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Taiga Mikami @ta1m1kam How to win the Hackathon🧑💻🏆

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What is Hackathon Hack🧑💻 ✕ Marathon🏃 • Develop products in a 1 or 2days • Team Development • Getting prizes (if going well) • Can see many works and tech knowledge You can create portfolio work, get awards and grow as engineer Good cost performance 👍

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Who am I Frontend Engineer Taiga Extremely strong at hackathons💪 Interests : Monorepo🏢, Sauna🧖

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Award Rate JPHACKS2018@JAPAN 🏆 HackU2019 🏆 HackDay2019 🏆 Internal HackDay2020 🏆 HackDay2021 🏆 Internal HackDay2021 🏆 … etc Amazing More than Recent results 🎖 Messi's dribbling best success rate 64.31%. ref)

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Winning method by Hackathon champion

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Introduction Q. What do you think is the most important factor to win a hackathon? 🤔

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A. Gaining empathy for product

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Point① ideas How to create to gain empathy

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Idea generation from nothing

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Watch around at past winners There's a reason they won Archived Videos

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Professional cooking Cooking by imitaIon Original spice Idea is imitated and original spices Past excellent works Borrowing ideas Strongest work

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issues Ideas diverge 😵

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Target Specific statement User 〇〇 Desire wants to △△, Issue but he/she has □□, Product feature so, there is value in ☆☆ In such a case Value hypothesis sheet (価値仮設シート) Fill blank and check your ideas

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Target Specific statement User Children Desire want to play with toys and games Issue but after playing, the room is a mess Product feature so, there is value in being able to clean while playing.

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Point② at a hackathon How to develop

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Presentation Driven Development

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General approach PDD 🙂 😄 Development Preparing Presenta

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PDD looks like this Create a common understanding among the team by clarifying issues Clarifies what features need and prevents wasteful implementation Clarify the issue you want to solve Mock slides of the solution and demo ① IntroducIon Slides ② Solution and demo slides

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Just fill in the mock Mock actual features and demo

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Point③ Preparation is the first step to success

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Advanced prepara

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Reliance on others Frontend (iOS/Android) Backend ML Designer Video creator Pass to party members what you can't do

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Now everyone can win! ① Idea is imitated and original spices ② Presentation Driven Development ③ PreparaGon of weapons and secret sauce POINT