives +1 or LGTM • Reviewers are automatically tagged (with autoreview)

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autoreview • A tool for tagging teams for reviewing Github PR's • Looks for OWNERS files relevant to changes in a PR • Adds comment that tags the missing owners • Modeled after Google's OWNERS system

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OWNERS format The file is line-delimited, and supports the following patterns: @\S+ : a github team or person \S+@ : an email address ( is inferred). #\S+ : a slack channel
 Example contents of an “OWNERS” file which contains all three: @digitalocean/storage storage@ #storage

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autoreview teams ├── delivery │ ├── OWNERS │ └── project1 │ ├── server.go │ ├── server_test.go │ └── main.go └────── project2 ├── foo.go └── main.go If anything under project1 or project2 changes

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Changes PR status to pending

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Success if signoff comment is added • LGTM, lgtm, +1 • :shipit: ( ) • :+1: () • :ship::it: (#) Some signoff comments:

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githubjanitor • Checks for stale PR's • Warns after 10 days of inactivity • Closes PR's after 15 days of inactivity. • Resets timer if you push a commit

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After merging the PR

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After the merge • Master is tested again. Conflicts can happen again, i.e: • CI check passed for PR foo • Meanwhile PR bar is merged, that changes some of the code of foo • PR foo is merged, master fails in this case

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Deployment & Delivery

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Deployment • Each team is responsible for their own deployment • Single source of truth: monorepo • Some teams have their own project-repos, not part of monorepo • Services written in Go are usually run inside a container

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Binary server: gtartifacts • Remember gta? We also have gtartifacts! • HTTP server responsible of managing binaries • After a merge: • Gtartifacts builds changed binaries (via gta) • Publishes them to our internal storage server • Teams can fetch based on git SHA, via CLI or plain HTTP requests

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CLI: artifactctl

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Using artifactctl

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What platform to use? • Chef • Still being used a lot. Old services usually • Not very fun to use it • DOCC (Kubernetes) • Our internal application runtime platform • Based on top of Kubernetes • Chef based deployments are slowly migrating to DOCC

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DOCC (DigitalOcean Control Center) • Platform for deploying containerized applications • Services, not Servers • Declarative deploys • Deployments take seconds, instead of hours • Provides several features out of the box • Automatic TLS certs, alerting, metrics, persistent volumes, etc...

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DOCC numbers • 850 applications • 3000 docker containers • 3500 deploys in last 30 days • 15+ separate kubernetes clusters (3500+ cores, 10TB of memory)

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How to deploy? • Concourse or GoCD kicks in after master is merged • Pipeline builds binary and docker-image • Deploy to DOCC directly • Chef • Fetch form HTTP server and put to a "prodution/foo/bar/binname" path • Chef is configured to pull from that path on the next run • Chef-client runs periodically on each node

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Upgrading Go

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Why upgrade? • Increased compilation speed • Increased performance in stdlib • Smaller Binaries • Safer code • Consistency with Go community

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Why upgrade? (cont.) • Go 1.3: http.Server.ConnState hooks • Go 1.4: for range x {} loops • Go 1.5: internal packages • Go 1.6: net/http: HTTP/2 support • Go 1.7: testing: sub-tests and sub-benchmarks, context in stdlib • Go 1.8: more context support, HTTP/2 push • Go 1.9: alias support (we don't use it yet), testing helper function

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Upgrading Go • Currently the monorepo uses Go 1.9.1 • Usually we wait days/weeks if a new version is released • We have a standardized upgrade process • Built a container with new Go version • Create a "-force-test" branch with new container • Run all unit tests, fix issues and merge in couple of weeks

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Moving forward • Build matrix among multiple Go versions • Policy of trying RC releases in staging

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Verdict • Monorepo let us solve a lot of problems, but needs constant maintenance • Go accelerated everything at DO • It became *the* language of our cloud • Stdlib > Docker > Kubernetes > DOCC > Droplets > Your website !

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Thanks! Fatih Arslan @fatih @fatih