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Responsive Design with WordPress Joe Casabona @jcasabona

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Who Am I?* 2 *Besides a handsome devil

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Responsive Web Design: The idea that your website will automatically adapt to the device it's being viewed on. 4

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Why? 5

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How? 6 ❖ EM-Based Breakpoints ❖ Breakpoints based 
 on Content ❖ Consider 
 Connection Speeds

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RESS 7 ❖ My Plugin: ❖ Jesse's:

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WURFL Database 8 ❖ Device Detection ❖ Feature Detection ❖ Open Source ❖ Scientia Mobile

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wp_is_mobile() 9

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10 if(ISMOBILE){ //display one way }else{ //not mobile device //display different way }

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Responsive Workflow 11 ❖ Sketch ❖ Code ❖ Test ❖ Repeat

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Mobile First! 12

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I use the web completely differently on mobile devices. - No One 13

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Design in the Browser 14

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Expand Out! 15

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Make it Work with WordPress 16

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Navigation 17 ❖ Do Nothing ❖ Hide n' Cry ❖ Jump to ❖ Select Box ❖ Responsive Nav ❖ Off-Canvas

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18 ‘Main', 'container_id' => 'top-menu')); }else{ echo 'Jump to Nav a>'; } ?>

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19 ‘Main’)); ?>

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Responsive Images 20

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picturefill.js 21

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22 A
giant stone face at The Bayon temple in Angkor
Thom, Cambodia

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Updating Plugin 23 ❖ Replace Featured Images ❖ Check for element first, fallback to picturefill.js

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24 $(function(){ $(".post img").removeAttr("width").removeAttr("height"); });

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Helpful Updates to Core 25 ❖ HTML 5 Elements (figure, figcaption) ❖ add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'gallery', 'caption' ) ); ❖ Better Media Embeds (consider for themes)

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Images Are Hard! 26

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Questions? 27 Discount Code: RWDWP with you order from Slides will be at