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VJ with JavaScript Takanori Oki @wejs

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Self-introduction • Takanori Oki / @takanorip • SmartDrive Inc. / Frontend Engineer • React, Vue.js, Polymer, web creation • Polymer Japan Translation team • Like : anime, free-font, music

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Polymer Japan Cafe • 2018/2/6 (Tue) @Google Tokyo Office • For beginners at Polymer and Web Components

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hyperapp code reading • 2018/2/7 (Wed) @TeamSririt • We will read and discuss hyperapp while drinking

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What is VJ ?

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VJ • Abbreviation for “Video Jockey” or ”Visual Jockey” • People who stream video to music at clubs and concert venues • Nowadays they perform with PC

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AfterEffects, Free materials Software Create materials Effect processing

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VJ with JavaScript

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Create materials Effect processing JavaScript

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Using Technologies • Web Audio API • Use input of microphone or MIDI device • AnalyserNode • three.js • Generate graphics

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AnalyserNode / AudioNode audio stream

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fftSize 高速フーリエ変換を実行して周波数ドメインデー タを取得するときに使用されるサンプルのウィン ドウサイズ frequencyBinCount fftSizeの半分の値 getByteFrequencyData(array) 現在の周波数データを渡されたUint8Array(符号 なしバイト配列)にコピーする getFloatFrequencyData(array) 現在の周波数データを渡されたFloat32Array配列 にコピーする

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DEMO 01 pure JS

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DEMO 02 Using three.js

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Future Tasks • Study three.js • Study Effects • Want to buy MIDI device • I will write a book about VJ with JS and distribute at Gijutsushoten

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SmartDrive recruits Frontend Engineers!!

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Thank you ! ( Font : Futura )