Exploring Jetpack
compose canvas 🎨
droidcon London 2021
Julien Salvi
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Julien Salvi
Android GDE
PAUG, Punk and IPAs!
Lead Android Engineer @ Aircall
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First steps
With canvas
APIs overview and
Draw shapes in
Animate your
drawn shapes
Table of contents
With canvas
Draw outside
The canvas
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First steps with Canvas
APIs overview and
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First Steps with Canvas
What you will learn during this session 🤓 ?
● The foundations of Jetpack Compose Canvas
● Having an overview of the DrawScope API
● First experience with animations and Canvas
● Learn how to build and animate custom Shapes
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And After, unleash the canvas...
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First Steps with Canvas
Why going for the Canvas?
● Design limitation with current Composable
● Drawing custom shapes
● Building graphical experiences
● Having fun 😃
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First Steps with Canvas
Was it possible to draw on a Canvas before Compose?
● Yes! 😃
● But some function names were not very explicit 😅
● And no dedicated component back then!
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A canvas
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First Steps with Canvas
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(0, 0)
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First Steps with Canvas
Canvas APIs
● drawRect(), drawLine(), drawOval(), drawCircle()...
● drawBitmap() or drawText()
● drawPath() for complex shapes
● with*() (Translation, Scale, Rotation…)
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Android Canvas by Rebecca Franks
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Into the
Compose Canvas
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First Steps with Canvas
What about the Jetpack Compose Canvas?
● The DrawScope APIs are very similar to the native
Canvas APIs
● APIs to animate the drawings
● Nice interoperability with the native Canvas
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First Steps with Canvas
Jetpack Compose Canvas
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First Steps with Canvas
Let’s see how we can draw a smiley face 😃:
● Understand how to use the draw methods
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First Steps with Canvas
Let’s draw the head...
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First Steps with Canvas
… the smile...
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First Steps with Canvas
And finally the eyes 👀
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DEMO time! 🛠
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Playing with
The native Canvas
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First Steps with Canvas
Can I reuse what I built with the native Canvas?
● Yes! There is a nice interop with the native Canvas.
● Access the native Canvas in the DrawScope
● If you don’t want to migrate the Compose Path, you
can use .asComposePath() to do the mapping
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First Steps with Canvas
Why going for the native Canvas? 🤔
● Fast/easy migration
● Not all methods from the native Canvas are
available in the DrawScope!
● For example: drawText()
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First Steps with Canvas
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Animation with Canvas
Animate your drawn
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Animation with Canvas
Transformation APIs on the Canvas
● The DrawScope offers multiple lambdas to animate
the drawings: translate, scale, rotate...
● APIs to animate the drawings
● Nice interoperability with the native Canvas
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Animation with Canvas
Defining animations:
● We can define AnimationState (timed, infinite…) with
rememberInfiniteTransition() or animateFloatAsState()
● Animate your drawings with scroll or drag changes with
rememberScrollState() for example
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Animation with Canvas
Infinite animation
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Animation with Canvas
Timed animation
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Animation with Canvas
Add animation on the Canvas
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DEMO time! 🛠
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Draw outside the canvas
Draw shapes in Composables
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Build custom Shape
● Customize Composable shape with elevation support
● Use the Path API
Draw behind a Composable
● Access the DrawScope of a Composable
● Use the modifier .drawBehind { }
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Draw Outside the Canvas
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Let’s see how we can build this component with:
● A custom Shape for the Composable
● Draw the border with the its DrawScope
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No content
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Default Shape structure
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Let’s draw the path of the Shape:
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Let’s draw the path of the Shape: the corners
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Let’s draw the path of the Shape: the lines
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Now let’s draw the red border:
● Accessing the DrawScope with .drawBehind {}
● Use the same function to generate the path
● Use the scale transformation
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Now let’s draw the red border:
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Now let’s draw the red border:
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Draw Outside the Canvas
Let’s draw the path of the Shape: all together!
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Draw Outside the Canvas
We can go further and animate the shape!
Custom shape with Jetpack Compose
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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik
Have fun with the Canvas!
Do you have any questions?