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Source: Ana Domp Where is the emergency room ? (»Urgencias«)

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg   CLOSE YOUR EYES …   … think about the last time you had a remarkably good experience with a product or service. What made it so great ?

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BUSINESS MARKET CUSTOMER OFFERING CX Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg Value & Interactions Context & Focus

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  “Bakery Experiences – First class by nature” 

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@BennoLoewenberg   »YOU CAN NOT      DESIGN EXPERIENCES«  (nor bake them)

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@BennoLoewenberg  DESIGN FOR EXPERIENCES  You can support good experiences by providing (service through) solutions designed to make customers feel smarter and to keep their flow.

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg   “Opening Times: Closed on Mondays, Closed Today” 

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  CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE  1. What is this ? 2. Do I trust you ? 3. What are you offering me ? and if it passed the ›moment of truth‹ positively: 4. How do I get it ? Source: Seth Godin

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@BennoLoewenberg Source: Huggies

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  DON’T LOVE THE SOLUTION  »Success is not delivering a feature; success is learning how to solve the customers problem« »Don’t try to find customers for your product,  instead find a product for your customers« Sourcen: Mark Cook & Seth Godin

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg Crappy pens can deteriorate an entire customer experience

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg Taking care of crucial details helps improving the experience

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Sourcen: Charles Eames & Dieter Rams   DETAILS MAKE OR BREAK IT  »The details are not the details. They make the design « »Good design makes a product understandable and is thorough down to the last detail «

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg slippery when wet (or soapy) – therefore unusable

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@BennoLoewenberg   EDGE CASES ARE THE NORM  “Real customers often struggle with ‘simple’ details; your solution must cover those scenarios or it will fail for them most of the time”

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  “Please don’t touch”  Offering it at first & than saying ›NO‹

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Source: @BennoLoewenberg aft. Andreas Koch   CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS  “A bad service digitalized, becomes an even worse service.”

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@BennoLoewenberg Source: Ted Goff  ATTITUDE 

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  ATTITUDE 

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  ATTENTION    “Shadow spot for dogs”  fresh water! Fostering loyalty in a big customer segment

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  ASSISTANCE    “Magnifying lens”  useful service & trust-building signal

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  FACILITATION  turning trash into service   “Cardboard boxes at your disposal. Pls. help yourself, see you soon …” 

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@BennoLoewenberg   COMPLETE SERVICE  Only possible, when ALL departments work together

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@BennoLoewenberg Source: John Deere – InSight   PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEM  From tractors to 360° farming services

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@BennoLoewenberg   PERCEPTION SHIFT  Products become physical instances of services.

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@BennoLoewenberg Photo: @BennoLoewenberg   MANY FACETTES 

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@BennoLoewenberg   WALK IN YOUR CUSTOMER’S SHOES  Avoid stupid ideas and poor customer experiences through taking the customer’s perspective and her/his context into account.

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@BennoLoewenberg Source: World Food Programme   WHEN WFP THINKS OF FOOD DELIVERY …    WHEN YOU THINK OF FOOD DELIVERY …  Context & focus: convenience Context & focus: survival

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@BennoLoewenberg   CRUICIAL SUCCESS FACTOR  + Experience Design is Customer Service + Experience Design is Product Quality + Experience Design is Branding + Experience Design is Trust It is a means for business to stay viable !

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