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Garbage? Garbage? GARRRRRBAAAAAAGG GGEEEEEEE mrb / lightning talks @ pp / May 3, 2013

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I Like Garbage

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I Like Thinking About Garbage

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I Like Thinking About Looking For Garbage

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What is Garbage Collection?

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Automatic memory management for your computer programs.

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“Living” vs. “Dead”

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What memory are you using, and what memory can be reclaimed?

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Your objects form a graph.

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Traversing graphs is hard.

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The Big Algorithms • Mark and Sweep • Reference Counting • Generational

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Ruby makes a lot of garbage.

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Ruby’s Garbage Story en.pdf

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Ruby’s Current GC • Mark And Sweep • Conservative • Bitmap Marking • Non-Recursive Marking • No Moving • Favors C Extensions

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Rubyists wrote C extensions to make certain Ruby code run faster.

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The primitive Garbage Collector supports these C extensions.

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Now, this same Garbage Collector is what is preventing Ruby code from being as fast as it could be.

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“Despite the best efforts of Koichi and other contributors, Ruby Core's concern with backwards compatibility (particularly regarding the C Extension API) keeps MRI lagging more than a decade behind Ruby implementations like Rubinius and JRuby which already have precise, generational and incremental garbage collectors.” - Vincent Marti (@vmg)

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RGenGC Is... • An awesome, fearless hack • Likely to make some Ruby code run faster • Certain to not break compatibility with C extensions • Progress

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RGenGC Isn’t... • The answer to Ruby’s problems • Likely to make all Ruby code faster in the long run • Going to draw people to Ruby • Limitless Progress

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In Conclusion • We need to figure this out • We can find a way forward

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