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Instant Loading

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Proprietary + Confidential Proprietary + Confidential Surma @DasSurma

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Instant Loading

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Proprietary + Confidential End

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Instant Loading

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Instant Loading*

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Asset delivery …fast

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“Every step you make a user perform before they get value out of your app will cost you 20% of users”

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“Every step you make a user perform before they get value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” 1. Install

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“Every step you make a user perform before they get value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” 1. Install ✅

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“Every step you make a user perform before they get value out of your app will cost you 20% of users” 1. Install ✅ 2. Loading 3. ???

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Speed = Money

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Goals 1. Don’t be big

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Goals 1. Don’t be big 2. Only download what you need

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Goals 1. Don’t be big 2. Only download what you need 3. Only download what changed

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Slide 20 text Library Size Compressed size Compression ratio jquery-1.11.0.js 276 KB 82 KB 70% jquery-1.11.0.min.js 94 KB 33 KB 65% angular-1.2.15.js 729 KB 182 KB 75% angular-1.2.15.min.js 101 KB 37 KB 63% bootstrap-3.1.1.css 118 KB 18 KB 85% bootstrap-3.1.1.min.css 98 KB 17 KB 83%

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Slide 21 text 30% over JPEG 25% over PNG

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No content

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Kettlebell Swing

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Round Trips +50ms @WiFi +500ms @3G +2500ms @2G

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Round Trips 100 reqs/site 6 connections >833 ms spent in RTT @WiFi

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HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: ... Link: ; rel=preload; as=image ...

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Be interactive

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No content

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Regioning/Critical …then Rest

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Defer iFrames document.addEventListener('load', () => { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('iframe')) .forEach(iframe => iframe.src = iframe.dataset.src); });

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Conserve Data

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No content

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No content

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No content

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{ "css/unicorn.css": "css/unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css", "js/unicorn.js": "js/unicorn-273c2cin3f.js" }

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Best Practices

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● Concatenation ● Sharding ● Cookies

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● Concatenation ● Sharding ● Cookies

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● Concatenation ● Sharding ● Cookies

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● Concatenation ● Sharding ● Cookies

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● Compression ● Smaller images ○ Multi-sized images ○ Multi-format images ● Reduce Round Trips ○ Redirects ○ Preconnect/Prefetch ● Be interactive ○ async/defer scripts ○ Lazy-load CSS ○ Regioning CSS ○ Defer iFrames ● Good caching ○ Cache forever or not at all ○ Hash in names ● CDNs ● HTTP/2

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Proprietary + Confidential End Surma @DasSurma