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Global Communications Team Supporting global teamwork expansion

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Overcoming language barriers Support flow of information to all members across all offices, regardless of language Do Don’t Information only reaches to limited members due to language barriers

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Overcoming psychological barriers Convey emotions and expectations in an easy- to-understand manner Do Don’t Literal and mechanical translation/interpretation

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Support mutual understanding Support mutual understanding across different cultures, customs and time-zones Do Don’t No attempts made to understand each otherʼs environments

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Expand the team circle Do Don’t No opportunities to connect with members outside oneʼs own team Create opportunities for connections between members from different offices speaking different languages

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Point of contact Miscellaneous Megumi Weider

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Point of contact Japanese-English translation Marie Ferguson

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Japanese-English Interpretation yasu(Masaharu Yasuda) Point of contact

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Point of contact Japanese-Vietnamese translation & interpretation Truong Thi Thuy Linh

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Point of contact Japanese-Chinese translation & interpretation Liang Yu

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Please contact us about translation or interpretation! Donʼt forget to follow the GC channel and our threads!