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終於可讀了 T v T 一 起來探索 Swift Testing 的魅 力 Chiaote Ni & Sih OuYang

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class ImageEditorViewModelTests: XCTestCase { func MagicEffectProcessingExpectPreviewImageEventTriggered() { } } test

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class ImageEditorViewModelTests: XCTestCase { func MagicEffectProcessingExpectPreviewImageEventTriggered() { } } test XCTAssertEqual(…, …)

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class ImageEditorViewModelTests: XCTestCase { func MagicEffectProcessingExpectPreviewImageEventTriggered() { } } test XCTAssertEqual(…, …)

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class ImageEditorViewModelTests: XCTestCase { func MagicEffect_Processing_ExpectPreviewImageEventTriggered() { } } test Unit of work State under test Expected Behavior

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class ImageEditorViewModelTests: XCTestCase { func MagicEffectProcessingExpectPreviewImageEventTriggered() { } } test Unit of work State under test Expected Behavior

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Swift Testing @Suite / @Test / Traits / Parameterized Testing / CustomTestStringConvertible

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Parameterized Testing

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@Suite struct / class / actor

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@Suite(_ displayName: _ traits:) @Suite("ImageEditorViewModel Tests") class ImageEditorViewModelTests { }

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@Test swift fi le / struct / class / actor Suite

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@Test func backAction() async throws { } func testBackAction() async throws { }

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func testBackAction() async throws { } @Test func backAction() async throws { }

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#expect(_ condition:) Check that expectation has passed after a condition has been evaluated #require(_ condition:) Check that expectation has passed after a condition has been evaluated 
 and throw and error if it failed XCTAssertEqual(x, y) #expect(x == y) XCTAssertNil(x) #expect(x == nil) XCTAssertGreaterThan(x, y) #expect(x > y) … … ➡

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#expect( onBackCalled, "Expected onBack to be called when back action is received" ) @Test func backAction() async throws { } // ... #expect(sut.hasSetup) // ...

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guard sut.hasSetup else { Issue.record("view model not setup") return } #expect( onBackCalled, "Expected onBack to be called when back action is received" ) @Test func backAction() async throws { } // ... // ...

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#expect( onBackCalled, "Expected onBack to be called when back action is received" ) // Halting test after failure try #require(sut.hasSetup) @Test func backAction() async throws { } // ...

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@Test @Test(_ displayName: _ traits:arguments:) Parameterized Testing

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@Test(arguments: .allCases) func previewImageEventFire(from tool: ) async throws { } ImageEditorTools ImageEditorTool enum ImageEditorTools: CaseIterable { case magicEffects case removal case blur case blemish }

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@Test(arguments: .allCases) func previewImageEventFire(from tool: ) async throws { } enum ImageEditorTools: CaseIterable { case magicEffects case removal case blur case blemish } ImageEditorTools ImageEditorTool

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@Test(arguments: .allCases) func previewImageEventFire(from tool: ) async throws { } ImageEditorTools ImageEditorTool

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public static func __function< >( named testFunctionName: String, in containingType: Any.Type?, xcTestCompatibleSelector: __XCTestCompatibleSelector?, displayName: String? = nil, traits: [any TestTrait], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, parameters paramTuples: [__Parameter], testFunction: @escaping @Sendable (C.Element) async throws -> Void ) -> { let containingTypeInfo = let parameters = paramTuples.parameters let caseGenerator = { @Sendable in } return Self(name: testFunctionName, displayName: displayName, traits: traits, sourceLocation: sourceLocation, containingTypeInfo: containingTypeInfo, xcTestCompatibleSelector: xcTestCompatibleSelector, testCases: caseGenerator, parameters: parameters) } Case.Generator(arguments: try await collection(), parameters: parameters, testFunction: testFunction) arguments collection: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> C, C Self where C: Collection & Sendable, C.Element: Sendable

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public static func __function< >( named testFunctionName: String, in containingType: Any.Type?, xcTestCompatibleSelector: __XCTestCompatibleSelector?, displayName: String? = nil, traits: [any TestTrait], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, parameters paramTuples: [__Parameter], testFunction: @escaping @Sendable (C.Element) async throws -> Void ) -> { let containingTypeInfo = let parameters = paramTuples.parameters let caseGenerator = { @Sendable in } return Self(name: testFunctionName, displayName: displayName, traits: traits, sourceLocation: sourceLocation, containingTypeInfo: containingTypeInfo, xcTestCompatibleSelector: xcTestCompatibleSelector, testCases: caseGenerator, parameters: parameters) } Case.Generator(arguments: try await collection(), parameters: parameters, testFunction: testFunction) arguments collection: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> C, C Self where C: Collection & Sendable, C.Element: Sendable

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@Test(arguments: OverlayEffect.allCases, FilterEffect.allCases) func applyOverlayWithFilter( overlay: OverlayEffect, filter: FilterEffect ) async throws { } enum OverlayEffect: CaseIterable { case overlay1 case overlay2 } enum FilterEffect: CaseIterable { case filter1 case filter2 case filter3 }

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public static func __function< >( named testFunctionName: String, in containingType: Any.Type?, xcTestCompatibleSelector: __XCTestCompatibleSelector?, displayName: String? = nil, traits: [any TestTrait], arguments collection1: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> C1, _ collection2: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> C2, sourceLocation: SourceLocation, parameters paramTuples: [__Parameter], testFunction: @escaping @Sendable (C1.Element, C2.Element) async throws -> Void ) -> Self where , C1.Element: Sendable, , C2.Element: Sendable { let containingTypeInfo = let parameters = paramTuples.parameters let caseGenerator = { @Sendable in } return Self(name: testFunctionName, displayName: displayName, traits: traits, sourceLocation: sourceLocation, containingTypeInfo: containingTypeInfo, xcTestCompatibleSelector: xcTestCompatibleSelector, testCases: caseGenerator, parameters: parameters) } C1, C2 try await Case.Generator(arguments: collection1(), collection2(), parameters: parameters, testFunction: testFunction) C1: Collection & Sendable C2: Collection & Sendable

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init( arguments collection1: C1, _ collection2: C2, parameters: [Test.Parameter], testFunction: @escaping @Sendable (C1.Element, C2.Element) async throws -> Void ) where S == CartesianProduct { self.init(sequence: ) { element in Test.Case(values: [element.0, element.1], parameters: parameters) { try await testFunction(element.0, element.1) } } } cartesianProduct(collection1, collection2)

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init( arguments collection1: C1, _ collection2: C2, parameters: [Test.Parameter], testFunction: @escaping @Sendable (C1.Element, C2.Element) async throws -> Void ) where S == CartesianProduct { self.init(sequence: ) { element in Test.Case(values: [element.0, element.1], parameters: parameters) { try await testFunction(element.0, element.1) } } } cartesianProduct(collection1, collection2) Cartesian (z,1) (z,2) (z,3) (y,1) (y,2) (y,3) (x,1) (x,2) (x,3) 1 2 3 z y x B A A×B

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@Test(arguments: OverlayEffect.allCases, FilterEffect.allCases) func applyOverlayWithFilter( overlay: OverlayEffect, filter: FilterEffect ) async throws { } enum OverlayEffect: CaseIterable { case overlay1 case overlay2 } enum FilterEffect: CaseIterable { case filter1 case filter2 case filter3 }

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public static func __function< >( named testFunctionName: String, in containingType: Any.Type?, xcTestCompatibleSelector: __XCTestCompatibleSelector?, displayName: String? = nil, traits: [any TestTrait], , sourceLocation: SourceLocation, parameters paramTuples: [__Parameter], testFunction: @escaping @Sendable (C1.Element, C2.Element) async throws -> Void ) -> Self where , C1.Element: Sendable, , C2.Element: Sendable { let containingTypeInfo = let parameters = paramTuples.parameters let caseGenerator = { @Sendable in } return Self(name: testFunctionName, displayName: displayName, traits: traits, sourceLocation: sourceLocation, containingTypeInfo: containingTypeInfo, xcTestCompatibleSelector: xcTestCompatibleSelector, testCases: caseGenerator, parameters: parameters) } Case.Generator(arguments: try await zippedCollections(), parameters: parameters) { try await testFunction($0, $1) } arguments zippedCollections: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> Zip2Sequence, C1: Collection & Sendable C2: Collection & Sendable C1, C2

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@Test(arguments: (OverlayEffect.allCases, FilterEffect.allCases)) func applyOverlayWithFilter( overlay: OverlayEffect, filter: FilterEffect) async throws { } zip

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@Test(arguments: OverlayEffect.allCases, FilterEffect.allCases, MagicEffect.allCases) func combination(c1: OverlayEffect, c2: FilterEffect, c3: MagicEffect) { } Support more than 2 collections? 🤔

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@Test(arguments: [ (OverlayEffect.overlay1, FilterEffect.filter2, MagicEffect.effect3), (OverlayEffect.overlay2, FilterEffect.filter3, MagicEffect.effect1), (OverlayEffect.overlay3, FilterEffect.filter1, MagicEffect.effect2), (OverlayEffect.overlay1, FilterEffect.filter3, MagicEffect.effect2) ]) func combination(c1: OverlayEffect, c2: FilterEffect, c3: MagicEffect) { }

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􀫌 To support running selected test cases, argument should at least follow one of the listed protocol: • CustomTestArgumentEncodable • RawRepresentable, where RawValue conforms to Encodable • Encodable • Identi fi able, where ID conforms to Encodable

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Traits @Suite(_ displayName: ) @Test(_ displayName: arguments:) _ traits: _ traits:

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Tag Trait .tag(_ tags:)

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@Test(.tags(.imageProcessing)) func processImageAction() async throws { }

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extension Tag { @Tag static var binding: Self @Tag static var imageProcessing: Self @Tag static var toolBehavior: Self @Tag static var encoder: Self @Tag static var decoder: Self } // Must be declared as a static member of Tag

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Parallelization Trait

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@Suite // Parallel by default @Suite(.serialized) // Apply to all the @Test

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🤔 @Suite(.serialized, .parallel)

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extension Trait where Self == Testing.ParallelizationTrait { /// A trait that serializes the test to which it is applied. /// /// ## See Also /// /// - ``ParallelizationTrait`` public static var serialized: Testing.ParallelizationTrait { get } }

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Time Limit Trait .timeLimit(_ timeLimit:)

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@Test( , arguments: ImageEditorTools.allCases) func previewImageEventFire( from argument: ImageEditorTools ) async throws { } .timeLimit(.minutes(1))

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🤔 @Suite( .timeLimit(.minutes(2)), .timeLimit(.minutes(3)) ) .timeLimit(.minutes(1)),

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@Suite( .timeLimit(.minutes(2)), .timeLimit(.minutes(3)) ) .timeLimit(.minutes(1)), // The shortest one is used

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@Suite(.timeLimit(.minutes(1))) class ImageEditorViewModelTests { func finishAction() async throws { } } @Test(.timeLimit(.minutes(2))) 🤔

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@Suite(.timeLimit(.minutes(1))) class ImageEditorViewModelTests { func finishAction() async throws { } } @Test(.timeLimit(.minutes(2))) // The shortest one is used

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Real-World Use Cases & Solutions

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• Parameterized testing • Asynchronous Result • Combine Real-World Use Cases & Solutions

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Parameterized testing

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func testGeneratePathTuplesCorrectlyWithInputVarietyPoints() throws { let spy = SketchEditorDisplayingSpy() sut.displayer = spy let points: [CGPoint] = [ CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), CGPoint(x: 10, y: 0), CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10), CGPoint(x: 0, y: 10), CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) ] let rect = CGRect( origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: 1, height: 1) ) var respectedTuples: NSMutableArray = [] // 1 touch - expect 1 point tuple sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [NSValue(cgPoint: points[0])] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 2 touches - expect 2 point tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]) ] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 3 touches - expect 1 point and 1 array(2) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]) ] ] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 4 touches - expect 1 point and 1 array(3) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[3], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[3]) ] ] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 5 touches - expect 2 point and 1 array(3) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[3], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[4], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() // In the current behavior, we'll adjust the 4th point to be the average of the 3rd and 5th. let forthPoint = CGPoint( x: (points[2].x + points[4].x) / 2, y: (points[2].y + points[4].y) / 2 ) respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]), NSValue(cgPoint: forthPoint) ], NSValue(cgPoint: points[4]) ] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) } And so on …

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Arguments // 1 touch - expect 1 point tuple sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [NSValue(cgPoint: points[0])] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 3 touches - expect 1 point and 1 array(2) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]) ] ] XCTAssertEqual( spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples ) // 2 touches - expect 2 point tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]) ] XCTAssertEqual( spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples )

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Arguments // 1 touch - expect 1 point tuple sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [NSValue(cgPoint: points[0])] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 3 touches - expect 1 point and 1 array(2) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]) ] ] XCTAssertEqual( spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples ) // 2 touches - expect 2 point tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]) ] XCTAssertEqual( spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples ) - - - // 4 touches - expect 1 point and 1 array(3) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[3], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[3]) ] ] XCTAssertEqual(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples, respectedTuples) // 5 touches - expect 2 point and 1 array(3) tuples sut.startTouching(points[0], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[1], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[2], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[3], in: rect) sut.touchesMoved(points[4], in: rect) sut.touchEnd() // In the current behavior, we'll adjust the 4th point to be the average of the 3 let forthPoint = CGPoint( x: (points[2].x + points[4].x) / 2, y: (points[2].y + points[4].y) / 2 ) respectedTuples = [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[0]), [ NSValue(cgPoint: points[1]), NSValue(cgPoint: points[2]), NSValue(cgPoint: forthPoint) ],

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Arguments @Test( "Generate path tuples correctly with input variety points", arguments: PathTupleTestCase.allCases ) func generatePathTuples(for testCase: PathTupleTestCase) { let rect = CGRect( origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: 1, height: 1) ) sut.startTouching(testCase.points[0], in: rect) for point in testCase.points.dropFirst() { sut.touchesMoved(point, in: rect) } sut.touchEnd() #expect(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples == testCase.expectedTuples) }

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Arguments @Test( "Generate path tuples correctly with input variety points", arguments: PathTupleTestCase.allCases ) func generatePathTuples(for testCase: PathTupleTestCase) { let rect = CGRect( origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: 1, height: 1) ) sut.startTouching(testCase.points[0], in: rect) for point in testCase.points.dropFirst() { sut.touchesMoved(point, in: rect) } sut.touchEnd() #expect(spy.storageStroke?.pathTuples == testCase.expectedTuples) } enum PathTupleTestCase: CaseIterable { case singleTouch case twoTouches case threeTouches case fourTouches case fiveTouches var points: [CGPoint] {…} var expectedTuples: NSMutableArray {…} private var numberOfPoints: Int {…} var description: String {…} }

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Arguments enum PathTupleTestCase: CaseIterable, CustomStringConvertible { case singleTouch case twoTouches case threeTouches case fourTouches case fiveTouches } var description: String { switch self { case .singleTouch: return "Single touch ➡ expect 1 point tuple" case .twoTouches: return "Two touches ➡ expect 2 point tuples" case .threeTouches: return "Three touches ➡ expect 1 point and 1 array(2) tuples" case .fourTouches: return "Four touches ➡ expect 1 point and 1 array(3) tuples" case .fiveTouches: return "Five touches ➡ expect 2 point and 1 array(3) tuples" } } CustomStringConvertible

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Arguments enum PathTupleTestCase: CaseIterable, CustomStringConvertible { case singleTouch case twoTouches case threeTouches case fourTouches case fiveTouches } var description: String { switch self { case .singleTouch: return "Single touch ➡ expect 1 point tuple" case .twoTouches: return "Two touches ➡ expect 2 point tuples" case .threeTouches: return "Three touches ➡ expect 1 point and 1 array(2) tuples" case .fourTouches: return "Four touches ➡ expect 1 point and 1 array(3) tuples" case .fiveTouches: return "Five touches ➡ expect 2 point and 1 array(3) tuples" } } CustomStringConvertible

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Asynchronous Result

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Expectation? withCheckedContinuation withUnsafeContinuation

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Expectation? Con fi rmation?

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Con fi rmation? con fi rmation expectation

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Con fi rmation Con fi rmations function similarly to the expectations API of XCTest, however, they don’t block or suspend the caller while waiting for a condition to be ful fi lled. they don’t block or suspend the caller

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• Con fi rm that an event happens / doesn’t happen • Supports async/await in its closure • Relies on await to wait for the results • = an 100% alternative to Expectation Con fi rmation

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public func confirmation( _ comment: Comment? = nil, expectedCount: some RangeExpression & Sendable, isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation, sourceLocation: SourceLocation = #_sourceLocation, _ body: (Confirmation) async throws -> sending R ) async rethrows -> R { let confirmation = Confirmation() defer { let actualCount = confirmation.count.rawValue if !expectedCount.contains(actualCount) { let issue = Issue( kind: expectedCount.issueKind(forActualCount: actualCount), comments: Array(comment), sourceContext: .init(backtrace: .current(), sourceLocation: sourceLocation) ) issue.record() } } return try await body(confirmation) }

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let result = await withUnsafeContinuation { continuation in someAsyncTask { result in continuation.resume(returning: result) } }

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let result = await withUnsafeContinuation { continuation in someAsyncTask { result in continuation.resume(returning: result) } } let result = await confirmation(expectedCount: 0) { confirmation in let result = await { event in confirmation() } return result } Con fi rm that an event happens / doesn’t happen

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func expectation( timeout: TimeInterval = 1.0, _ condition: @escaping () -> Bool ) async throws { let start = Date() while !condition() { if Date().timeIntervalSince(start) > timeout { throw TestingError.timeout } await Task.yield() } }

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var isFinished = false someLongProcessService.process { result in // handle result ... isFinished = true } await expectation(timeout: 0.25) { isFinished } #expect( // check the result )

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final class TestExpectation { private let description: String private let timeout: TimeInterval private var isFulfilled = false init(description: String, timeout: TimeInterval = 1.0) { self.description = description self.timeout = timeout } func fulfill() { isFulfilled = true } func wait() async throws { let start = Date() while !isFulfilled { if Date().timeIntervalSince(start) > timeout { throw TestError.timeout(description: description, duration: timeout) } await Task.yield() } } } final class TestExpectation { private let timeout: TimeInterval private var isFulfilled = false init(description: String, timeout: TimeInterval = 1.0) { } func fulfill() { isFulfilled = true } func wait() async throws { } }

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let expectation = TestExpectation( description: "onFinish to be called", timeout: 0.25 ) someLongProcessService.process { result in // handle result ... expectation.fulfill() } try await expectation.wait() #expect( // check the result )

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@Test(.timeLimit(.minutes(1))) ❓

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@Test(.timeLimit(.minutes(1))) ❓ Do not support high-precision, arbitrarily short durations Must be at least one minute, and can only be expressed in increments of one minute

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System under test (SUT) ➡ ViewModel Subscribe to the output (publishers) SUT ⬇ ⬇ Input Output (publishers)

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@Test( "Process image action: send processImage ➡ expect redrawImageTrigger fired” ) func processImageAction() async throws { let (_, action, input) = createInputs() let output = sut.bind(input, subscriptions: &subscriptions) var redrawTriggered = false output.redrawImageTrigger .sink { _ in redrawTriggered = true } .store(in: &subscriptions) action.send(.processImage) try await expectation { redrawTriggered } #expect(redrawTriggered, "Expected redrawImageTrigger to be called once") } output.redrawImageTrigger .sink { _ in redrawTriggered = true } .store(in: &subscriptions)

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@Test( "Process image action: send processImage ➡ expect redrawImageTrigger fired” ) func processImageAction() async throws { let (_, action, input) = createInputs() let output = sut.bind(input, subscriptions: &subscriptions) var redrawTriggered = false output.redrawImageTrigger .sink { _ in redrawTriggered = true } .store(in: &subscriptions) action.send(.processImage) try await expectation { redrawTriggered } #expect(redrawTriggered, "Expected redrawImageTrigger to be called once") } output.redrawImageTrigger .sink { _ in redrawTriggered = true } .store(in: &subscriptions) @Suite final class SomeBusinessLogicTests { var sut: SomeBusinessLogic var spy: SomeDisplayingSpy var subscriptions = Set() init() { sut = SomeBusinessController(tweaks: twe spy = SomeDisplayingSpy() sut.displayer = spy } }

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@Test( "Process image action: send processImage ➡ expect redrawImageTrigger fired” ) func processImageAction() async throws { let (_, action, input) = createInputs() let output = sut.bind(input, subscriptions: &subscriptions) var redrawTriggered = false output.redrawImageTrigger .sink { _ in redrawTriggered = true } .store(in: &subscriptions) action.send(.processImage) try await expectation { redrawTriggered } #expect(redrawTriggered, "Expected redrawImageTrigger to be called once") } var redrawTriggered = false .sink { _ in redrawTriggered = true } try await expectation { redrawTriggered }

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final class TestPublisherAsserter { private var subscriptions = Set() func waitForFirstEvent(_ publisher: AnyPublisher) async -> T { await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in var cancellable: AnyCancellable? cancellable = publisher .first() .sink { [weak self] value in continuation.resume(returning: value) if let cancellable { self?.subscriptions.remove(cancellable) } } if let cancellable { subscriptions.insert(cancellable) } } }

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let result = await asserter.waitForFirstEvent(some Publisher) #expect( result == someExpectedResult, “Some description about the error” )

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•Swift Testing enhances the expressiveness and readability of test code. •Parameterized testing is very useful •For asynchronous results, you can await the result and then use expect. •Some simple solutions with timeouts & for Combine. 👍

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Migrating a test from XCTest Con fi rmation fi rmation Testing asynchronous code Swift-testing Naming standards for unit tests Reference

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