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Alissa Bonas mikeyteva

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“Run Forrest, Run”

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When is it needed? ● Add a new feature ● Fix a bug ● Investigate a problem ● Maintain legacy code ● Integration with another system or component

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“My momma always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get”

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How can we succeed?

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Ask the person who developed it

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Is it an open source project? ● Check the docs / wiki ● Ask in the community ○ mailing list ○ forum ○ irc ○ open an issue / ticket with a question

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Back to basics

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Back to basics ● Technology / Programming language ● Source control ● Running tests ● Build / Run / Deploy

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Detecting languages on Github

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Detecting languages on Github

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Not 100% accurate

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Look for hints ● File extensions ● .gitignore ●

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Look for more hints ● Requirements.txt / ● pom.xml / build.xml ● Gemfile / gemspec ● bower.json

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Scope the task

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Minor changes ● Fix typos ● Add more info to a log statement ● Persist a field that already exists in an object

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In search we trust ● Search for strings in the code repository ● Search existing logs for object names

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Medium size changes ● Add a new field to an object / model ○ process and persist ○ use it in all code layers ● Upgrade the version of a third party library ○ regression is your nemesis ○ minor version upgrade != major version upgrade

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Follow the trail ● Follow existing fields ○ understand the flow ● Follow the tests ○ learn how to add new tests ○ check if tests pass after code changes

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Major changes ● Refactor a module / component ● Add a new functionality which requires a deep understanding of the system ● Performance is key and must not be harmed

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Understand ● The architecture of the system ● Relevant flows and use cases ● The main path ● Fallback, retries, etc.

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Number 1 factor is...

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Goal: Identify entry points ● UI / REST / Backend ● Class hierarchy ● Identify and learn frameworks

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Get to know the code better ● Is there a dependency injection mechanism? ● How do the components communicate ● Configuration keys to enable more info in the logs

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Get to know the system better ● Identify persistency ○ data store type ○ how the data is stored ● Know your container ○ web server ○ application server

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Product configuration files ● Static files location ● Check how they are used and changed ○ directly ○ loaded into the database

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Multi process system ● Identify the processes ● How do they communicate with each other ● High availability / symmetric

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Multithreaded considerations ● Sync or async code flow ● Usage of thread pools

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After several iterations ● Create a sequence diagram ● UML Free online Visio alternative

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Iterating over the code is like solving a puzzle

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Creating anchors “In climbing, a piton (/ˈpiːtɒn/; also called a pin or peg) is a metal spike (usually steel) that is driven into a crack or seam in the rock with a hammer, and which acts as an anchor to protect the climber against the consequences of a fall, or to assist progress in aid climbing” (wikipedia)

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Creating anchors ● Read the code ● If we can debug - put breakpoints ● Read existing logs ● Understand through unitests

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Creating anchors continued ● Change the log level ● Add more logging statements ● Check history in source control - commits and comments

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Creating anchors - IDE Bookmarks

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Creating anchors - the analog way ● Works too!

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Example - utilities to explore the JVM ● JConsole ● VisualVM ● (more tools exist)

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Getting more hints ● Explore threads names ● Thread dump - check thread source ● Take a heap dump - explore classes ● Check which objects a map contains

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Hint on the database Hint on the scheduler

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Network analyzer / packet sniffer ● Software that intercepts and logs traffic ○ decodes data ○ shows packet fields ● For example - Wireshark ● Define filters for efficiency

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Goal ● Send a SOA envelope to a service ● Sender - Ruby code ● Target - Java SOA service

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Reports Engine 1 Reports Engine 2 Reports Engine 3 UI Reports Engine 4 http /engine1 http /engine2 http /engine3 http /engine4 SOA Tomcat SOA SOA SOA SOA

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Steps ● Basic understanding what SOA is ● Intercept traffic of the existing Java code ● Learn how a SOA envelope should look like ● Write Ruby code to create a SOA envelope

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Frontend ● Which libraries are used ● Search for strings / translation files ● Search for icon files location and usage ● Learn how UI calls backend

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Browser developer tools ● FireBug ● Chrome developer tools

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Following the code ● Which css and js are downloaded ● Add watches in the script tab ● Set a breakpoint ○ Use ‘debugger;’ keyword in code ○ Set a breakpoint ● Inspect elements

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Inspect the logo 160px * 159px File type and location Press here to switch to element selection mode Inspecting elements

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Inspect the logo 160px * 159px Inspecting elements

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Useful options ● Network tab ● Copy as curl ● Copy response ● Copy link address

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Following network requests Alissa Bonas @ PyTN 2016

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Analyzing response Alissa Bonas @ PyTN 2016

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Analyzing response - zoom in JSON response

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REST Client ● Learn how REST API is designed

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In short...

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Thank you! mikeyteva

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Graphics credits ● Signpost by Lubos Volkov ● Clock by Kid Mountain ● Idea by Matt Wasser ● Gauge by Joel Avery from the Noun Project ● Tomcat-logo by The Apache Tomcat Project Team ● Loop by from the Noun Project ● Magnifying Glass by Musket from the Noun Project ● Puzzle Piece by icon 54 from the Noun Project ● Writing by Creative Stall from the Noun Project ● Sherlock by James Keuning, the Noun Project ● Twitter by Lubos Volkov, the Noun Project ● Mug by Alex Getty from the Noun Project ● Diamond by MarkieAnn Packer from the Noun Project ● Light Bulb by artworkbean, the Noun Project ● Questions by Rediffusion from the Noun Project ● cancel by Jevgeni Striganov from the Noun Project ● Movies posters -