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Macro methods Sergei Egorov @bsideup

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About me DevOps Advocate at ZeroTurnaround Apache Groovy Committer Created MacroGroovy & groovy macro methods

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About me DevOps Advocate at ZeroTurnaround Apache Groovy Committer Created MacroGroovy & groovy macro methods Got drunk and fell yesterday at speakers’ dinner, lol :D

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Macro Methods And why should you care?

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Groovy awesomeness

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Groovy awesomeness Runtime

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Groovy awesomeness Runtime
 meta-programming Compile-time

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Groovy awesomeness Runtime
 meta-programming Compile-time
 meta-programming ( ask someone else :D )

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Groovy awesomeness Runtime
 meta-programming Compile-time
 meta-programming ( ask someone else :D ) Local AST transformations

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Groovy awesomeness Runtime
 meta-programming Compile-time
 meta-programming ( ask someone else :D ) Local AST transformations Global AST transformations

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Global AST transformations

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Ask him!

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GORM’s GlobalDetachedCriteriaASTTransformation

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def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build { eq 'lastName', 'Simpson' } def bartQuery = { eq 'firstName', 'Bart' }

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def criteria = new DetachedCriteria(Person).build { eq 'lastName', 'Simpson' } def bartQuery = { eq 'firstName', 'Bart' } Aha! Macro method!!1

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Groovy’s AstBuilder.buildFromCode

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def result = new AstBuilder().buildFromCode { while (true) { x++; continue } }

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def result = new AstBuilder().buildFromCode { while (true) { x++; continue } } Macro method!

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What’s in common?

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They’re global AST transformations

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Scenario 1. Find a method call

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Scenario 1. Find a method call 2. analyse it

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Scenario 1. Find a method call 2. analyse it 3. Using its arguments, produce new Expression

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Scenario 1. Find a method call 2. analyse it 3. Using its arguments, produce new Expression 4. Replace that method call with what we got in #3

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Smells like demo

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What can you implement?

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def fact(num) { return match(num) { String >> fact(num.toInteger()) (0 | 1) >> 1 2 >> 2 _ >> _ * fact(_ - 1) } } Pattern Matching

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def fact(num) { return match(num) { String >> fact(num.toInteger()) (0 | 1) >> 1 2 >> 2 _ >> _ * fact(_ - 1) } } Pattern Matching Scala? ewww!

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No content

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def fact(num) { return match(num) { when String then fact(num.toInteger()) when 0 or 1 then 1 when 2 then 2 orElse it * fact(it - 1) } } DSL-like Pattern Matching

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doWithData { assert a + b == c where: a | b || c 1 | 2 || 3 4 | 5 || 9 7 | 8 || 15 } Spock-like data tables

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// your awesome library here ?