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Effective Presentations: delivery P. Mihaylov, Ocado Technology 2018

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AGENDA ________________ Q&A Act 1: preparation Act 2: mindset Act 3: connection

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Act 1: preparation

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Don’t start from here

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go analog first

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and do your homework

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Know your audience

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Know your time

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Depth vs. Breadth

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What’s the venue

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Preparing the content

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ways for preparation

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Mind Map

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Now you can use it

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and finally… Rehearse

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how much time should you spend preparing?

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on the big day…

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Don’t forget to… ________________ test backup come early

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Act 2: mindset

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Why mindset matters?

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Think ➔ Do ➔ Have

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it’s not just about sharing information

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information experience

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Hans Rosling LIVE DEMO

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be 100% there

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Master your instrument, master the music and then forget all that bulls**t and just play. “ ” Charlie Parker

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be authentic

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Linus Torvalds LIVE DEMO

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It’s about them, not you

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You are not the star, You are the mentor

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Act 3: connection

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connection ➔ trust

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Remove that

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Look ‘em in the eyes

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Don’t show them your back

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or hide your hands

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and try not to read from notes.

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Dress the part… ________________ informal (connection) formal (authority)

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be audience-specific

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Know your… ________________ audience time venue

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The 3 step process… ________________ mind map brainstorm storyboard

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Don’t forget to… ________________ test come early backup

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Have the right mindset… ________________ devoted authentic selfless

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Information Experience a presentation is 3D

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connection ➔ trust

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and finally…

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…forget all that bulls**t and just play. /preslavmihaylov blogging at [email protected]