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Playing with serverless building blocks to simplify everyday life Serverless On Stage Francesco Lerro Milano, 16/10/2024

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Serverless building blocks

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Cloud and Serverless computing expert, based in Turin (Italy) Currently riding the Software Architect elevator at I love solving the Rubikʼs cube and eating buffalo mozzarella 󰗞 I am Francesco Lerro Francesco Lerro

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Any spot left?

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Any spot left? - Architecture Address -> LAT,LNG (Reverse geocoding) Filter and return nearest stations Destination

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Hide my kids’ face * Kids’ faces were visible in the original image

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Hide my kids’ face - Architecture Upload Detect faces, overlay emojis Notify On change

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Hide my kids’ face - Results * Kids’ faces were visible in the original image

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Can you read it for me?

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Can you read it for me? - Architecture

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Can you read it for me? - Results

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My homeworks

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My homeworks - Architecture Scheduled data collection

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Go build!

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Francesco Lerro THANK YOU!

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Links ● Amazon Polly ● Amazon Rekognition ● How to create a Telegram bot ● HERE location services ● BikeMi